Mud War

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Charlotte turned and stopped, folding her arms over her chest. She felt a thick drop hit her bare shoulder and she looked down. Gazing around, she knew it was probably time to head back inside the school. "What?" She replied, looking up at the sky.

He looked down from the sky. "It's going to get cold and we better head in before it down pours."

"Have you ever had a mud fight?" She asked, lowering to the grass as it became a little wet. She grabbed some dirt, which would turn to mud soon and he looked down at her.

"No. Why?"

She smirked and stood up as the rain came down a little harder. The dirt in her hands became mud and she slapped it to his cheek, where he gasped and looked at her. She laughed and took a few steps back, running off to find some more mud. Fulton looked around and then brought a hand to his face, grabbing the mud was dripping off his face and onto his suit. It was going to take forever to clean the suit and he sighed.

Fulton noticed Charlotte had slipped forward and fell back onto the wet ground. He couldn't help but laugh and she laughed herself, then stood up and picked up some mud. He jogged after her with a ball of mud in his hands and stopped, throwing it at her from afar. She gasped when it smacked her back and the clump fell to the ground. "Fulton!" She yelled and turned, feeling the back of her shirt.

She threw her mud mound over to him and missed. "Wow, glad you don't play football." He said, getting ready to throw another mud ball at her. She lowered to form some mud, her hair drenched and clung to her like a kid to his mother. Fulton threw the mud at her, hitting her shoulder and it splatted all over. "Oops." He smiled and walked off.

She stood up and wiped her face, only to smudge the mud around and make it worst. She ran towards Fulton with mud in both her hands. As Charlotte approached him from behind, he was scrambling to form a mud ball and she slapped the mud against the back of his suit. "Oops." She laughed, bringing a hand to her lips. "I didn't see you there."

"Yeah, right." He laughed and turned, throwing mud onto the front of her cheer uniform and she gasped. Scrapping some off, she threw it at him, hitting him in the face and neck. 

She turned and started to run, it was very slippery outside and the rain continued to pour. As Charlotte came closer to the school, she slipped before the doors on the grass and fell. One of the other kids walking inside with an umbrella had cocked a brow, but continued inside and left Charlotte to get up on her own. Fulton ran over to where Charlotte was, who allowed her head to fall back in the mud, she didn't care how dirty she was because she was going for a shower anyways and she was freezing.

Fulton approached and flung the mud from his hand to the ground. He gave Charlotte his muddy hand and she lied in the muddy grass, looking up at him as water pelted her. "I didn't think we'd get this dirty." She spoke. He laughed and she brought her arm up, he grasped her wrist tightly and pulled her up, then grabbed her other hand and she helped him pull herself.

"Thank you." She told him.

On her feet, her teeth chattered as she looked around. "Cold?" He asked her. She nods. "I'd give you my jacket, but it'll make things worst. We should just go in for the day."

"Ye-yeah." She nods and walks over to the sidewalk. He follows and pulls his hair back, having a slick back hair style now. "I'm going to shower." She told him. "I'll um, see you later."

"We could study later for that history test." He suggested. 

She thought about it as sh held the door for him and entered. He stopped as the stars for his side of the dorms were there. "All right. My dorm at seven?"


"Okay, see you then." She smiled and pulled some mud off her as she walked to the stairs. She was going to get her clothes and have the longest shower ever. She was freezing and felt awful, she felt dirty, but she could only smile at how much fun she had with Fulton.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now