Betrayal At It's Finest (pt 1)

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Yoongi's pov

Jimin has already called Jay and told him our masterpiece plan. Already, Xiumin, Hoseok, Ten, and Mark have gone undercover, with the help of Jay.

Jooheon has finally finished his favorite device, it was this specially made mask that couldn't be taken off unless the user did.

That means even if the enemy has the opportunity to uncover your identity, they wouldn't be able to. The whole thing is pretty pre-explainable.

It has a special lock that can detect if the user wants to take it off or not. In simple terms, Jooheon placed a special chip in it so it can read simple brain instructions.

I'm not that smart.

But I do know those masks will be on Xiumin, Hoseok, Ten, and Mark the whole time.

We have all the stuff set up and ready to go, we're just waiting for one of our dads to call to appertaining kill us...... yay.

And while all that happens, Jimin and I have been cuddling all most the whole day today. Just in our bed, declining everything and everyone, so we could be together.

As of now, Jimin was curled up onto my chest as I hum, 'Summer Day' by BRS. I was playing with his hair when Jin ran in with my husband's phone in his hand.

"Is he up?" Jin whispered pointing to Jimin.

"Yes, he is," Jimin chuckles sitting up, "what is up?"

"It's them." The younger looked at me and took the phone while I sat up, waved Jin out and Jimin put the phone on speaker when the door closed.

3rd person pov

"Yoongi, Jimin nice to see you again."

"What does that mean 'see you again?'" Yoongi asks rubbing and squeezing Jimins thigh.

"Come on use that smart brain, son. We are always around just in different forms.

"Yes, like maybe around your beautiful house with a sniper to both your heads." The couple could feel the cockiness radiating off of Hui just by the sound of his voice.

"So how do you want to do this? You either come out and hand yourself over to us or we kill every last person in that god damn house of yours, my sweet boy, your choice."

"I am not your boy and-" Jimin looked at Yoongi who was glaring out the window

"Oh, Yoongi, son, nice glare. I can feel it in my boots, oh even my men are telling me that they are a bit scared. It's so cute seeing you like this, trying to figure out where they are, well let me just say you will never know." Hui chuckled.

"I-" Yoongi nodded looking back at Jimin. "I guess we will come out."

"Good choice Jimin, we will send two of our men to come to get you."

"Yeah sure." Jimin quickly ended the call and laid onto Yoongi's lap and took a sigh.

"Well, we should probably say goodbye to everyone." Yoongi joked earning a small chuckle from the tiny male.

Jimin stood up and yanked Yoongi up making both of their faces only centimeters apart.

"You know what? They can wait, why don't we just make out and do some other stuff?" Yoongi grinned.

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