Double Date Idea

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JV left their locker room in their sweaty hockey gear and Charlotte looked at them in disgust as they walked by. Charlie and Fulton stopping when Fulton noticed Charlotte and KC across from their door, looking at their other teammates leave. Fulton pulls Charlie back inside the locker, who calls 'Hey!' and gets pushed to the wall. Charlie looks around at his friend with furrowed brows, wondering why he did that. Fulton pulls his hair back and Charlie nods with a smile, understand now.

"You're afraid to talk to Charlotte, aren't you?" He asked, bringing his arms up, only to catch a sniff of his own odor and bring his arms back to his sides. "Gosh, I need to change."

"We both do." Fulton replied. "I can't go out like this. I might have showered, but I still smell."

Charlie shrugged. "I don't know what to say. You expect me to know anything about girls?" 

"Not exactly, but come on, don't leave me."

"Fine." Charlie said. "But, you owe me."

"Yeah, what ever." Fulton agreed and walked out behind Charlie.

Charlotte and KC were talking together and Charlie and Fulton approached them, staying a few away to talk since they did not smell the nicest. KC smiled widely and Charlie and Fulton looked at her like she lost her marbles, but she was extremely close to Charlie and felt great. Charlotte kept her friend back so she didn't look as crazy as she did. She gave them both a smile, but before bringing her lips to a thin line, smelling the two of them.

"Um, do hockey players sweat more than football players or something?" She asked the two.

Charlie and Fulton looked at each other, wondering what to do. "Who cares, you're hot." KC drooled. She realized she had spoken aloud and straightened out. "I mean, you're sweaty. You look hot, you know, because you just played hockey? Never mind, don't listen to a word I just said."

Charlie laughed at her, scratching his arm and Fulton looked away, pulling his headband on his head. "Um, anyway, Varsity threw all of our clothes in the showers so they're wet. We took showers, don't worry, but got no extra clothes to wear."

KC remained silent after embarrassing herself and turning a bright red. Charlotte nods, understanding their smelly situation a little better. "I see." She laughed. "It was a pretty good game."

"Good?" Fulton questioned. "We lost."

Charlotte nodded her head side to side. "Not exactly. You tied. Not a victory nor a loss, it's a middle thing, you know?" She explained. 

"So, you did change your mind about coming?" Charlie asked, and Fulton nodded, thinking the same. Charlotte could tell he was shy, especially right now, but why not the other night when they spoke? Was it because it was just her and him? Or because he was embarrassed of how he smelt and looked?

"Well, no. KC wanted to watch the game and asked me to come." 

"Oh, so you still don't like hockey?" Fulton asked.

Charlotte bit her lip, not wanting to use those exact words anymore. "I wouldn't say that. After this game, it was quite exciting. I liked the way you shoved those players to the ground." She said, looking at Fulton. "And KC thought it was hot when you went to the box." She said and looked at Charlie.

Charlie half smiled, looking over at the quiet girl, who's face was no longer red. "Thanks." He told her. She gave him an awkward smile, looking away again. Charlie had an idea. He figured that Fulton had a tiny crush on Charlotte and her friend KC had a massive one on him, he had gotten the hint several times, and thought of something. "So, are you two free Friday night?" Charlie asked.

Fulton looked over with a white face, shocked and surprised. He did not know what Charlie was doing, but it was not helping his case at all. He did not want Charlotte, a beautiful cheerleader, to think he didn't have any game and that Charlie was his wing-man, who spoke a heck of a lot more than he did.

Charlotte brought her weight to her right side and folded her arms over her chest. KC gazed up, hearing the words from Charlie, she looked at her best friend, wondering what she was to say. KC knew that Charlotte sort of liked Fulton, but didn't exactly have a clue if she liked him as a friend or in a crush way. Charlotte was indecisive with that part because she didn't want to date anyone, but Fulton did not seem like other boys and she was just asked if she was free on Friday night.

"Friday?" Charlotte questioned. She looked over at KC, who didn't say a word, but wanted to. "Yes, we are. We don't have practice then, do we, KC?"

"N-no." She answered.

"Great, how about we meet at Mickey's diner? Double date or something like that?" Charlie suggested. He wanted Fulton to get to know Charlotte a little better and not so shy around her. And he noticed the way KC acted around him, the way she cheered the loudest, the way she stared at him, the way she gawked about an excuse for calling him hot, the way she became embarrassed by it. He noticed it all and not just within the last hour. He had seen her stare at him during classes too, especially gym class. He did not find it odd, he found it a little amusing. Sometimes he could tease her and watch her pull on Charlotte's arm.

"That sounds good." Charlotte nodded. "Only if KC is up to it, of course." She turned to her best friend and Charlie and Fulton looked over as well. KC glanced up with three sets of eyes looking at her.

"I guess so. I mean, I was going to watch a movie marathon, but I guess I could for burgers and shakes. How healthy." She cheered, bringing her arm around Charlotte's shoulders.

"We'll see you two then. Bye, Charlie. Bye, Fulton." Charlotte smiled with a wave. Fulton waved back and Charlie sent them a smile. When the girls left, Charlie cocked a brow and turned to Fulton, walking backwards as they left for the dorm rooms together, each going to go to their own dorms once they got to their floor.

"Really? Not even a hello?" He asked Fulton.

"I choked up."

"Come on, Man. She seems to dig us. Ya gotta put yourself out there."

"I'll try harder, but I don't know." He told his friend. 

"You'll do better Friday. We got dates." Charlie smirked. 

"Are you really going with her friend?"

Charlie shrugged. "She's not that bad. Come on, she's beautiful. A cheerleader. Redhead. Now come on, how many redhead girls have you seen?"



"Averman." Charlie nods in agreement, forgetting about their friend as they laughed and continued down the hall.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now