Truth or Dare / Brian

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A/N- My state is on lockdown until further notice so I should have more time to write. Let's hope that I actually do.

I grinned when I pulled up to Roger's house. We were all having a small get together because we just hadn't seen each other as much lately. By we, I mean Roger, John, Freddie, Mary, Brian, and I.

I walked in without knocking and was greeted by an already tipsy Roger.

"If it isn't my favorite my person," he said as he embraced me in a hug.

"I thought I was your favorite person," Freddie joked from his spot on the floor.

"Well you thought wrong."

"Hey guys," I waved to everybody. I was the last to show up because Roger thought it'd be funny to tell me the wrong time.

I sat in the empty spot next to Brian on the couch. I didn't fail to notice Freddie nudge John to look up at us.

For the next hour or so, all we did was eat, drink, and catch up. Ever since their News of the World tour ended, they had somewhat taken a break from everything. That included each other. So it was nice to finally have all of us together again.

While we were talking, my hand brushed against Brian's several times. My heart sped up every time. I was sure that everybody could hear it.

Did I like Brian? Yes. Did Brian know that I liked him. Well I hoped to God he didn't. It was clear to everyone that I was closer with Brian than anybody else and I didn't want to ruin that.

Roger figured me out years ago. He swore to secrecy but couldn't keep his big mouth shut. He told John within days of confronting me about it. John almost immediately told Freddie who then told Mary.
So really everybody but Brian knew. I planned to keep it that way.

"How about we play Truth or Dare," Freddie suggested.

"You're joking," Roger groaned.

"Will you shut up for once and just go with it," Freddie said, his eyes darting towards me and Brian.

Brian and I exchanged confused looks but got off the couch and joined everybody else on the floor.

"Alright, John. Why don't you start us off?"

"I feel like I'm 12," John muttered. "Truth or Dare, Mary?"


"Boring," Roger sang out.

"Shut up, will you," Freddie pushed Roger over.

"What's your biggest pet peeve?"

Mary thought for a moment before answering, "I hate it when you all fight. It's extremely annoying."

Brian sighed. "Tell me about it."

This continued for a long time. As the game went on, it got more and more interesting. Funnier truths were being asked and the dares got harder.

Roger tapped Freddie and whispered something to him before Freddie did the same to John. They all smirked.

"What was that about," Brian asked.

"What's the point in questioning them? They won't tell us."

"Why don't I get to know," Mary frowned.

"Because, darling, if we told you then you'd tell us to stop," Freddie grinned and wrapped an arm around her.

Freddie then turned to Brian. "Truth or Dare?"


"How do you feel about Y/N?"

I immediately spit out the drink I was sipping on. My eyes were wide and I could feel my face on fire.

"Um.. she's a great friend."

Ouch. Friend zoned.

John shook his head. "C'mon, you have to be completely honest."

Brian twiddled his thumbs as his face turned red. "I guess I have a crush on her."

"You guess?"

"Ok, I know I have a crush on Y/N."

Now my heart really was beating erratically. I had no clue what to say so I stayed silent.

"Now, Y/N. Truth or Dare?"

"I don't think that's how this game works. I'm pretty sure Brian has to ask me now." I took my time to think back to my high school years to remember how the game worked.

"Truth or Dare?"

"That's not how this works-"

"Truth or Dare."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Truth."

Freddie smirked. "Do you want to kiss Brian?"

Brian looked up from his thumbs and glared at Freddie.

"Dare," I immediately responded.

"I dare you to kiss Brian."

"Never have I ever-"

"That's not the game!"

"Guys, will you leave her alone," Brian stood up. "She doesn't feel the same." He opened the front door and slammed it on his way out.

"Well, go get him," John encouraged.

"You guys are jerks and I hate you all," I muttered as I grabbed my coat and opened the door to find Brian sitting on the sidewalk. I walked down the front lawn and sat beside him.

"I'm really sorry about them. If I had known that they'd do that.." I trailed off.

"Why're you apologizing? It's not your fault."

"They've known about my crush on you for years now. I guess they finally decided to act on it since I was too scared to."

Brian turned to me with a small grin. "You have a crush on me?"

My blush quickly returned. "Did I forget to mention that?"

Brian laughed with a nod. "Yes. You forgot that part."

I stood up and held my hands out for Brian to help him up. I kept his hand in mine once he was standing next to me.

"Brian, I really like you. A lot."

Brian grinned down at me. "Y/N, I really like you too."

"Hey, Bri. Truth or Dare?"

Brian rolled his eyes, playfully. "Seriously?"

"Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to kiss me."

"I like that dare," Brian mumbled before pressing his lips against mine.

A/N- you all need to understand that I wrote this while sleep deprived but rather than delete it because it's trash, I'm posting it because I haven't posted in a while. More chapters soon.

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