The Most Beautiful Surprise

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As the next day rolls in everyone was already in a hurry. People all over the house trying to get Jimin set up or trying to help plan out Yoongis surprise. Which the man was out in Vixx's garden/ backyard when Hoseok decided to text him.

Hey did you find it?

Mr. Suga(r):
Yeah I think I did, in the garden by the waterfall

Good, I will get Twice on it, they love decorating these for types of things

Mr. Suga(r):
K thanks Hope and make sure Jimin doesn't figure
it out 👍

I promise but that is not my part you will need
to make a plan

Mr. Suga(r):
  Don't worry I have one

Okay sure bye

Oh and Jin wants to see Jimin

Mr. Suga(r):
Ok bye

Yoongi puts his phone down and looks around at the beautiful place.

"I hope Jimin likes it," he whispered and walked back inside the mansion.

"YOONGI!" He heard someone yell.

"Hey, babe!" Yoongi smiled at his cute fiancé, who jumped on him.

"What were you doing outside?" Jimin asks clinging out to Yoongi like a koala.

"Just looking at the view, what are you doing?" He smiled and kissed the top of his fiancé's head.

"Just helping Jin out with things in the kitchen. He said something special is going to happen tonight, I am so excited, but then I will-" as Jimins trailed off his smiled disappeared at the thought of leaving to go fight GD.

Yoongi lifted Jimins head, so the two were eye to eye "Don't worry, you will win and then we'll get a happy ever after, okay?" He smiles.

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem, honey, and make sure you wear something nice tonight I want to take you out."

"But what about the special event?"

"We will get back in time, don't worry, and babe, I know you were just with but I think Jin wants to see you again," Jimin kissed Yoongi and started walking towards Jin's room, just having a guess he was there.

Knocked on the door and waiting before the older opens it.

"Hey, ChimChim come in."

"Hey, Yoongi said you wanted to see me again."

"Yes, I want to dye your hair and to get you ready for tonight".

"Sweet, what color?" He asks, clapping his hands together excitedly.

"I think you will look hot in a dirty blonde so sit down and let your momma do the work!" Jin commanded and started working once the younger sat down.

A very long hour later and Jimins hair is now dyed a nice dirty blonde and he had to admit he looks hot.

"Wow, thank you, Jin!" Jimin smiled and walked to the door but was pulled back by the elder.

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