New School

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Charlotte Williams stepped into the auditorium hall, where the Dean was giving his yearly speech about the school's inception in 1903 and presenting the new news about the upcoming year. She walked in to see so many people walking around and finding their seats. There were so many little groups she could chose from, but for now, Charlotte decided to remain on her own until the ceremony was over. 

She couldn't decide a few weeks earlier on which school she wanted to attend. She debated on a public, where all of her friends were going for their freshmen year, or to an elite boarding school. She decided to take a change and decided that an elite boarding school couldn't be as bad as it sounds. Now, she walked the halls of the school like any other student.

That year would be different compared to every other year as the school was opening it's doors and allowing newcomers into the school. It was not usual for the school to do such a thing, but after seeing how remarkably talented these children were, the school wanted them to be apart of their team. The new team was the Ducks, a Peewee hockey team who never would've thought of making it bigger than Peewees, but now they were being accepted into an elite school after being crowned gold medal champions at the Junior Goodwill Games.

Sitting in the crowd, Charlotte brought her right leg over her right and brought her hands to her lap, listening carefully. "We proudly open our doors via full scholarships to a truly gifted group of student athletes. So, will you please join me in giving them a rousing Warrior welcome..." The Dean spoke at the podium.

Meanwhile, out back, the Ducks were sneaking in through the back as they were running a little late. The original Ducks were skating around town to gather one another as the new Ducks sat within the crowd in front of the Varsity hockey team, who would not leave them alone.

"To the gold medal winners of the Junior Goodwill Games. I present to you-" He was cut off when the curtains had fallen and chairs had been tipped. The Ducks had slipped on stage with their roller skates, all of them tumbling one over the other. The eight players attempted to recover nicely, but the school was already laughing at them and their teammates were cringing with bowed heads, not believing what they had just done. Now, their picture of a good team was gone because of this.

"Hey, get off me." Goldberg spoke at the bottom of the group and Connie got up, fixing her tilted helmet. The kids continued to laugh and the Dean stared at them wide eyed, along with the rest of his teacher committee.

"Hi." Charlie started, looking at the crowd in embarrassment. "We're the Ducks." He gave them a half smile, along with the rest of the Ducks.

Charlotte couldn't help but laugh herself. She brought a hand to her mouth, hiding the fact that she was laughing at this new team. There was eight of them and she wondered if they were serious about letting this team in on scholarship. That team had just ruined the entire ceremony and everyone laughed and everyone had seen. She stood up as the ceremony was finished and gazed over at the group of students on stage, who tried getting up quietly with their skates on, but failed when one of them, Averman, had pulled down two of his players, Fulton and Guy.

Shaking her head, she left and headed for her locker to grab her books and go to her very first class on her first day of school. She was a little shaky and nervous because she always had her older brother with her at school and now she didn't. He did not want to attend a peppy school full of gifted and uptight students who thought of only themselves. He did not want to start over as he had a popularity ranking at his own school, where he had a lovely girlfriend, lots of friends, played on the football team and he always would smile because his sister, Charlotte, was always there cheering him on the loudest.

Charlotte did not have the best life one could want. She got by with who she had. Charlotte's family is wealthy, they're middle class to rich, but just below the rich. She was not as wealthy as the peppy boys from Eden Hall, but she did have a wealth status. Her style was very natural as she wore clothes like any girl. She didn't mind wearing skirts, dresses, or pants. She could wear shorts with a crop top, army boots and her hair down. She could wear a knee length skirt with a button up shirt, sweater, heels, and her hair up. She embraced all of the clothing trends.

She liked the way her life was. She had a few previous boyfriends, but none of them were really for her and she was on a break from boys for now. She wanted to focus on studies and she wouldn't mind maybe thinking about dating a boy in the near future, but as of now, she wanted to keep it simple. Her life had always been exciting with some simplicity. 

Her mother had left her when she was only seven years old and she could never forgive her mother. She had to learn everything a girl needed to on her own. What man could teach his daughter to apply makeup to her face? What man could shop for bras with his daughter? Men could, but Charlotte simply found if funny every time she went bra shopping with her father. He was not embarrassed to be seen in the store shopping for bras, he was there for his daughter when she needed help.

Charlotte was upset that she did not have a mother and her father never really looked for a wife to become a mother figure for his children and Charlotte didn't mind. She was so used to it being her father, brother, and herself that a new edition was not needed. Charlotte wonders what it would have been like if she did have a mother, would she still be going to Eden Hall, would she have a close bond with her brother and father? Would she be as happy as she is? Would things have changed?

Shutting her locker door, Charlotte walked down the hall filled with students as she tried to find her class. She stepped into her History class and found herself a seat near the back. She could be quiet and unnoticed as she would not need to answer questions. She was very shy when it came to that. She was always nervous and shaky about having the wrong answer that she hated being put on the spot. Sitting down, she set her books down and her bag on the back of her seat as more students continued to pile into the class.

Her teacher walked in and sat down at his desk. There was a pile of manuals on the front corner of the teacher's desk. On the middle of his desk sat a large leather book and a creepy puppet, in which he would use as a demonstration for his work.

Charlotte and the other students quieted down as class was about to start, but then a few students ran into the class, running late as they were speaking with the Dean in the library. The teacher nods and allows them to take their seats before he shuts the door and starts his class. One of the new students had taken their seat next to Charlotte and she glanced over, where the red head with glasses waved at her with a wide grin, excited to be there. She sent him half a smile and a slight, wondering if he was all right or not.

The boys on the other side of the room laughed at the red head, but remained silent after when the teacher spoke up. He paced around the classroom, up and down the rows of desk with his large leather book and creepy old puppet. "It's been said that the past is to the a dwarf..." He started and showed the puppet. Most of the students raised their brows in confusion, but Charlotte wanted to know where this teacher was going with his demonstration.

"...On the shoulders of a giant. If a dwarf holds his seat, he can indeed, see further than the giant. But beware if the dwarf should grow careless and forget his place." He spoke, setting the dwarf on one of the middle desk. He slammed the book down on top of the puppet, causing all the students to fall back in their seats in fright. "History is a giant. Get ready for a ride."

In another class, Charlotte was surprised to see a few boys from the Ducks team, who were in her History class, in her English class. The woman was strict, crazy, and a little over dramatic as the students and groaned and whined, disliking what they heard from her. She paced the front of the class with work sheets, already giving homework to her students.

"Every Monday you'll have a practice quiz, every Wednesday you'll have a real quiz, every Friday you'll exam, an whenever I feel like it you'll have a surprise quiz or exam." She spoke. Charlotte raised her hand. "Yes, Miss Williams."

"Um, isn't this English class? How can we have so many exams?" She asked.

The woman cocked a brow and set her books, staring at Charlotte and the other students grew oddly quiet. "Are you disrespecting my work ethics?"


"Are you talking when I am talking?"

"N-" She stopped herself, not needing to push things any further.

Th teacher stood up right and smiled, pocking her books up. "That's what I thought, Miss Williams and yes this is English, but you must learn and grow with the novels I give you. You must have proper grammar and know how to write texts. There will be plenty more. Shall I continue?"

Charlotte remained quiet.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now