Black Dragon (pt 2)

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(Warning ⚠️ long chapter)

"So man are you like going to tell her?" B.I asks.

"What?" He looks at him weirdly. "Are you crazy? She can't know." Xiumin shakes his hand, sipping down another shot.

"What? What are you not going to tell her?" Yunhyeong asks looking at them cluelessly as he walked back over from the girls.

"This guy won't tell a girl that he has feelings for her and that Crush is his and Dahyuns cousin." B.I laughs as Xiumin chucked his glass at the man.

"What? Really? Wow did not see that coming, you should tell her."

"What I-"

"Don't interrupt me." Yunhyeong clears his throat. "So as I was saying, you should tell her, I can ask Momo to see what Jennie thinks about you like right now." Yunhyeong finally finishes with sass.

"That would be great!" Xiumin smiles happily.

"Ok Yunhyeong to Momo".

A second later. "Momo to Yunhyeong what do you want?" She sassed back with much more attitude.

"Hey watch it, and ask Jennie what she thinks about Xiumin."

"Fine." She snapped.

"Man that attitude." Yunhyeong laughs rolling his eyes.

"Yeah," Xiumin whispered taking another sip of his beer that B.I brought over.


"Hey, Jen, I need to talk to you," Momo says walking to her.

"Yes, Momo."

"So me and the other girls were wondering what do you think about Xiumin?" She asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh um he is ok I guess." Jennie blushes, looking away.

"Mmh well to let you know he is single. He is protective, handsome, charming. He can even sing and dance and is totally ready to mingle. What's not to love?" Momo smirks.

"Okay, I will keep that in mind," Jennie whispers, and both girls went back to their practicing.

A few more hours later and the club was soon open so Crush was already walked in and had a few drinks.

"Ok gentleman we have fresh meat so be nice and welcome LUNA!" The announcer winks at the audience.

"Ok, Jennie go out there and woo them!" Dahyun smiles and pushed Jennie out to the lustful males.

The music comes on with the first step and Jennie starts to sway her hips seductively. 

"Hey, Hwall who is that?" Crush asked watching Jennie swinging upside down from her legs.

"Well, that is Luna she is new here." He answered.

"When she is done get us a room." Crush waved Hwall off, not watching how he went to the bar to find an open room.

"Hey B.I the mission is still in the green room right?" Hwall asks, looking at his clipboard.

"Yeah, I already set Crush and 'Luna' up," B.I says quoting the name and left to fill up some customer's cups.

Hwall walks back humming. "Hey boss, I got you the green room once she finishes," he says as the lights go down and Luna disappears.

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