Post Win Meet Up

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When the game had finished, KC and Charlotte were the few last people to leave the arena. They had smiled to Coach Orion and headed outside where it was a little warmer than the rink. KC plopped down on the steps and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. Charlotte took her seat next to her and yawned. KC brought the blanket around Charlotte as well and the looked at all the people walking back to their vehicles or waiting around for their child before celebrating the win or mourning the defeat.

Their hair blew behind them in the slight wind. KC shivered and hugged the blanket to her as Charlotte narrowed her eyes from the sun and glanced around. "That was a tough game." Charlotte spoke. "You'd know if you wouldn't of been asleep."

KC turned. "I was tired and hockey isn't my thang." She replied.

"I know." Charlotte brought a hand to KC's shoulder. "But hey, at least you where there...So, you and Charlie, are you friends again?"

"Who? Us? No way." KC shook her head and looking away, smiling slightly. Charlotte pulled her friend back.

"Liar!" She called and people looked at the two. Charlotte knew there was more to it than that and KC tried playing it off cool still, but Charlotte was smart than everyone had thought. "I knew it! You do like him still."

"Like. Nothing different than before." KC replied. "So, you and Fulton?" She nagged. "Huh? Huh?" She tickled her friend's side.

"Nothing...yet." Charlotte said and looked away, only to share a laugh with KC, who demanded to know more. "I think I might pull the first move."

"No way, you totally should. I think you two would look perfect together. And I mean, come on, after a victory like this, it would make the moment even better." KC cheered and Charlotte leaned over, covering KC's mouth so no one else could hear. Together they laughed and giggled quietly, soon quieting down.

When the Ducks finished in their locker rooms, a few of them left in different directions and Charlie finished explaining to Fulton how he had kissed KC and that she had kissed him back, but then had become rough and pushed him twice. He didn't know why she had done that and thought that maybe he had done something wrong, and so, he wanted to make things right, but first he needed to find her. Fulton wanted to go to his dorm for a little while before going out later that night with the team to celebrate.

They headed out the doors of the rink and noticed a red headed girl and a brown headed girl sitting together. Charlie and Fulton looked at one another and soon Portman busted through the door with a smile and brought his arms around both of their shoulders. He had given it away that some of the Ducks were there. Charlotte and KC turned in sync to see who it was. KC smiled to the boys and Charlotte sent them a friendly smile as well.

"Great game." KC spoke.

"Bull, you were asleep." Fulton laughed.

"Yeah, Man. I was cheering in that box and you were passed out in that chair with a blanket." Portman added, agreeing and laughing.

Charlotte stood up with KC, so the blanket would stay wrapped around their shoulders and Fulton looked down at KC's attire, having no idea what she was wearing. She wore navy blue sweat pants with a bright pink turtle neck long sleeve, a green hoodie, and brown furry boots with a red blanket wrapped around hers and Charlotte's shoulders. 

"Charlotte Williams." Charlotte had introduced herself to Dean Portman, who had heard much about her already in the locker room and via email.

"Dean Portman." He nodded. "You're lookin' quite fine today." He looked her up and down.

She smiled and curtsied. "Thank you."

"And you, Hot Stuff?" He asked to KC.

"KC." She replied.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now