Chapter 20: Miss me sweetheart?

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(Eight months later)

I'm now on my way to the corner deli to pick up lunch for everyone. Everyone is at the office just catching up so we figured we would grab them lunch. The kids are there as well. Life is pretty amazing now. I have my wonderful son Theo and my beautiful baby girl Athena who is now 7 months old. I'm back to my old lovely shape just with a few more curves which I'm happy about as are my men. We live with my husband Edwin and our lover Shane in our old house only we had it remodeled to make it new again. We cancelled the divorce and the three of us are giving this relationship another go. Trust is being built back slowly but at least it's a step forward. We are more then happy now. Jack and Emma are also going strong and she is currently 5 months pregnant. Her and mine's relationship is stronger than ever as is Jack and Edwin's.

I round the corner to the deli and see Emma getting out of the car. We were meeting up to put this lunch together for everyone which includes Edwin's parents and cousin. "Hey girl." Emma says as she grabs my arm. "We need to hurry cause I'm so fucking hungry I will die." She screamed. As we where about to walk in 8 big black SUV'S pull up with a screeching halt. Men in suits pour out of 7 of the vehicles. Our body guards swarm us as it is protocol two were taken out immediately.

Guns pointing at us as well as our men pointing theirs at them like an old fashioned show down. Suddenly a enemy man walks over and opens the door to the middle vehicle. Just then I wanted to die at the sight of Alessandro stepping out and fixing his suite as he locks eye with me and smirks.

"Miss me sweetheart? You didn't think you could rid me from your life that easily did you?" Sandro addresses me. "What do you want?" I reply not sure where his state of mind is right now. "I never pegged you as dumbass babygirl. You know what I want. I just want what belongs to me." he says with a hint of annoyance. "And I'm not Dion Warwick from the Psychic friends network I can't read minds." I shoot back. Sandro laughs out. "I've always loved your sassy mouth. The things I have planned for it. Well sweetheart to answer your question even though I thought it was pretty damn obvious I'm here for you. You are mine and always have been." he states as if everyone knows this info. "Sorry to disappoint but no... Now go." I say as I steel my back ready for a fight.

Suddenly 2 more of my men fall. Luckily not fatal. As I assess the situation I notice the red dots from a scope. There are a lot pointed at everyone. About 4 for each of the remaining 3 men and 2 on Emma one at her heart and one at her stomach. Terror runs through me. "I see you realize the seriousness of the situation. I will give you a choice come with me willingly and everyone will live. Fight me and they will all died including Emma and her baby." he says so nonchalantly. "But Emma was your friend?" I whisper out. "No baby, she was just a pond to get to you. Now choose." he laughs out. "No, I'm not doing this I'm no..." I try to say but don't get the chance to finish. As I was interrupted by one of the men falling to his death from a bullet in the head. I start to tremble. Now more dots move to Emma. "FINE! I will go please don't hurt or kill anyone else. Let them all go." I beg. Sandro nods as two of his men come toward me. My men go to fight. I step around them. 

"Scott, please protect Emma make sure she gets home safe. Care for the wounded and the fallen. Please tell my babies mamma loves them and they are my most precious gift. Tell Shane I do love him and wish I could have spent more time with him so I could have actually told him those words but I was just afraid. Tell him to take care of Edwin and my babies." I begin to tear up. "Tell Edwin I'm so sorry. Let him know that I couldn't let anyone else especially Emma get hurt. Tell him he is my soulmate and I love him always and forever. He is the only one that owns my heart and soul. Make sure he takes care of the babies and tell them how much I love them so they remember me. Tell everyone I love them to take care." I say trying to hold the tears at bay as realization hits that I'll never she my love ones. Emma grabs me like I'm her lifeline. Tears rolling down. She keeps shaking her head no. "Please don't go. Don't leave me. He won't hurt me he is bluf..." She never gets to finish because the next thing that happens is her screams fn pain ring out in the air as her arm starts to bleed. Reality hits like a trunk she has been shot.

"You mistake me for someone who cares for you. I don't. I only care about Abigail and right now she is working me nerves. Stop with the drawn out speech and come to me, or I will take a kill shot next time." his tone is agitated. I then look down and see an gun with silencer on it in his hand. He actually shot her. Not his men but him. 'How could I have been so wrong about him to think he was a decent human?' I think as I try to calm myself and the situation. I move away from her and place her in the guards hands. I then let Sandro's men grab me and lead me to the car. As we get in Sandro closes the door as he says welcome back baby. I feel a pitch on my neck and turn to see one of his men with a needle. Everything starts to blurt but not before I punch the man that's holding the needle beside me. God help me...Edwin, my babies, my family I'm sorry I love you I think then darkness lights out for me.

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