Three Player Win

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As the third period came, KC was asleep in the stands with her arms folded across her chest and blanket pulled up to her chin. She wore a hat, jacket and sweat pants with a blanket over top of herself and a pair of UGG boots. Charlotte could only laugh at her friend's silliness, in which every person in the stands had stared at for a few seconds, wondering if that was a pile of bags or an actual person. 

The two teams were preparing to leave the locker room and when they did, everyone in the crowd stood up. Charlotte clapped her hands together with a smile as she looked down at the JV team, who stepped onto the ice with fresh faces and more confidence than before. Charlotte had noticed the sudden change in Fulton, but then heard that Dean Portman had came and she had then knew why.

After the little warm up and lap around the ice, the crowd took their seats and waited for the game to start off again. Charlotte had left KC to sleep, even if it was loud and cold in the arena. Portman approached the outer circle with a smirk as Cole came along with a laugh. "Oh, it's the other Bash Brother." He said.

"Oh, I'm really shaken now. So, you're the big enforcer, huh? You know, we got something in common-" Dean started saying but Cole turned on his skates, annoyed.

"Shut up!"

Dean could only laugh. "What ever you say, Sunshine." He lowered into position next to Cole and when the puck dropped, Adam had lost the puck and stood up straight, followed Rick down the ice. Portman kept a close eye on Cole and Fulton shoved another Varsity player into the wall and then pushed him to the ice.

"Let's see what you got, Bash Brother!" Cole yelled, skating across the ice and Portman slowed his pace, smiling wickedly and when Cole came, he lowered and Cole flipped over his back. Portman had flipped Cole over his back, into the air, shattered the glass where Cole landed on some people in the crowd.

Charlotte stood up with a hand to her chest, gasping. "Oh my god." She spoke with wide eyes, looking at the crowd below.

Fulton skated over to his Bash Brother, lifting the clear cage of his helmet as he stopped swiftly next to Portman, looking down at the boy who groaned and where the crowd started cheering for Portman, hyping each other up as they became rowdy and some how, KC still slept through it all. Portman laughed. "Now, that's clearing the garbage." Fulton smiled.

"Hey, Man, we're just getting warmed up." Portman said, tapping Fulton's chest with the top of his stick.

As the game continued, together Portman and Fulton skated around knocking every player down they could. Seeing a Varsity go behind their net with the puck, Portman laughed and Fulton followed, the two skated as fast as they could and used their shoulders to crush the player into the boards, who fell. Losing the puck, Adam came and took it and passed it out to Charlie. Portman and Fulton cheered loudly together and Charlotte smiled, clapping her hands for them.

KC tossed around in the chair, stretching slightly and brought her feet to her chair, curling into a small ball. Charlotte wondered how that was possible, but returned her gaze to the rink.

With a lovely play setting up, the players were switched out and Guy got the puck and skated, where he hollered to Averman and passed it to him. Averman came to the net and went to shoot, but faked it and passed it back to Luis, who took his shot and failed to stop, skating into the boards and falling. He got to his feet quickly as Varsity made their way back to the Ducks' side of the ice. 

"Come on, shake it off, Luis, shake it off." She mumbled to herself, sitting back in her seat.

As there was two minutes left in the game, both teams were anxious for a goal. Someone had to score before it went to overtime. Portman and Fulton came back onto the ice together, taking down some players. Riley came down the ice as a one man show and Portman followed closely as Fulton took care of some other guys on his own. Rick brought his arm out to block Portman, who had brought his stick down and tripped Rick, who fell and slid on his butt on the ice.

"Come on, Ref!" Rick called and Charlotte rolled her eyes, sitting on the edge of her seat now.

Dean was brought to the box and he told Rick how much of a wimp he was. A Varsity went to touch Dean when he pushed the kid to the ice. "Get outta my face, man!"

In the box, Portman started to strip and got the crowd very rowdy. Charlie and Fulton looked at one another and couldn't help but laugh. Charlotte slapped her thigh, laughing and cheering with the crowd. She cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled out to Portman, who climbed up the side of the box, pointing into the crowd and clapping the people's hands. He swung his shirt around and Fulton shook his head at his fun friend. 

"That's one way to make the crowd rowdy." Fulton spoke and spun on his skates, skating backwards as Charlie skated forwards.

He nodded. "Yeah, did you see Charlotte and KC?"

"Yeah, KC looks like she's the most comfortable person in the room under a blanket with a winter hat and scarf. Wow. Definite cheerleader."

Charlie laughed. "Yep. And Charlotte. Damn, she's like Portman's abs."

"Does not." Fulton spoke.

"Does so." Charlie slapped Fulton's shoulder and took off to face off. When Coach Orion called for a change up, Coach Wilson noticed too many men on the ice and hollered it out. The Ref blew his whistle and stopped the game, telling Orion he needed to send a player to the box. Orion sighed and looked around to see who he would send to the box. He took Luis off and sat him on the bench and Ken went to the box for stepping out too early. He sighed in the box, knowing they weren't going to make it now that they had three players and Varsity had five, they had no chance.

Charlotte sighed deeply, hollering out with the crowd a 'what for'. Coach Orion had a pep talk with his players and decided on Charlie, Adam, and Goldberg and the rest would remain on the bench with Julie at goal. After convincing Goldberg that he was the better candidate, Orion had a serious moment with Charlie and slapped a 'C' to his jersey before he left and Charlie left with a smile, eager to play and get the game done and over with.

Varsity had won face off and the three Ducks went back to their side quickly, all of them keeping an eye on five players and the puck. Charlotte prayed for the three and kept quiet, waiting for their move. Rick skated by Charlie and Adam was checked to the boards roughly where Charlotte groaned, thinking that must've hurt. Rick took a shot and Julie saved it, the puck rebounding off to the ice. Goldberg gathered behind the net and took down the Varsity player, passing the puck out to Adam now.

Adam rushed out as fast as he could and looked around him. Goldberg took down several players and then Adam looked ahead, noticing a player coming after him. "Charlie!" He called and passed the puck over. Charlie ducked before getting elbowed and passed Cole, skated ahead with the puck. Goldberg skated down the ice with no one as two were on Adam and three went after Charlie.

Charlie went to shoot but passed the puck back to Goldberg and he was tackled to the ice by three players. Goldberg grew afraid and stopped in front of the net, his feet inward and his stick on the ice with the puck. Scooter watched hesitantly and Goldberg didn't do anything.

"Shoot, Goldberg, shoot!" His teammates yelled from the bench. The three players on Charlie were staring to get up and so Goldberg cried out and took a shot. The puck slid between Scooter's skates and entered the net as Scooter had done the splits, seeing if he had saved the puck, but when the buzzer went off and the time ran out, he sighed.

A very good game. Charlotte turned and grasped KC's shoulder, shaking her side to side as she cheered and KC woke with a groan and stretched her limbs. The Ducks gathered together on the ice cheering and jumping, soon the crowd joined and Varsity skated off to the boards where Coach Wilson yelled at them for loss and explained how many laps they'd do at practice the next day.

Coach Bombay turned from the doorway of the rink and saw Charlie, who stepped away from his group. Charlie gave a nod to Bombay, who nodded in approval and smiled. Charlie grinned widely, proud of his and his team's accomplishment. They had done it, it was over, and now it was all fun. He learnt all too much through the major downs and the little ups he had, but he thought it was all worth it, even meeting Katherine Colt.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now