The Plan Made By The Enemy

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"Some people would say that the government works for Hyunseung and yes that is true but there is this guy named Jay and he's kinda Hyunseung's boss." Suho starts.

"He had allowed and provided all the things Hyunseung did to everyone. This guy is like a ghost, you may think that you have been going up against Hyunseung but no it was always Jay planing everything out, he is always 2 steps ahead of you. He is the boss of the largest American Mafia called 666 Ghost."

"Jimin, remember what I said earlier and how Hyunseung convinced me that it was your fault or something well Jay had promised Hyunseung all the power if he could get us all," Suho told everyone and Jimin frowned in his corner.

"Why us? There are other powerful mafias," Onew groans.

"Well Monsta X is known for their smarts in technology. Blackpink is known for their weapons, plus they are girls so they are masters in seduction." Suho winked at Rose who rose a brow and looking at Jimin who put his hand up shaking his head.

"SHINee is known for their international partnerships. Got7 for being the best spy and having stealth technology. Jimin, you literally lead an army and stick with interesting ways of fighting." Suho continues.

"Vixx is a street gang and they specialize in using other objects around them. Seventeen uses their youngness to attack and they have specialized in chemicals. NCT has big points in their amount of members and dance fighting, which is awesome to watch. Super Junior does drugs and gambling making them one of the richest mafias-".

"So why does Hyunseung want all of us?" Rose asks rubbing her chin.

"Well if you take away all the leaders from the mafias the rest are like headless chickens so Hyunseung wants to take your mafias to make one big mafia and take over the world... kind of," Suho responds with a big smile.

"Oh ok, then how do we stop this ghost man then?"

"Well, Ms. Rose. We are not stupid I asked Baekhyun to follow, Jay's most trusted men. Shin Hyoseob but professionally known as Crush's schedule and at 9 o'clock he goes to Black Dragon which is an underground club and stays there until 3 in the morning, so I was wondering if-".

"Before you finish, Blackpink will go so they can bring him back here where we can question him ourselves." Jimin steps forward looking at the elder.

"That was what I was going to say but I didn't know if they would want to go," Suho stated.

"Well next time ask us then," Rose smirked.

"O-Okay." Suho stuttered, blushing a bit but he cleared his throat and continued talking. "Um okay, so Blackpink can go tomorrow. I already had some people inside and they will use one of you ladies as a stripper. Once you finish, bring Crush to the green room on the far right which is where Xiumin will be with widow poison."

"What is a widow poison?"

"It is like truth serum but once he tells us everything he passes out for 3 hours the dies slowly. It's very painfully," Suho responded.

"Okay then so Rose does any Blackpink members know how to pole dance?" Jimin looks at Rose, embarrassed to even ask this.

"Yeah, Jennie knows how but only a bit."

"Good Jennie will go tomorrow night at 6:30 and train with the others for a bit, Suho I don't like asking this since I don't know if I can fully trust you especially with this Xiumin guy since he will do this poison thing-".

"Will Xiumin stay by Jennie's side?" N interrupted looking at them all.

"Yeah, N was it? He will until around 9 then he will leave to go to the room."

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