Wake Up For Me

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2 weeks have passed since the whole thing with Hyunseung went down and let's just say, everyone has been miserable. Mostly Yoongi since Hyunseung went through with his promise, and now Trouble Maker was his, including the paperwork that has been keeping him busy.

The mafia heads all want home after the first day but they've been visiting Yoongi and Jimin who was still in a coma.

Over the weeks Yoongi has decided to do all his work in Jimins infirmary room. Hated the idea of leaving his boyfriend all alone but since Jin, lives there now, Yoongi would leave for the time span of 10-20 minutes to take a shower and change into clean clothes. He doesn't want to get hit with a slipper again.

Jin, being like then a mom of the everyone, would bring in food for the young leader and make sure no one would bother him, except for the nurses who had to check up on Jimin.

"Hey, babe I really miss you. Please wake up for me," Yoongi whispered, after closing his laptop to take another break from his work.

"I am right here gorgeous. Hello? Can't you hear me?"

"Hello, my Jimin." The leader turned around, feeling like he was in a dream with black surrounding him.

"Um, who are you? Why can't he hear me? Wait how can I hear you? Wait more importantly where am I?"

"Jimin, you've been in a coma for almost 2 to 3 weeks".

"What! How do I wake up then?"

"You just do but you have to let go of something-".

"Ok yeah, whatever it is I will do it, so let's go!" Jimin tried to walk away but something grabbed his hand. "Um please let go me go."

"My dear son."

"W-What? Who are you?" He tried pulling his hand but the shadow wouldn't let go.

"Aw, my son. I am Suzy, your mother. Don't you remember? But this was me when I was really hot and young-".

"No that is impossible." Jimin shook his head stepping back, seeing how the shadow changed into someone with a familiar face. "I must be on so many drugs."

"Yes you're on drubs but I am right here. I just want to tell you something, back when I was alive I wanted to go find you when Jihyun went into Exo. I was ready to leave him but your brother started to blackmail me. Please don't be upset, trust me enough to know that I wanted to come back." Suzy said and Jimin suddenly hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, Jimin but you do need to go. Yoongi is waiting and he needs you by his side for what is to come." Suzy squeezed him one last time before starting to walk in the opposite direction than to a  white door.

Jimin wiped his tears and took a deep breath, turning to the door staring back at him, and slowly turns the handle.

"Please Jimin. Please come back, please wake up for me." Yoongi begged, gripping the younger's hand.

"Y-Yoongi?" Jimin whispered, turning his head to the elder.

"HE IS AWAKE! NURSE!" Yoongi screamed, hugging Jimin like no tomorrow before the nurses, Jin, Namjoon, Woozi, Hoseok, and S.Coups all ran in.

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