Bad Ideas / Roger

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A/N- back at it again

"Oh my gosh, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you're a dumbass."

"No. There is no way that I'm going into that creepy old house with you."

"Oh, c'mon. Don't be such a baby," Roger whined.

"Peer pressure doesn't work on me, Rog."

Roger pulled you against his chest. He ran his hands up and down your arms gently. "Please."

"I hate you."

"I love you too." Roger kissed your head and pulled you along to the front porch of the so called 'haunted house'.

Nobody had lived there for as long as either of you could remember. The town had always joked that it was haunted but no one was brave enough to test the theory. Until now, that is.

Roger opened the door slowly and led you inside. You winced as the floorboards creaked beneath your feet.

Suddenly the door slammed shut. A shrill scream pierced your ears. Roger clung to you tightly.

"Please stop screaming."

Roger shut his mouth with a glare. "Sorry. I was scared."

"Yeah, I can tell."

Despite the fear that raced through your body, you still followed Roger as he walked through the house. Old furniture and dusty sheets were everywhere. Every time you took a step, dust flew up into your face. You had to hold back a sneeze several times.

"Not going to lie, this is kind of a let down," Roger said.

"Well, what do you expect? Ghosts and goblins?"

"I don't know. I just thought this would be fun. The most exciting thing that has happened was when you ran into a cobweb."

You slapped his arm and continued to walk around. "Let's just search some rooms."

All that could be found in the downstairs rooms, were old antiques and eery looking paintings. You both finally decided to climb up the rickety stairs.

You held Roger's hand in yours like your life depended on it. You gasped when you got to the second floor.

"Something is glowing from under that door."

Roger looked in the same direction you were. His eyes widened when he saw the dim purple light coming from a room at the end of the hall.

"Let's check it out."

Roger began to walk in the direction of the room but you pulled his arm.

"Rog! This is how people die in movies! They follow the light! I don't want to follow the light yet!"

Roger rolled his eyes and pulled you along anyway.
You followed reluctantly. You made sure to look around the hallway in case there was some creepy twins waiting for you.

When you finally got to the room, the light seemed to shine brighter. Roger, without thought, gently pushed the door open. You jumped back but Roger walked right in.

You put your hand to your forehead and took a deep breath as you walked in. The room was almost empty except for a table with a light on it. With further inspection, you could see that the light was like a crystal ball from movies you had seen before.
Roger put his hands out as if to grab it.

"Don't touch it!"

Roger jerked his hand back. "Calm down, will you?"

You stood beside Roger and stared at the ball. You reached your hand out a bit. The ball seemed to get brighter as your hand got closer.

"Touch it."

"Shut up."

You finally let your hand meet the cool surface of the crystal ball. The ball practically exploded with light but you didn't remove your hand.

"Woah. You're probably some kind of witch," Roger murmured. "Explains a lot."

"Y'know what? Maybe I am. Why don't I test it out?"

"Ohhh, tell me what the ghosts have to say about me. Do they think I'm sexy?"

"Oh my gosh, I think the crystal ball is working. The spirits are telling me you're a dumbass."

"Rude," he mumbled.

The ball got colder the longer you touched it. You decided to pull your hand away. When you did, all light flashed away and you were left in the dark.

"Oh no."

You and Roger held each other tight. "What're we going to do?"

You were about to answer the question when screams interrupted you. "We have to get out of here!"

You and Roger scrambled to get out of the room and stumbled into the hallway. The screams continued to get louder as you ran. It was completely dark and you had no way of knowing where the stairs were.

Thankfully you found them. Except you found them the hard way. You and Roger fell down the stairs and screamed along with the voices that were already making a lot of noise.

You reached out for Roger's hand and he took yours gratefully. You tried to hurry to stand up but a shadowy figure stood tall in front of you both.

"Get out," the raspy voice said. "Get out!"

You and Roger didn't waste any time on running as fast as you possibly could. You burst through the doorway without getting caught but you kept running. You ran until you couldn't see the house anymore. You ran until you couldn't even breathe.

You let yourself fall down into some grass that was shaded by a tall Weeping Willow.

Roger fell into the grass beside you and heaved for breath. You didn't realize that you had tears streaming down your face.

"Oh my god," Roger repeated to himself over and over.

When you finally caught your breath, you turned and looked at Roger. "We could've died."

Roger nodded.

"We actually could've died!"

Roger nodded again. "We have to tell people."

"But what if we just kept it our secret?"


"Well, the mystery of it all adds so much fun to this little town and I feel like if we told everybody, it would take it away," you explained.

"But don't you think we should warn other people?"

"Nobody else in this whole country is as stupid enough as you to explore that house."

"Good point," Roger laughed.

You stood up and brushed your thighs off. You helped Roger off the ground and ruffled his already crazy hair.

"Can we go home now?"

Roger laughed. "Yes, love."

He wrapped his arm around your waist and you walked down the sidewalk on the way to your shared apartment.

"Never again, will I ever listen to your idiotic ideas."

"Oh, darling. If we're to be married next March, as planned, then you'll have the rest of our lives to listen to my ideas."

"Oh no."

A/N- that was kinda fun to write. i think I'm gonna get Brian and Freddie's chapters done sometime this weekend and then I'm going to do another John chapter because I feel bad about the one before. So be looking for that.

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