The Woods / Freddie

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A/N- here's the last chapter for spooky season

"I'm calling it. We are lost in the woods."

It was your fault. You knew that. Going out into the woods with Freddie was a bad idea. Especially on Halloween night.

It's not like you had a choice really. Freddie pulled you along with him because he was scared. And you couldn't blame him for that.


"But I don't want to," you whined.

"Y/N, darling, I couldn't care less. This is about me," Freddie said while gesturing towards himself.

"Fine. I'll go trick or treating with you but I won't enjoy it."

Freddie smiled and took your hands in his while jumping up and down. "Thank you!"


"I'm calling it. We are lost in the woods."

Freddie turned back around to look at you. "Could you stop with the attitude, please?"

You rolled your eyes and plopped on the ground with a sigh.

"This is how I'm going to die," you muttered, "Dressed like Madonna in the middle of nowhere with a man who got scared of a SPIDER and ran into the woods."

"In my defense, it was a big spider."

——————————earlier again——————————

"You do realize that a bunch of adults running around like children might stir some problems, right?"

"Oh, it's just a bit of fun. Relax, darling."

"Speaking of children, where're the boys at," you asked.

As soon as the words were out of your mouth, a scream echoed down the street. With that high pitch, it was obviously Roger.

Within seconds, Deaky, Brian, and Roger were all running towards you. John and Brian were laughing hysterically while Roger seemed to be pouting. 

The 3 of them came to a stop in front of you and Freddie and took deep breaths.

"What was that about? We could hear Rog from all the way down here."

"Somebody pushed Roger into a bush," John spoke up.

Brian raised his hand. "Actually, it was more of a playful nudge."

"Playful nudge? Oh please. I went flying into your neighbor's garden."

"You're just so small," Freddie said with a grin. "Now think how far you would've gone if he really would've pushed you."

Roger glared which caused everybody to laugh. He smirked when he got an idea. He was tired of people laughing over him.

Roger pointed at a leaf in front of Freddie's foot and yelled, "A spider! Watch out!"

Freddie looked down and screeched. Without thought, he took your hand and ran. You didn't question him and instead followed closely behind him.

—————————-present time——————————

"What're we supposed to do now?"

Freddie shrugged. "We could wait until morning."

"No. It's cold out here and I want to go home."

Freddie looked around again. "Look. There's light that way."

You started walking towards it with a grin. "Hurry!"
You picked up your speed and soon you were running towards the light.

You came to a stop and Freddie bumped into your back. "What's your problem?"

You pointed with a smile. There was a street lamp. You looked down the street and saw that you were exactly where you had started out that night.

Freddie chuckled. "Let's go home now."

You took Freddie's hand in yours. He squeezed your hand and led you to the sidewalk so you could walk home.

"Fred," you said quietly.

"Yes, love?"

"I plan on getting Roger back for that."

"I support that."

A/N- well here's the chapter. HAPPY HALLOWEEN

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