JV VS Varsity Showdown

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Before the boys had entered their locker room, KC and Charlotte stopped them. A few stayed and the rest had continued as the girls were not allowed in the locker room. "Hey," KC spoke to the few who stood there. Charlie, Fulton, Averman, Russ, and Luis looked at the two girls, where Charlotte wore her own attire and KC wore her cheer uniform, her skirt so short that her butt was freezing inside the arena and Charlotte laughed, having no sympathy. "Good luck out there." 

"Thanks, Hot Stuff." Averman smiled sheepishly. Fulton pushed him into the room and Russ had followed inside as Averman wondered why they had kicked him away.

Charlotte giggled in laughter. "What he said." Fulton repeated.

"Get 'em good out there. Crush 'em." Charlotte spoke, punching both of their shoulders as Varsity walked by and headed for their locker room, the crowd starting to get their seats with their goodies in hand.

Rick and Cole stopped, looking at the two cheerleaders he saw often. "What are you two doing around this trash?" He asked the girls.

KC and Charlotte looked at one another, but only KC had the guts to speak up before anyone else. Charlie, Fulton, and Charlotte remained quiet, watching the exchange that was about to happen. KC laughed and shrugged her shoulders playfully. "Oh, Rick, you're so full of shit, you know that?" KC spoke and he grew offended and curious as to where this was going. "We never liked you, even if you have a good ass-"

Charlotte pulled her friend back and Charlie and Fulton covered their mouths, looking at each other and laughed. "She didn't mean it, Rick."

"Like hell she did." He scoffed and entered his locker room.

"Well, we should let you go." Charlotte spoke and turned, the boys nodded. KC had followed, but when Fulton called her name quietly, she stopped and came back. Charlotte had continued and when she noticed KC was no longer there, she continued walking and grabbed their seats in the stands, they were half full already and she sighed, thinking of where they were going to sit. Fulton had entered the locker room, shutting the door as there was hoots and hollers from his teammates and he smiled, high fiving some of them as he took his seat and grabbed his gear and tape.

KC noticed it was just her and Charlie. She crossed her arms and looked away, shaking her head as she did not believe it was just him and her. "Hear me out, KC." Charlie began. "I screwed up big time and I didn't think it'd make you mad like it did." 

"Well it did." She shot back.

"I'm sorry." He told her.

"You sure don't seem it." 

He leaned forward and brought his hands to her face, pulling her towards him and pressing a kiss to her lips. She closed her eyes and returned the kiss. She gasped and pushed him off. "Why'd you do that?" She shoved him again.

"What?" He asked her, his eyes wide as he looked at her. She had kissed him back. What was the problem? "What?" He repeated and shook his head.

"No, I can't do this. Not now." KC spoke, being dramatic for no reason. She just wanted to make a scene about it and as much as she wanted to kiss him over and over and over again, she didn't. She threw her hands into the air and walked off. "Nope. Not happening." She repeated herself and he leaned against the locker room door in confusion.

He ran a hand through his hair. "What just happened?" He asked himself.

In the stands, Charlotte and KC watched as the first face off had been. Charlotte winced and cringed every time one of the JV players had been thrown to the boards or to the ice. She could really see the strength that Varsity had and what they meant by beating them and how JV were losers. She wondered if JV could even beat them. After seeing the tie at the first game she had seen, she pondered if they could beat Varsity.

Varsity were vultures around the net, always shoving some to get the puck at the net. All of them went for it until one had gotten it. No matter the rebound, they always were vultures and JV had to keep up their speed and strength to even compete against Varsity. 

Coach Orion was bringing new players on every two minutes because he needed his players to rest and have fresh Ducks out on the ice. Varsity was really going at it and they were not going to give up until the game ended and their score was higher than JV. However, JV had been practicing for a week straight for hours morning and night to prepare themselves and Charlotte could see a difference. Everyone helped each other out, there was no one man show like the Blake game. 

Charlotte looked over at KC, who sat sunk in her seat, almost asleep as she was cold and shivering. "KC, don't you want to go get a jacket or something?" She asked her best friend.

"No." KC said blankly.

"What happened? Did your lie not work or something?" 

"Lie? Oh, it did." She spoke. "Wrong guy, though." 

KC wanted to play it as dramatic as she could since she was a dramatic girl. She was insanely in love with Charlie Conway and now, she was more than infatuated with him. Charlie skated the ice with a clear mind and was soon crushed into the boards. Charlotte watched as Fulton had taken down a player, but had then been crushed into the boards by two Varsity players. She groaned and brought her knees up, not liking what she was seeing.

"Why is this game so violent?" 

"That's part of the game, Char." KC told her friend. "Besides, Fulton's a strong kid. He'll be fine."

"What he needs is the Bash Brothers. Why doesn't Goldberg do much?"

"He can't skate. I mean, slap a burger on the ground and he's all in." The two girls laughed together.

"Gosh, football doesn't seem as violent now." 

"It still is. And it's not violent. It's called contact." KC laughed, sitting up in her seat as she watched Charlie fall on the ice and lost the puck to Rick Riley, who laughed and skated to the Ducks' net, going to shot, but Julie saved it and Dwayne came along, passing it out to Russ, who passed it to Connie, not before she was shoved to the ice and Varsity regained possession of the puck.

Varsity brought up the puck as Coach Wilson yelled at his boys to dig it deeper and get one shot, just one. Cole and Rick looked at one another, smirking and bull dozed every single Duck player to the ice with the help of their fellow teammates. Claiming the puck back into their possession, the remaining Ducks on the bench sighed and sat back. Fulton shook his head, becoming angered because he couldn't take all these guys by himself. This wasn't Peewees anymore, he was the same size as everyone else. In Peewees, he towered all the kids and made himself look mean and tough, but here, he was the same as every other person and it didn't matter.

There was nothing special about because he didn't have Portman around and if Ken tried becoming Little Bash Brother, he wouldn't make any farther than box. Last time he had torn the jersey off Iceland's goalie at the Junior Games and caused a fight, here, Varsity would surely would.

Charlotte looked for Fulton as the Ducks lacked tremendous defense. Their players sliding all over the ice and pulling different gimmicks in order to get the puck back. The puck was never really on Varsity's side and Scooter could relax and take a seat, watching because his teammates had him covered, but Scooter did feel really lonely and like he wasn't needed. He felt bored because there was no action for him.

"Where's Fulton or Goldberg?" Charlotte asked.

KC had left to go find a hoodie or jacket of some sort and some pants. She was freezing and Charlotte's question had remained unanswered until she saw the two back on the ice three minutes later before the end of the first period and she really hoped there was going to be at least one goal that game or else they would be there forever at the rate they were at. 

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now