Here's Your Jacket

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Charlotte had managed to find Fulton's dorm and she had brought his jacket with her in case she needed an excuse as to why she was there and his roommate wasn't someone she knew. She knocked on the door and waited patiently, looking down at her attire, she flattened her cheer skirt and then looked up when the door up, hearing clicking sound as it left the frame. 

Fulton had answered the door and someone else was inside, groaning and moaning. Charlie lied flatly on his bed, feeling sick from the fair they had went to that day. Fulton and Charlie had missed a few days of school and weren't around for the weekend. Charlotte had thought over it last night about what Connie and Julie told her, now she had an idea of she wanted to say.

"Ch-Charlotte?" Fulton questioned and quickly glanced back in his room. Charlie hadn't heard and held his stomach loosely as he rolled over with a groan. Charlotte could hear and wondered what was going on inside the room.

"If you're busy with someone, I can go." She told him.

"Oh, no,no." He started. "It's okay. Just Charlie in there." He told her.

She was really convinced. "Um, okay."

"How'd you find my dorm?"

She raised her brows in thought. "Um, Connie told me. Yeah, I was with her yesterday because I hadn't see you or Charlie around, so I was worried something had happened." She explained.

He nods. "Oh." 

Charlie leaned over the side of his bed, grabbing a bucket and threw up. He then stood up with the bucket and walked out of the room, not sure if he was going to throw up again or not, but passed by Fulton. "Hi, Charlie."

He didn't reply as he ushered himself out, fearing he'd throw up. He ate too much junk food at the fair and went on too many rides. He felt dizzy, hot, and like he was going to be sitting by a toilet for a little while. Charlotte turned back after he had left and she looked at Fulton, who gave her a cheesy smile, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, he's not feeling well."

She nods. "I could tell." She grabbed his jacket from her bag and brought it out. "This is yours." She handed him the jacket and he took it carefully from her grasp, looking at it. 

"That's where it went. I forgot."

She rubbed her arm. "Yeah, sorry and I didn't just come here for the jacket. I noticed you weren't here. I heard you quit the hockey team and left school."

He grew quiet and looked around to see who else was in the hall, when no one was, he shut the door and leaned against. "I did quit, but I'm going to rejoin the team. I realized I can't just sit around and do nothing for the rest of the year."

"That's what I feared. You told me about your future, and so, I just worried you would throw it away. Along with Charlie, but clearly he's not here and he's sick."

Fulton laughed with a nod. "I didn't know you worried so much."

She nodded. "I do. Friends worry about friends."


She noticed he sounded a little disappointing, but she decided not to question him. She swayed on her feet, not knowing what else to say. Now, he was joining the team again and she worried less. But even then, it was not her choice to tell Fulton what to do and what not to do. She could only console him about it. She was glad he was staying, but she feared he'd be upset about things if Charlie didn't return, as they were tight friends. 

"Um, well, I best be going."

"We've got a game on Thursday if you want to come." He told her.

"I'd like to, but I have a football to cheer at. I'm sorry." She walked over to him and got on her toes, she leaned up and placed a soft kiss to his cheek. "I'll try to make it to any other game."

She turned and walked away, flipping her hair behind her shoulders as she left. He dropped his jacket and watched her leave, leaning against his door. He was in love with that kiss. He closed his eyes after she had left and re imagined it. It was beautiful. Mind you, he did not kiss her, but he felt light on feet and like he had won it all. He knew then that she might possibly like him as well.

"No way." He cheered and entered his room, throwing a fist in the air. 

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now