It All Starts With A Bullet

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"Come on Jhope the task was not even that hard, you go in and you get out. Not go in and sleep with not one, not two, but THREE of their guards. I don't even know how you do that but are you serious?" Jimin asks angrily, looking at the male responsible.

"Hey back off I still got the information it just.... took longer than expected. I am sorry." Hoseok replied looking down.

"You're damn right, you should be sorry and once we get home go upstairs and clean yourself off you smell like sex, all sweaty and there's cum in her hair.."

"Got it, sir."

The car ride after that was pretty much quiet except Namjoon typing away on his computer like no tomorrow. Jihoon was cleaning some guns which look like snipers and Hoseok was sitting beside Jimin, swirling his blood-stained butterfly knife around his fingers.

As they came up to a red light a few miles away from their mansion, Jimin caught a glimpse of multiply black SUV's simultaneously following them.

"Namjoon get into the security cameras around us. Give me all of the cars license plates around this area and make all the lights green now." The hacker didn't hesitate to get right to work. First getting the lights and then getting the plate numbers. It wasn't soon before more SUV's came around, fully surrounding them.

"DUCK NOW," Jimin yells, and just like he thought, bullets flew through the car after they ducked down.

Jihoon quickly passed the guns to Hoseok before the two then started shooting back while Jimin was still trying to maneuver the car so they won't die from a silly car accident.

Namjoon was still on the floor typing.

The cars seemed to back down since they suddenly disappeared and Jimin found an empty parking garage. Instantly leaving the car and grabbed all their stuff, soon walking away looking like average people.

They were at a park still a couple of miles away from the mansion so they decided to get some ice cream and rest for a bit.

"Hey so what do you think that was back there?"

"I don't know Jihoon, I just know whoever did it is now prepared to die, so Namjoon who attacked us?" Jimin asked in a stern voice.

"Who other than Exo," Namjoon stated and continued walking.

"Ok and little ChimChim, this could be my imagination but isn't that the same SUV from before?" The youngest pointed to a van with many bullet holes through it.

"God damn, yes that is, we need to g-" before Jimin could finish his sentence the guys in the van started shooting at them once again like they just didn't have anything better to do.

All four jumped run over and hid behind some bushes, getting their guns.

It was now a mafia vs. mafia shoot out... fun.

'Thank god nobody has gotten hurt.'

Jimin thought too soon as a bullet pierced the bushed hitting him right in the chest. The gang's eyes widened in shock as their leader fell to the ground, the blood already leaving his body quickly.

"Jhope, RM, I am going to take him to my brother. Ok? Be careful." Woozi orders not letting the others speak before he lifted his boss up bridal style and took off running in the direction of a familiar hospital.


Yoongi has been at work for more than 48 hours yes you heard him 48-hour shifts at the hospital.

Being a successful surgeon was not easy, they would always call him in, because apparently, no one else can do his job like him, and also that is why he doesn't have a life outside of the hospital.

Once Yoongis shift ends he would go home and go straight to sleep until his phone rang by someone needing his help. Which might seem like not a lot of people but there is and he isn't the only doctor there.

There are honestly lots of doctors and nurses but Yoongi being the best right next to his very handsome, might even say worldwide handsome (A/n: I am sorry you can kill me later, I just had to put that in there) best friend, Doctor SeokJin who is not all what everyone thinks he is.

P.S the man likes to be called Jin, and he is another famous doctor who is also called in a lot but he doesn't mind as much. He likes helping out and being there late. Jin says it gives him a thrill being in the heart of the action.

Now back to the present life of Yoongi who was still at work doing some paperwork.

Somehow Woozi got to his door and knocked before kicking the door open then slammed it closed with his foot.

"Jihoon? What are you doing he-" Yoongi said soon trailed off when he saw the injured man. "What happened?" He asked, standing up to rush to the younger.

"Well, to sum it up we were at the park when some Exo members saw us and started shooting."

"Are you hurt?" Yoongi questioned as he looked at Jimins wound.

"No, I am fine but can you help him?"

"Of course I can, but we are going to have to move him to the theater which is up one floor," Yoongi says moving to support Jimin from the other side as they headed towards the lift, thanking God that nobody was around at the time while they do so.

The floor up was completely empty as it only had surgical theatres, x-rays, and an MRI scanner.

Yoongi pushed open the door to the theatre and ordered Jihoon to lay the man down on the operation table and to remove his shirt as the doctor went to go get the equipment he would need.

When Yoongi got back he immediately started working on stabilizing the man and then worked on removing the bullet which was logged in his chest.

As soon as the bullet had been removed and Yoongi was finished with the stitches along with seeing that Jimin was stable, he turned around to face his younger brother.

"Is he going to be alright? Jihoon asked worriedly playing with his fingers

"Yes, he will be but he will need a lot of rest to recover." Yoongi sighs, stripping off his gloves.

"Thank you for helping him Yoonie, I probably should be going though," Jihoon said as he helps the unconscious Jimin to his feet before leaving his brother behind.

This might not be the best first chapter but I promise it will get better 👍🏻

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