A Day To Remember

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Jimin slowly opened his eyes to see Yoongi's face right next to his. Smiling brightly at the thought of last night and knowing he was now Min Jimin.

Yet, when he moved his hand, yarning to touch his husband's cheek, his ring got caught on the comforter, taking all his attention away.

For what seems like hours, Jimin stares at the bad until his husband finally woke up.

"Hey, handsome," Yoongi mumbles groggily.

"Hey, gorgeous.. how are you?"

"Doing just great now." He smiled and moved forward to place a soft peck on the youngers soft lips.

"Is that all?" Jimin smirks and crawls onto Yoongi lap, connecting their lips into a heated kiss.

The elder doesn't hesitate to kiss back but was very careful since his baby was still hurt.

"Babe... we... should... mmhh fuck.... probably get... ready now.. before Jin.... barges in here," Yoongi mumbled between kisses.

Jimin hums and slides off his husband to make his way to his closet, very grateful that Monsta X has made him a type of sock that allows him to walk with a broken foot.

Yoongi watched in disappointment as the younger got dressed and did his normal routine. It wasn't long before he was finished.

"Yoongi come on get up." Jimin groaned pulling at the older's arm.

Yoongi smirked while looking at the boy who gulped when their eyes met. The elder used all his strength to pull Jimin back into bed and put him in a bear hug.

"Damn it," the younger cursed at his luck.

"Let's maybe sleep in a bit more," Yoongi murmurs nuzzling his head onto Jimins chest.

"You just said that we need to get up before Ji-" Jimin was interrupted by an angry spy walking in, not caring about knocking, and goes right to the end of their bed.

"Min Yoongi get your ass up now or else." Jin threatened. "And Min Ji- oh you are already dressed, good for you my favorite child!" Jin smiled warmly at him.

"Not this child thing again," Jimin whispered playing with his husband's hair.

"Now Yoongi... if you don't get your ass up RIGHT  now. I will- I will make Jimin sleep in my room for a week. Which means no sex and then I will burn this bed." Yoongi's eyes popped open and immediately jumped out of bed to get dressed.

"That is the fastest I have ever see him move.. and we sleep together." Jimin teases and walked over to the spy's side.

"Now Chim, you can go downstairs and I will stay with Yoongi to make sure he does everything right." Jimin nods with a smile and walked out the door to make his way to the kitchen.

"OH, THERE HE IS EVERYONE! MIN JIMIN! LET'S GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!" Taehyung joked fully yelling, however, the gang still clapped and congratulated him until Jin started yelling.

"MIN YOONGI I WILL KILL YOU," was heard and they stopped to look to where the yell came from.

Not a moment later Yoongi jumped from the stair landing perfectly but Jin, oh sweet old Jinnie came out running covered with water and somehow glitter. He too jumped from the stairs and chased the younger around the kitchen and house.

It gave the different mafias a good laugh at the Tom and Jerry act. It was all fun in games until they followed the two outside to see what would happen next.

Jimin gasped in pure horror when he saw what had happened. Yoongi somehow crawled up onto the roof while Jin was standing on the ground looking at him smirking.

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