Stupid Mistakes/ John

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A/N- I'm back with the prompt thing. If you don't remember that then take a look back at my Queen Prompts chapter. I've not finished all of those yet but I'm working on it.
JooBroo I'm sorry for taking so long to write this.

Thank you so much for 1k votes. It honestly means the world to me. ❤️

Shh, you're safe. I won't let you go.

"John Richard Deacon! Quit leaving your bass everywhere!" You picked up John's bass from the kitchen counter and stormed into your shared bedroom. "This is the 10th time this week." You tried to say calmly.

John sat up on the bed. "Calm down." He mumbled with an eye roll. You put John's bass down gently so that you wouldn't throw it at him. You took a deep breath because you knew he hated arguments but this one seemed inevitable.

"I'll calm down the second you stop leaving your bass all over the place."

John snorted. "That rhymed." You felt your eyes roll on reflex.

"Can you be serious? I'm just trying to help you out, Deaky. I don't want it to be in some random place and somebody accidentally break it." You said with a small frown.

"Are you sure that's it? Or do you just need to be in control of everything?" John spat.

You scoffed. He was never like this. John always avoided fighting and tried to stop it but it seemed as if he was egging you on. Your frown deepened and you stood silently.

"Don't have a smartass comment for once?" John asked, sarcastically.

"This isn't like you." You said before walking out of the room.

John finally understood what an ass he was being and jumped up from the bed. "Wait! Y/N!" He called out as he ran to find you. You were reaching for your coat on the rack. John grabbed your wrist and turned you towards him.

"Where are you going?" He whispered. 

You pulled your wrist back, harshly. "Away." You knew that you needed to cool off. You didn't want things to get worse but staying and going back and forth with John wouldn't make anything better. You turned away from him and walked out of the house, slamming the door.

"Y/N! Please! Don't go!" John yelled as he came out of the house. But it was too late. You were already running down the street. He wouldn't have been able to stop you if he ran as fast he could. John whimpered quietly and went back inside.

He closed the door softly, unlike how you had closed it minutes before. He slid down the door and sat. He stared at the wall, willing his tears to go away but they fell freely.


You ran fast. As fast as your legs could take you. You had to get away. You just weren't sure how to handle this. John had never treated you like that. He was like a completely different person.

The tears in your eyes, blurred your vision as you ran. You took turns and went down alleys, blindly. You didn't even notice that it had began to pour until you stopped. You were completely soaked.

You had ran off the emotions of betrayal and all you wanted to do was go to sleep. You looked around but had no idea where you were. You rubbed your eyes and looked around again. Nope. Still no clue where you were.

Your breathing picked up again. It was late and pouring rain and you had no idea how to get home. You pressed your hand to your forehead and tried to calm yourself. It didn't work.

You wanted to go home. To get out of the rain. To go to sleep in a warm bed with John holding you tightly. You wanted John. You wanted him to press kisses all over your face and lull you to sleep with a song. But you wouldn't get it.


John laid on the couch with a worried expression. He didn't know what to do. You were gone and he didn't know where you were. He sat up slowly and finally paid attention to his surroundings.

He noticed it was dark outside and he heard the rain pounding against the roof. "Damn it." John mumbled when he realized you were still out there. He pulled on his shoes that were by the couch and grabbed the keys to his car.

John ran out of the house and jumped into the car. He put the key in the ignition and tried to start it. The car sputtered but didn't start. John frowned and tried several times before giving up. He slammed his hands against the wheel.

John got out of the car and began to run. He would run all night if it meant that he'd find you.


You were slouched against a wall in a random alley. You figured that you wouldn't find your way home until morning so you tried to make yourself comfortable. You were drifting in and out of sleep when you heard your name being called, softly.

"Oh shit." You whispered. "I died." You could've sworn an angel was calling your name. That angel happened to have sounded a lot like John. You stood up and looked around for the angel you were sure was waiting for you.

Your eyes widened when you saw a tall, lanky body running down the street. "What the hell kind of angel is that?"

"Y/N." The voice called again. Only then did you realize that you weren't dead. "Oh my god, Y/N." John whispered when he saw saw you. He ran at full speed to you.

John took you into his arms and held you tightly.
"Y/N. I'm so sorry." He kept mumbling in your ear over and over again. You clutched John's shirt in your hands and sobbed.

You let all of the fear you were feeling before, come out of you. All of the emotions. Everything. John rubbed your back as he held you.

"Shh, you're safe. I won't let you go." He whispered.

After you had finally stopped crying, you pulled away and took John's hand. "I'm sorry for everything I said, Y/N. I don't know what got into me." You could tell that he was clearly distraught over what he said.

"I forgive you." You smiled, weakly. "Can we go home, please?"

John nodded and grinned when he remembered which way to go. "We're going to catch a cold. It's pouring out here."

You sighed. "We'll get over it."

John squeezed your hand and pulled you along.

Time-skip brought to you by Freddie being your guardian angel

John tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead. "I love you more than words can say, Y/N." He climbed into the bed with you and pulled your body against his.

"I love you too, Deaky." You chuckled as John pressed kiss after kiss against your face.

"I won't make the same stupid mistakes. I'll do better, Y/N." John whispered against your cheek.

Tears welled up in your eyes. "You're doing just fine, Deaky. Just fine." John pulled you even closer and held you as tightly as he could without hurting you. You sighed, contently.

John sneezed after a few peaceful moments of silence. Then he sneezed again. He flopped back against his pillows and groaned. "Freddie's gonna be pissed."

A/N- more chapters coming your way soon

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