Sidewalk Talk

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JV did a scrimmage together, the red shirts against the white shirts. Luis, a red shirt, fought for the puck in their zone and when he got it, he passed it out to Averman. The white shirts settled and picked up a player, keeping their eye steady and cautious. Averman brought the puck down the ice from red shirts' side. His teammates skated around him, telling him to pass out the puck and Coach Orion said he didn't see a Captain, which not one person was helping the other out.

"Make him make the first move, Conway." Coach Orion said as Averman came up to Charlie, who brought his arm out, but Averman skated around and took a shot with an open lane. It was saved by Goldberg, as Julie was off puking her guts out from how many pastries Goldberg had given her.

Charlie retrieved it behind the net and Goldberg turned. "Come on Charlie, clear it out. Clear it out." Goldberg spoke, keeping close to the net.

Charlie passed the puck in the middle and Coach Orion immediately blew his whistle. "Freeze!" He called and most of the players froze, except for Averman. "I said freeze!" Averman slid on one skate, trying to keep his balance, but when shoulder first into the boards and fell. "Averman." Orion sighed.

"I did freeze." He replied.

Charlie sighed and Fulton looked over, wondering what was going to happen. Fulton was not fond of the new Coach, but he did understand that the team needed to grow up. However, he would always remain on Charlie's side no matter what. The two were there for one another and would not bail. 

Coach Orion approached Charlie, and Fulton brought the head of his stick to his chin, leaning on it as he watched and listened. "Where is the one place you never wanna clear the puck?" He asked, skating to Charlie, who sighed again.

"It looked open-" Charlie said, but got cut off as he took his helmet off.

"Just answer the question, Conway."

"Listen! I'm not a defensemen. I'm a scorer!" Charlie called, yelling back at the Coach. Who did not flinch and who did not yell back, which surprised all the players. Fulton was very surprised, all of them were by Charlie's attitude. He never yelled at them or a coach.

"Follow me." Coach Orion waved and turned on his skates. Charlie followed until the box was open and he sat down. Throwing his stick behind him as he shook his head. "Anyone share his opinion?" He asked. "No, all right."

Fulton finished up a long and stressful practice of hockey in which he got to see how mouthy Charlie could really be. He hadn't seen Charlie be like that before. Every time he's been it's been eye rolls, scoffs, ignorance, and quietness, but nothing like this where he would talk to someone and attempt to break his hockey stick. Charlie had never gone to the penalty box and now Coach Orion put him in there for bad behavior on his opinion.

Outside, Fulton carried his bag on one shoulder and headed for the sidewalk, wanting to get away from the school for the evening. he didn't know what he was going to do, but decided on doing something other than staying at the preppy school. He was upset with how Charlie performed during practice and he could tell Charlie was not the same boy as he was the day before school started. Charlie started to change and it was affecting everyone, even Fulton. Fulton worried something would happen to Charlie, and then to him and the rest of his teammates. 

Hockey was one of the best things that had ever happened to him. Bombay picked him off the street, taught him to skate in a mall, taught him to conceal his strength, and show him the way of the game. Now, Fulton no longer had Coach Bombay and relied on former captain, Charlie Conway, to lead the way for the team. Charlie couldn't even do that. Fulton didn't know what was coming in the future and it feared him a little.

When he noticed someone else walking alongside the sidewalk, he decided to meet up with them. He was shy and didn't know why. Charlie had an idea of what it could have been, but Fulton did not want to believe, especially after what Charlotte had said. He walked up to the cheerleader and it was Charlotte Williams.

"Hi, Charlotte." Fulton spoke.

Charlotte looked over, a little frightened at first since she was alone, but calmed herself and gave a half smile to Fulton. The half smile allowed him to know that there must've been something wrong with her. She seemed to be the happy kind of girl with a constant smile on her face. "Oh, hi, Dean." She replied. "I mean, Fulton." She shook her head. "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to call you Dean when I know your name is Fulton. God, can this day get any worse?" She asked herself after rambling.

"No, it's all right...You, ugh-erm-stressed about something?" He asked, walking along the sidewalk, leaving the school.

"Sort of, but it's nothing big." She answered. "So, how is your hockey going?"

"Good, I guess, considering we've got a new and strict coach."

"Strict?" She laughed nervously. "You should see my coach. Well, she's isn't a coach. She's Stacey and she's a senior who thinks she's the coach, who doesn't do anything but watch. She just keeps demanding us to do this or that and we can't even do the first thing she asks us to. Like, how am I supposed to do stand in the air without a wobble and then expect to allow myself to drop into the arms of the girls?" She ranted, telling him her problems when he didn't even ask.

"Wow, that sounds stressful. A little boring too."

She gasped and looked at him. "Boring? But Cheerleading is so popular in girls. We become known for what we do."

"Only by football players who want to stare at hot girls and their butts." Fulton replied and then he realized what he had said. "Never mind, forget I even said that."

She shook her head. "It's fine. We sort of are that. But you know, some cheerleaders cheer for other sports team than just football."

"Like what?" He asked.

She shrugged, staring at the ground. "Basketball...Do you think all cheerleaders are hot and do you stare at their butts?"

"Um," He grew embarrassed, disliking the question she asked him. He brought a hand to the back of his head. "Well..." He trailed, trying to find the words. "No. I mean, personally, I don't stare at cheerleaders. Eden Hall's really the first place I've seen cheerleaders."

"But you've looked at me." 

"I didn't know you were a cheerleader until I saw you in that uniform."

"And I didn't know you were a hockey player until I saw you on TV and then at my school." 

"Nice word play."

"Thanks." She laughed. She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. They weren't really going anywhere and she was heading home to see her folks for the weekend, but didn't know if he had places to be or not. So, before going any further, she stopped so he could know where she was going before having to walk all the way back to where ever he needed to go. "Um, maybe I'll see you around, Fulton."

"Yeah, me too." He answered. "I mean. Me see you around." She hid her laugh and simply nodded. Turning away, she walked off with a smile. She thought that Fulton Reed would be a real nice friend to have around. She couldn't lie to herself, he was cute when he was shy and flustered up and when his cheeks grew red. She couldn't not say he was cute. But she remembered that she wanted a small break from boys. 

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now