Cheer and Hockey Practice

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Fulton entered the locker room where all of his teammates were more than half dressed and pumped to get on the ice together for the first time since the Games. Charlie stood up in confusion, wearing all of his lower gear, and looked at his best friend. "Where have you been? You're late."

"I know I'm late." Fulton spoke, walking down the line of players between the two benches and sat down, throwing his bag on the floor. Most of his teammates had looked at him.

"Where were you?" Russ asked, standing up from his spot on the bench. Guy leaned forward, tying up his skates. Fulton gave him a shrug, not thinking it was important that he had met some girl in the hallway.

To be honest, Fulton thought she was cute. But she was a cheerleader and he'd seen how most of them were. She was not mean towards him or stuck up, she was kind and clever, a little shy too, which made her all the more cute seeming. He had seen her during the day in two of his classes, but he had seen her as any other student in the class. Now that he had spoken to her, she did not seem half bad. Charlotte Williams on the other hand was not fond of him. He was another boy in the halls and she was more lean towards football players, although, a hockey player did not sound bad at all. He was still a jock, like a football player was, a soccer player was, a basketball player. He was a jock.

Charlotte liked the feel of his hand in hers, but she couldn't say it was love or anything, because it simply was not. She had gotten over her old boyfriend and wanted things to be simple for the first few months. She knew she would be expected to have at least a boyfriend January if she were a cheerleader, because almost every cheerleader had a boyfriend, a stupid rule they had to keep their popularity up.

"I ran into some girl. Nothing big." He shrugged, pulling his shin pads on and tightening them.

"Nothing big?" Averman laughed. "Who is she?"

"I don't know. I didn't catch her name." 

Charlie crossed his arms and sat down. This was the most positive and exciting news he's heard since Bombay dumped them off at the peppy school. "Have we seen her? Who is she?" He asked.

Fulton did not want to be bombarded with questions. He barely knew the girl and this was not something he wanted to discuss with all of his friends. He did not want any girl drama and he was not into girls, they weren't for him at this point in time. He was focused on his studies and hockey, then maybe he'll consider girls.

"Guys, no more questions. I have to get dressed." He explained.

At the gym, Charlotte stepped in and all the girls turned, looking at her. There was two girls at the front of the girl, who turned last with eye rolls. The second girl followed the lead of the first girl, a blonde. Charlotte set her bag down and walked over to the other girls quietly. "Wow. Fashionably late." The second smile.

"No." The first spoke. She was blonde and was dating Varsity hockey player, Rick Riley, the son of the Dean. He was furious with the JV athletes who had taken the slots of his little brother and his friends. He wanted the Ducks gone. He wanted to see out as they did not belong in such a school like Eden Hall. They were not Eden Hall material, especially after their ruined the ceremony earlier that morning. "You are late. You will be last to leave today and now the girls will all work twice as hard."

The other cheerleaders groaned. "Thanks a lot." One spoke.

"Yeah, gee, get your head together." Another said.

"Quiet!" The first cheerleader yelled. She crossed her arms. "Since it's our first practice and we don't have a flyer yet, you might as well be on top. Break a leg." She smiled.

"Thanks." Charlotte half smiled, walking to the back of the group where she got on the floor, stretching her legs as she did the splits and leaned forward, touching her foot with her hands.

The girl next to Charlotte sent her a nice smile. She was a natural redhead with flawless skin, slight dimples, pretty brown green eyes and a few freckles on her upper cheeks and under her eyes and near her nose. She was one of the taller girls and had been cheerleading for a few years, like Charlotte. The red head went by the name of Katherine Colt, but preferred KC. 

"If I were you, I wouldn't worry about Stacey, she can be a little mean when she's upset about." KC spoke, looking over at Charlotte, who turned her head to meet KC. "By the way, I'm Katherine Colt, but call me KC." She extended her arm.

Doing the splits still, Charlotte nods and extends her arm, shaking KC's hand. "Charlotte Williams." She replied shyly.

"Nice name. You ugh, new here?"

"Very." Charlotte said.

"Cool. I'm new here too. We can be new together if you'd like?"

"I would like that very much. It's hard to make friends here, especially if you're new and coming into their territory." 

KC nodded in agreement with what Charlotte had said. The two smiled and stood up when they were called to. Standing all together, Stacey had arranged groups and the girls got into their groups together. They were in small groups, each with a flyer and their base girls, who throw their flyer in the air and catch her. Charlotte was nervous of being a flyer, especially with new girls who did not like her because she was late and now made them work twice as hard. KC was also a flyer, all the new girls were and Stacey stood up front, watching and demanding orders.

On the ice, the Ducks stood in a pile as Coach Orion was setting his rules straight. Fulton did not particularly like the rules, but was going to have to accept them. They were not the Ducks' way and that was how he had grown up. He was an outsider when he was young and everyone feared him, they always thought he was someone when he wasn't. 

Fulton was recruited to the Ducks' team by Bombay after he had shot at his van, not once, but twice. Bombay liked the height and velocity Fulton had and how he had a power shot he could bring to the table. With a one in five chance of scoring, Fulton made many players fear him on the ice for his shot, his strength, and ability to be the defensemen his team needed.

Charlie was skating laps as he sighed and rolled his eyes continuously. Not even a half into the practice and Charlie Conway hated the practice and the coach. He hated Bombay for ditching them, he hated his other teammates who did not show up; Dean Portman and Jesse Hall. Now, everything was definitely going to change if this was how the first practice was going to be. Some people, like Averman and Russ, were getting cocky and getting on the nerves of the new coach.

"Now you listen up and you listen up good." Coach Orion started, looking at the remaining players that looked at him. "We are here for one reason and one reason only. You know what that it is? I'll give you a hint. Starts with 'W'." Orion spoke, skating in front of his places.

"To win, Coach Orion, Sir!" Averman said proudly. Russ choked a laugh from behind Averman, not able to keep a straight face after hearing and seeing what the redhead had done.

"No." Orion replied, which got Russ laughing even more. "To wok. High school hockey is very hard work. And it all begins with defense. I've seen your tapes and you can score goals. I just don't know if you can stop them." He asked, his tone clear and orderly.

"Hey." Goldberg protested, but that went for the entire team, not just him. Goldberg quieted down with a nod and looked at his feet.

"You're not kids or little ducks anymore, so I'm not gonna treat you that way. You're gonna learn to play two way hockey: offense and defense. It's gonna take one thing. It starts with a W."

"To work, Coach Orion, Sir!" Averman spoke again.

"Wrong!" Orion shouted. Fulton glanced over at his friend who skated laps and he wanted to help him out, but he did not want to put himself on the Coach's bad side, who already seemed not be too fond of the team and their Duck tactics. "Will. It's going take real will...if you want to play in my barn. All right, count off. Let's climb the ladder."

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now