The End

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Well, guys. It's time.

I never thought I'd ever actually end this book. It was something in my life that I thought would just keep going for as long as I had Wattpad.

But all good things must come to an end. If you even consider this book to be good lol.

I've thought about completing this thing since sometime around February or maybe even before then. It's September, almost October, now. I've been dragging on, writing stuff I'm not passionate about for months now and it's time for me to stop.

I'm not putting in a true effort to write and it's not fair to the people who actually read these imagines.

I can't keep worrying about if people are actually going to like something I put out or if people are going to be mad or disappointed that I haven't posted in 2 months.

To the people who have been around since the very beginning of this book, thank you. To the people who came around towards the middle, thank you. To the people who just read this recently, thank you.

You have no clue how much you mean to me. I was always so excited to post because seeing your reactions and comments to whatever I wrote, was and will always be my favorite part of this book.

I'll truly miss posting a chapter at 3 in the morning and waking up to a bunch of comments telling me how something was funny or cute or sad.

And do not take me ending this book as me saying I don't love Queen. Their music has brought me through so much and I love them more than anyone can ever know. I just can't find the motivation to write for them anymore.

Ending this book is very hard for me, but I need to keep things like my mental and physical health at top priority and saying goodbye to writing Queen Imagines, is a step I have to take.

I'll still be active. You can always message me. Everything will be the same, except there will be no updates here. And who knows? Maybe in the future, I'll decide to write something new. We'll see.

Anyway, I doubt anybody actually read all of that but if you did, thanks. Thank you for the continued support and kindness. It's been fun. I love you all.

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