Lunch Hall

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At lunch, Charlotte stood with KC in their cheer uniforms as they had finished grabbing their trays full of food. The two gazed around the lunch hall, wondering where they were going to be sitting. KC stared away from her tray and noticed the other cheer girls sitting at their usual table, but Charlotte wanted a break from gossip and drama at their tables. Since they talked about everyone and by everyone, it literally was every girl and guy from Eden Hall, popular or not.

"Hey look," KC pointed and Charlotte looked over. "There's Fulton and his team. Maybe we should go sit with them."

Charlotte nodded her head side to side in ponder. She didn't know if the team would allow those two to sit with them. They had all male players and two female players. Charlotte wanted the entire team to accept her like Charlie and Fulton did, but she feared maybe they wouldn't since she and KC were cheerleaders. "I mean, it couldn't hurt to try, I guess." Charlotte replied with a shrug.

On their way over to the table, they approached the table, where Fulton was seated at the far end, with a few chairs open, and Charlie sat on the end with Dwayne and Averman. "Hey." Julie waved to the girls, giving them a kind smile as she wore space buns, it looked cute on her. 

Charlie turned to see who they were talking to and sure enough Charlotte and KC showed up, but behind them, Varsity was heading their way. "Hi." Charlotte spoke kindly. "I'm Charlotte."

"Julie." She smiled. 

Then Connie smiled from the other side of Goldberg, sitting across from Fulton. "Hi, I'm Connie. Wow, you two are beautiful." 

Charlotte grew shy and her cheeks reddened, but KC sent a smile. "Thanks, you and Julie are gorgeous too. How do you keep up with this team?"

"You kind of have to when you been here-" She was cut off when Varsity stopped and Rick came, placing his hands on the shoulders of Charlotte and KC. He smiled and looked down at the two and they turned their heads to see who it was. 

"My, if isn't Charlotte and Katherine. What're you two doing hanging around our boys?" He asked.

"And girls." Julie corrected.

"Yes," He looked up and over at Julie. "And girls." He put on a bright smile and looked back at his two favorite JV cheerleaders, who were improving a lot and earning their spots at the school. "So, you two wouldn't mind standing over beside, Banksie, would you?"

"I wou-" Charlotte went to speak when KC spoke up and they walked over with their trays to Adam. 

The rest of the team looked over at the Varsity boys, wondering what they wanted. Rick was inviting the team out for dinner, a fancy dinner, with steak and seafood to congratulate the JV team for their win, which they considered a tie. Varsity made up a lie about having a tradition each year of Varsity treating the JV team to dinner, which would be attended at a nice restaurant and everyone would be able to get to know one another, however, it was only a prank to get the JV team back for the liquid nitrogen in their locker room. Varsity surely wanted them gone now.

After Varsity spoke with them, Charlie invited Charlotte and KC to sit down. They took their seats at the far end of the table. On the other side of Connie, Charlotte sat down and then KC next to her. Soon, Julie stood up and joined, where the boys all bumped down in the chairs, sliding over and Julie took Goldberg's seat, sitting next to Connie. Fulton gazed down at his plate and Charlotte gave him a kind smile. 

The boys from the team noticed and hit one another's shoulders, wondering what romantic relationship was going to bloom next. Charlie sat back in his seat, content with the dinner with Varsity as he glanced over at the girls giggling and laughing together. He wondered how Fulton and Luis felt at that end of the table.

"Where'd you get your nails done?" Connie asked, looking down at Charlotte's hand. 

"In the mall, a few blocks down. Ask for Celeste, she did my nails...Wait, can you have nails in hockey?"

"Can, but shouldn't have them too long." Julie butted in. "But, wouldn't your nails be too long for cheerleading, too?" Julie asked, wondering.

Connie nods, wanting to know as well and KC turned in her seat, setting her carton of milk down. She leaned back in her wooden chair, looking at Julie, who leaned back as well when her name was called. Connie and Charlotte looked over at KC as well. "Sort of. Depends what you do."

"What do you do?" Luis asked. He was in love with cheerleaders, especially Stacey, Rick's girlfriend and he really didn't care, he was going to chase after the girl no matter what.

"We're flyers." Charlotte said.

"Flyers?" Russ questioned with a cocked brow. "Is that some street name for drug seller?"

The boys started laughing and she looked at them, shaking her head. "No, we're the girls they throw into the air and catch."

"How fun." Goldberg spoke. "You'd never see me doing that."

"Don't worry, Goldie, you hate pucks being shot at you." Charlie said.

"Even though you're a goalie." Fulton added. Charlotte laughed, bringing her hand to her mouth as she knew it was a little rude to laugh about others like they were.

"It can be dangerous." KC told them. "The other day, one of the girls fell into the other and got a bleeding nose."

"Ah, that must suck."


Some of them spoke and Charlotte nodded, even if KC told them it was a girl, it was her. She didn't want to mention that it was her because she found that embarrassing. "Have you two had any injuries?"

"I sprained my ankle one year from landing the wrong way." Charlotte told them.

"Broke my arm from falling." KC said, not as embarrassed about that because one can break a bone in hockey too, or any sport, or just from walking.

The rest of the lunch break comprised of everyone talking to one another, mainly KC and Charlotte as the team liked the two cheerleaders and wanted to get to know them better. Fulton often glanced over at Charlotte, but wouldn't say anything as she was too busy talking with his teammates and he decided it'd be best to just let her meet his friends.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now