Warm Brownies and Showers

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As lunch came the next day, Charlotte grabbed her tray of food and she and KC looked around the large cafeteria for their table. They wore their cheerleader uniforms, like very girl from the squad did. KC did not mind but Charlotte thought it was a little much. No breasts were showing, but if they bent forward, their butt would show and Charlotte was not keen on that. She didn't mind for practice or games because that was different. This was school, somewhere where people were to be focused on studies, not girls' butts.

"There." KC nodded, seeing the girls arguing with a brunette girl, who seated at their table, and pointed to them. KC nods over in their direction and Charlotte follows along as well. She passes by Varsity and JV, where Rick looks over at the seeing who the new girls were on his girlfriend's team. Charlie, Fulton, and Ken looked over at as well, as Varsity was picking through Ken's lunch and when Charlie and Fulton came to help, their lunches were raided. Charlie had an idea, smirking.

KC set her tray down at the table and Charlotte took her seat, pulling her skirt beneath her butt and sat. KC dug into her food and Charlotte looked to see Varsity picking on the few boys and taking things from their lunch, she remained quiet, but watched. It wasn't long before a JV hockey player showed up at the table next to Stacey, trying to flirt with her. Luis Mendoza wanted a fine woman, a real and mature woman.

 After Luis left, upon noticing that Stacey had enough of him and a boyfriend, he sighed and walked off, only to crawl under the table and look at the girls. Charlie and Fulton came back together with a brown paper bag in which Charlie said was brownies that his mother had made. "Oh,come on, my mommy made me brownies." Charlie cried, wanting the Varsity boys to fall for their trick.

"Yeah." Fulton nodded. "Fresh warm ones." He added.

"Hey, heard about your Bash Brother. Sorry he's scared to leave home." Cole teased with a smiled, taking the bag from Charlie's hands.

Charlotte watched, tapping KC's shoulder, who looked over as well. She raised a brow in awe. KC was in awe with the JV boys, not so much the Varsity boys who were taken. The boy with short layered hair seemed to be calling her and she could not resist a smile."Wow wee, those boys sure like fine." She smiled, sitting back in her seat. "Say, you take that one." KC pointed to Fulton Reed. "And I'll that this one." She pointed to Charlie Conway, leaning on to Charlotte's shoulder. "He's hot."

"KC." Charlotte gasped. "You don't even know him."

"So? Me likey." She sung.

Across the cafeteria, Cole looked inside the bag, loving brownies and couldn't wait for a nice bite of warm brownies. The bag was warm and he was growing exciting. He stuck his hand inside the bag and brought it out when the brownies were slimy rather than smooth, rich, and hard. "What the hell brownies are these?" He asked and Rick looked over in disgust.

Charlie spoke up as Fulton kept a straight face. "I gotta tell her...to stop using horse turds in the recipe." He and Fulton broke into smiles.

"Get 'em!" Rick yelled.

They chased after the two boys who ran out of the cafeteria. Cole and Riley chased them with Scooter on their tail and then the rest of the Varsity team who yelled and screamed after them. Coming around a bend, they noticed the Dean and slowed down to a walk. "Dean." All of them spoke and nodded one after the other. The Dean nods in return and when they take off, he turns into the cafeteria to see how all of his students were doing.

Charlotte giggled from where she was at, laughing at the Ducks. She had to admit, they seemed quite fun to be around, although, she couldn't be around them. She was a cheerleader, and a soccer player but it wasn't that season yet, and cheerleaders didn't exactly fraternize with low lives like the JV hockey team.

Later that night, Charlotte sat in her dorm room finishing up some homework. The work became a big load as she had to juggle cheerleading and school work. She didn't get to do much that she wanted to do anymore. She wasn't tired, but bored of doing something that didn't please her. Everything she did bored her to death. She thought about seeing on the boys' hockey teams. Whether it be JV or Varsity, she figured they were the same, different players. But if she went, she find out that they were different teams and played very differently, one was stronger than the other by a lot. Varsity could dominate JV.

As Charlotte yawned and grew tired, she looked over at her clock. "Eight-sixteen?" She questioned, wondering if she had been there that long. Pushing her wheeled chair away from her desk, she stood up and shut her books, leaving them on the desk. Walking to her armor, she grabbed a fresh set of clothes, a small bag for her soap and stuff, and then headed to her door. She was going for a nice, long, hot shower to distress herself from the long day.

On her way down, she went to enter the dorm showers when one of the boys walked out from the boys' public showers and stopped. He wore a towel around his waist and he had no shoes on and his dripped. He had forgotten his clothes upstairs and stopped when Charlotte looked at him with wide eyes. "Um, hi." He spoke.

He was the boy KC crushed over hard at dinner that day. She laughed, not knowing else to do. "What are you doing? Showers are in there." She replied, pointing inside their shower room. The girls' and boys' showers room were side by side, a giant cement wall separated the two rooms. There no doors to enter, as there were cement walls on either side, creating a little walkway before turning into the large shower room.

"Ye-yeah. I know." He nodded. "Forgot my clothes."

Behind, the boys' friend walked out of the washroom fully dressed who hadn't stepped into the shower. "Yo, Charlie, don't go upstairs like that-" He stopped when he noticed Charlotte, the girl he had ran into the other day. 

"Hi Fulton." She nodded to him.

"Hi." He replied, not knowing her name.

Charlie raised a brow at the two of them. Then he raised both his brows in realization. He wondered if this was the girl Fulton had ran into the other day and was the cause for him being late. The reason why he didn't want to say much about her and wondered what her name was. None of them really knew she was a cheerleader.

"I'm Charlie Conway. Nice to meet you." He said. "I'm Fulton's best friend." He extended his wet hand for her to shake. His body dripped in water droplets from the shower as he did not dry himself off. 

"Ah, Charlie Conway. You were the Captain of Team USA at the Junior Games, right?" She asked.

He nodded. "Well, not exactly. My shirt didn't say it, but most would consider me as Captain." He replied. 

Fulton remained quiet, wanting to whistle to make things move on, but he did not. He looked away as he did not want to be caught staring at his friend and the girl. "You play well." 

"Thanks. Fulton and I play for JV. You should come watch sometime. We're pretty good, if I may say so myself."

"Thanks, but I don't do hockey." She answered.

"No?" Charlie questioned and looked at Fulton, who gave him half a shrug. "Then what do you do?"

"Soccer and cheerleading." She replied. "Anyway, I kind of need to get going and so do you two. By the way, I'm Charlotte Williams. Nice to meet you, Charlie. It was nice seeing you again, Fulton." She nods and turns, going into the girls' shower room. 

Charlie turned and looked at his best friend. "She's the girl you pushed to the floor?" He asked.

"I didn't push her." Fulton corrected. "We ran into each other."

Charlie nodded with half a smile. "Uh huh."

"What? I did, though." Fulton protested and followed his friend back into the shower room.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now