Mickey's Diner

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Charlotte sat in KC's room ready for their date night in an hour with two hockey players. Charlotte was excited, but nervous, she didn't want to take things too fast. She thought she didn't have enough time to recover from her last break up, but she knew Fulton was a nice boy, so far, and his friend Charlie was sweet as well. KC was super excited and super nervous, burping as she paced the room and feared she burp on the date. 

Charlotte didn't see it so much as a date as she did a get together between four people. She recalled dates were two people. This was four and even if it was called a double, it didn't seem like one to her. She was hoping to get to know Fulton, and Charlie, more than she did. After the game, she thought they were more interesting and that there was more to offer than just what they said.

"KC, just wear that, you look hot." Charlotte spoke, sitting on a desk chair as she waited. KC wore a two inch stiletto heels that were jet black with a red knee length A-line dress. It was form fitted from her wait up and puffed from her wait to her knees. She looked gorgeous, but KC didn't think so. "Don't dress up too much. Be yourself, KC. If you show him you don't care super much about your look, he'll notice you better."


"Yeah." Charlotte nodded. She wore a navy blue A-line dress with a slight pattern in black, which was barely noticed with how dark the two tones were, that went just above her knees with white flats. She and KC both had their hair curled and Charlotte wore a little more makeup than KC did, who felt better about herself after her pep talk with Charlotte. The brunette stood up and grabbed her over the shoulder purse and set the strap on her shoulder. "Let's go before we're late."

The two walked a few blocks together as Charlie and Fulton were already there, sipping on Pepsi. The girls were not late, the boys were simply early and decided to show a little early to pump one another up. "Do you think this is like a real date?" Charlotte asked KC.

KC fixed her hair and brought it to her shoulders. "Yes."

"Even if we're both there?"

"Well, yeah, it's called a double date. Unless Charlie and I get our own booth and you and Fulton get your own. But I mean, I would most likely embarrass myself so it would be nice if you stayed."

"I kind of want to but at the same time I want to get to know Fulton a little more. I have this feeling he might like me."

"How so?" KC asked, twirling in front of Charlotte and walked backwards. 

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders lightly. "I don't know. He just seemed really shy talking to me the other day, you know?"

"Yes, because being shy means you like someone. Real, isn't it?" 

They arrived to the diner and KC stepped up the steps first and held the door, then Charlotte grasped the door and walked in after her friend. They noticed the two boys sitting at a table. The girls walked over, smiling to a waitress as they passed by, and stood next to the table the boys were at. Charlie stood up, giving KC a smile. "Do we all wanna sit here or each have our separate tables?" Charlie asked.

He and Fulton had went over a plan of the night. Charlie was to ask that very question and Fulton was to respond with 'our own tables' that way he and Charlotte could sit together. He really didn't know how to feel and nor did Charlotte, but she took this is a mutual friends dinner for now, until she knew what was this was.

"We could get our tables." Fulton suggested. "How does that sound?" He asked, looking at KC and Charlotte. Charlotte did not mind, it was KC, who seemed stressed about it.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I just need to tell KC something." Charlotte replied, grasping KC's hand and walked to the other side of the dinner as the boys fist bumped one another, glad their little plan was going the right way. Charlie did this so Fulton could get a date with Charlotte. He didn't mind having to go on a date with KC, in fact, she did seem very different than all the other girls. He would very much consider being friends with her, or more if it came to that. Charlie originally hoped this double date would bring Fulton and Charlotte to terms on their friendship, possibly more in the future.

"You can't sit with him. What if I choke on my coke? What if I tell him that I fell from our cheer pyramid yesterday night and got a bleeding nose from crashing into a girl's face? What if I burp? Or worst, fart?" KC panicked and Charlotte laughed, setting a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Don't worry. We won't be far. Need anything, go to the bathroom and look at me, I'll come."

KC nods and the two head back to the boys. KC stopped and seated herself in front of Charlie, who have her a kind smile, sitting with his hands on his lap as he watched Fulton and Charlotte walk off to their own table two booths down. Charlie and KC had a booth, then there was an empty booth, and then Fulton and Charlotte's. KC grew quiet and Charlotte took her seat, bringing her dress below her butt and slid into the seat.

It got oddly quiet at that end of the diner, but once one would say something, a new conversation would start up. After the waitress came and ordered drinks, Charlotte thanked them and set her hands in her lap. "So, did Varsity apologize after throwing your clothes in the showers?" Charlotte asked.

Fulton looked up and shook his head. He laughed nervously. "No, we  sprayed liquid nitrogen around their locker room during their game." He replied.

She furrowed her brows in confusion. "Wait," She leaned forward. "Doesn't that just make the situation worst? Why wouldn't you guys try make it work between both teams?"

"Varsity hates us, Charlotte."

"So, you're Fulton Reed. Can't you slam them into the boards or something?"

He laughed at her words and shook his head, liking her thought and intentions, but they weren't exactly the right thing to do. "Can't exactly do that. You see, Varsity hates us because we got free rides to the school and their brothers lost their slot-"

She had cut him off. "Sorry for cutting you off, but they obviously weren't good enough."

"I know." He leaned forward, setting his hands on the table. He would of never thought that he would be on a date with a girl and that Charlie would be laughing with a girl a few tables down at the same diner. He would have thought that Portman would of been there. They had tried picking up girls together in LA during their time at the Games, but it was all fun and games. "But they still seem to hate our guts."

"I would ignore them then. They aren't good people to be around."

"You can say that again."

The waitress came back with their drinks, Charlotte thanked her and Fulton nodded, and soon they ordered their meals. She had placed Charlie and KC's drinks on their table as well as KC thanked her and Charlie said told a story from his Peewee days, nodding to the waitress, who was his mother. "So, why didn't Portman come? You and him would kill out on the ice."

Fulton half shrugged, setting his water down and Charlotte held the straw of her drink, which floated to the top of her drink from the carbon inside, as she sipped on it. "He bailed when our former coach bailed."

"Bombay, right?" Fulton nodded.

"So, enough about hockey. What about you? How is cheerleading?"

She shrugged, twirling her straw around her cup. "I don't know, good I guess. It still is a little scary. But I can't wait for soccer season."

"I should come catch a game sometime." 

She nods. "Yeah, they're pretty exciting. We're better than boys. They're too dramatic when it comes to penalties and stuff. We take it like a man and they take it like a girl. No joke."

"Wow. They mustn't be tough then."

"Nope." She popped the 'p'. "But other than that, all is good. Say, do you have any brothers or sisters at the school?"

Fulton shook his head. "Nah, don't got any. And you?"

"No. My brother was offered to come here, but denied it because he didn't want to lose his reputation at my old school. He's seventeen. His name is Matthew Williams, I call him Matty, ever heard of him?"

"Does he play hockey?"


"Then no." 

She laughed and he found it cute and looked away, not wanting her to see him staring at her. Charlotte was getting to know Fulton more and she did enjoy it. She enjoyed too much as she didn't eat much, nor did Fulton, but Charlie and KC had scarfed down their food, three drinks each and a bunch of desserts, until Charlie's mother had cut him from the pastries as they weren't good for him.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now