Long Day

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As the week went by and it became busier, Charlotte grew a little more tired than usual. She sat in class silently, leaning back in her seat as the history lesson was getting started. Mr. Hank walked around with a book in hand, explaining to his class the different details about the first world war. The class wasn't too intrigued as some of them did what ever they pleased and wrote on the desks or their books, some chewed gum, one slept, and one had been gone to the washroom for more than fifteen minutes now.

Near the middle of the class, Charlotte looked over when she heard Charlie and Fulton talking with their friends quietly. Charlie sent her a smile and she sent one back, but Fulton remained quiet and shy. She sent one to Fulton, but he simply became quiet and looked down at his notes. Charlie tapped Fulton's shoulder, wondering why he didn't do anything in return, no wave, no smile, no nothing. Charlotte looked back at the board with a light sigh and sat up in her seat, hovering over her desk as she grabbed her pencil, copying down notes.

"Who remembers what year the war began?" Mr. Hank asked.

No one raised their hand.

Charlotte noticed and raised hers. "Yes, Miss. Williams."

"About 1914 to 1918." She replied.

He nods. "Very good. And during this time period..." He trailed.

Charlie leaned over and looked at Fulton. "Hey, why didn't you smile back?"

He shrugged. "I'm shy. Besides, she's a cheerleader and doesn't like hockey."

"Yeah, okay." Charlie replied and sat back in his seat, tapping his pencil against his desk out of boredom.

Charlotte continued taking notes down quietly, feeling someone behind her kick the bottom of her chair. She ignored it and continued taking notes. She did not wear her cheer uniform that day because she wanted to wear her own clothes for once. She was determined to wear what ever she wanted for at least one day out of the entire week. She wore high-waisted jeans with with a plain  navy blue colored turtle neck and a brown boots. 

Her friend, KC, wore her cheer outfit and stared at Charlie from the furthest seat in the class, by the windows. Whereas Charlie sat one row behind Averman, Fulton, and Charlotte. He sat behind Fulton, who were the furthest row to the wall and Charlie didn't notice her. He had already been talking to Linda, but wasn't really going far with her because of his comment about Warrior teams.

KC almost seemed to be infatuated with Charlie Conway, who didn't even know she existed. He knew of Charlotte Williams, as he had met her at the worst possible time ever. He did know that potentially he would see Charlotte a lot more because he would assume that Fulton would need his help. That was one of the only things he would look forward to about Eden Hall, as it was not tearing him down inside. He lost his captaincy, he lost the Ducks to the Warriors, he lost Coach Bombay to Coach Orion, and Goldberg was trying to make Julie fat so he could be first goalie and not backup.

As class finished, Charlotte stood up and waited for the others to leave and when KC met up with her, the two walked out of the class together, talking about how long the class was. 

After school, Charlotte changed into her cheer uniform and walked into the gym filled with girls wearing the exact same clothes. She paced around the gym, waiting for Stacey and Hailey, the second cheerleader girl, to show up so they could get their practice started. KC and Charlotte stood together, rubbing their arms as the AC was turned on in the gym and none of them had done warm ups.

"So, ugh, I noticed that boy you called dibs on was looking at you several times." KC spoke and Charlotte turned with furrowed brows.

"No, I did not call dibs on that boy, you did and I don't even like hockey players, KC."

"Don't. But you will. I don't like footballer players and I like my hot dibs crush."

Charlotte laughed at her new best friend, who really did not understand anything she was saying and did not know anything about her crush. Her crush' name is Charlie Conway and he's fourteen and he plays for the JV hockey team, not football. And the apparent crush that Charlotte did not have played for the JV hockey team as well, was fifteen years old and named Fulton Reed, a shy boy with a power shot in hockey and a very friendly and sweet side to him, of course, when's alone. When Portman is around, he's just a rowdy boy who loves to cause, listen to heavy metal music, dance around, and bash every player on the ice into the boards.

"Firstly, you do like football players. Secondly, he's a hockey player. And lastly, his name is Charlie Conway."

KC melted inside. "Charlie." She gawked. "That's such a hot name."

Charlotte rolled her eyes and turned, to see Stacey and Hailey walking into the gym, their arms crossed and hips moved in sync side to side. "All right girls, warm up. We got drills to do." Stacey yelled, blowing her whistle. They had a Coach, but she rarely spoke up, as Stacey had taken over the group. She was a Senior and had been doing this for years, only this year did she decided to take over the cheer team. She was demanding enough to get stuff done.

After warming up, Charlotte waited for the girls in her small group to position themselves. When they were ready, they gave Charlotte a nod. The brunette brought both hands to either shoulder of the two girls and then placed her foot on the thigh of one of the girls. Placing her second foot on the other girl, she was boosted up and one girl stood behind Charlotte in case she fell. With hands going to Charlotte's ankles and feet, she grew nervous, like the other practices and was hoisted into the air. 

Her lower body was firm and her upper body was not. She couldn't find the balance in her arms and she flailed them around in the air. Stacey walked over after passing by KC and the three girls, who were slowly getting the hang of it, but weren't at the same time. KC's legs wobbled as she made the base girls' arms wobble as well, who tried getting their grips ready. "Come on, Charlotte!" Stacey yelled so the girl could hear her. "Steady your arms and stop looking like a chicken!"

"I'm trying!" Charlotte spoke. 

"Try harder. Close your eyes and count to ten. Within those ten seconds, find your zen."

"Come on girls, we need to be perfect!" Hailey yelled over the slight moans and groans from the girls.

Charlotte knew that was going to be a long practice. They hadn't even started their ground routines with pompoms, kicks, cheers, chanting, or flips and splits. None of it was choreographed or practiced. Stacey and Hailey started to panic inside.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now