Betrayal At It's Finest (pt 2)

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"LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" Kevin laughs shooting a guy.

Everyone disbanded after that, each starting to fight to the best of their abilities.

"Try and separate Jimin, Suga, and Xiumin" Hui ordered to his men before coming out from his hiding place with Hyungsik and Dahyun.

Each walking towards their target, steadily starting to separate their maiden three from the protection of everyone else.

"Come on guys, let's all do a one on one with each other, to the death." Hyungsik chuckled sliding in front of Jimin.

"Are you that confident in your fighting skills that you will put your life on it?"

"My sweet boy, I can beat anyone's ass-".

"Okay, enough talk, let's fight." Xiumin cuts in, earning a small chuckle from Yoongi as Dahyun grabbed her knife and charges at her brother.

Hui and Yoongi immediately started throwing punches that made them go somewhere leaving Jimin and Hyungsik.

"Come on kid, scared to die by your father?" He smirked.

"You are not my dad so no, I am not scared because I have become a better fighter since I last saw you, I think you're filled of shit," Jimin giggles and raised an eyebrow at Hyungsik.

"Okay then." Hyungsik moved quickly and carefully, landing hits on the younger.

He lunged forward and tried to hit Jimin with a Superman punch but the younger quickly moved away and hit him in the ribs.

Hyungsik clutched at his aching body part and moved away from his son who walked circles around him.

When his dad regained enough strength, he swiftly got behind Jimin and kick at the back of his knee.

"Look who is weak now." Spit landed on the side of Jimin cheeks, biting his lip, the young leader, being flexible and all brought his leg all the way up and slamming against his father's jaw.

Hyungsik screamed in pain when his teeth collided, some even cracking right then and there.

"Oh look at that," Jimin smirked darkly, standing back up to grab his father's hair and make him look at him. "AM I STILL USELESS?" Jimin screamed, repeatedly punching the man.

"Y-Yes, a-and w-will a-always b-be." Hyungsik stuttered with blood dripping down his face. Jimin growled before taking out his gun.

"Well then let me end your suffering if I'm such a useless son," Jimin growled shooting Hyungsik in between his eyes and then letting his body fall.

From afar, he hears Hui scream looking at Jimin and his dead friend on the ground.

"You're next," Yoongi grins twisting Hui's hand behind his back and pushed him to the ground. "Have fun in hell." He whispered, stabbing his father in the back of his head with Jimins pocket knife.

"Hey, isn't that mine," Jimin asks, walking over pouting.

"Yeah, but since you had mine, I thought I should take yours." Yoongi smiled, shimming his shoulders slightly.

"May-" Jimin was cut off by a ninja star going in between them. "Who the fuck uses ninja stars for God's sake?" Yoongi looks around and both male's eyes landed on Dahyun and Xiumin still fighting.

"Dahyun stop with the stars, grow up already." Xiumin sighed dodging another ninja star. "SORRY YOU TWO," he yelled looking at the two shocked faces but they nodded and rejoined joined the fight.

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