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On Saturday afternoon, all of the Ducks were at Hans' funeral together, whether some wanted to be there or not. Charlotte remained in the gym for a cheer practice as their game had went quite well, not, they needed to get themselves in sync as they danced and cheered around the gym floors. Stacey would be choosing who stood where in the lines after seeing who could do what.

The Ducks were quiet as the priest spoke and gave the final words of the funeral. Charlie stood mad. Nothing could go better for him as this was the worst part of his problem right now. Fulton stood among the Ducks as he and Charlie weren't on the best of terms because Fulton said he couldn't quit school and hockey, but Charlie was prepared to and head to Canada, play Juniors for a few years, but Fulton could not bring himself to.

Fulton was more focused on his studies and hockey, and thinking about Charlotte Williams. He still thought of her after that kiss she placed on his cheek. Right now, his mind was blank as he stood with his hands in front of his stomach as he bowed his head and repeated the words with everyone else of what the priest said. Soon, they would see Bombay.

"Move it, Charlotte, let's go!" Stacey yelled. "You too, KC!" She called, clapping her hands as she had the girls run around the gym, doing a few laps to warm up.

"I'm not a long distance runner." Charlotte told KC.

KC was a little in her own world, as things had progressed with Charlie Conway, she grew upset because he was off in his own world and did what ever he pleased. She was worried, but couldn't do a thing about it. She felt bad that he was on his own and dealing with multiple problems but even she couldn't help if she didn't even know what was going on.

"I'm not a runner, period." KC said, slowing her pace as thy joined the few other girls who had finished. When every girl was ready, Stacey and the girls headed outside on the not too hot of a day with some clouds, which made the temperature just right to practice. There were no mats and so the girls needed to get their flyers in the air and catch them in the air, not when they've hit the ground. KC shook her hands to her sides as she approached her few basemen and so did Charlotte.

She took in a deep breath, setting her hands on two of the shoulders from either girl on either side of her. Then she placed her foot on one thigh, then gazed over and set her other foot on a girl's thigh. After Stacey called to three, four flyers were brought up into the air and held by their feet and ankles. Charlotte no longer wobbled and brought her arms, grasping KC's hand to her right and Lacey's hand to her left. With hands linked, Stacey and the few girls up front cheered together and did their small pompom routine. As the same time, they showed the ground routine to the remaining girls, who kept steady and quiet.

Stacey turned when their finished and noticed the flyers hadn't been flipped forward and caught. She brought her hands to her hips with an angry sigh. "You're supposed to be on the ground by now, Flyers." She sighed. "Let's go!"

The flyers had let one another's hands go. Charlotte swallowed the lump in her throat and was hoisted into the air and she lied flatly with her hands on her chest, crossed over the other. She was caught by three girls and then placed onto the grass. All of the girls finished off in their final poses and Stacey nodded in approval. Then she clapped her hands together and called the girls into line.

After the funeral, most of the Ducks headed off and did their own thing. Fulton passed by where the cheerleaders were leaving, going their own ways, and he didn't noticed Charlotte there, but he noticed KC walking away with some girls and laughing. He rubbed his face as he grew tired and shook his head.

From behind, Charlotte ran up with her bag over her shoulder and came up behind Fulton, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Boo!" She called and he jumped. She laughed and walked around him, walking backwards in front of him as she laughed and he shook his head at her. "Gotcha."

"You sure did." He nodded. 

"Say, what ugh, are you doing wearing a tux?" She asked. She pondered why he wore it but she wanted to stay longer because he looked fine in that tux. For once he wasn't wearing a bandanna, leather clothes, or his green jacket. His tuxedo was nicely ironed and his shoes were clean, his hair framed his face.


She grew quiet. "Oh, I'm sorry." She replied.

He gave her a shrug. "It's all right. Things will just be different without our mentor. He was our old assistant coach back in Peewees."

She nods. "I can leave you alone if you want?" She suggested. "Or we can go for a walk or something."

He thought about it and gave her a light smile. He didn't exactly know what love felt like or did to one, but he certainly liked the feeling he had around Charlotte. To him, she was certainly more than just one of the cheerleaders. She was a young beautiful girl, very smart, very funny and kind, she could be serious when one asked her to, she is willing to try new things and learn as she grew. Fulton liked how sensitive she was about certain things and he liked how lovely her smile was. Her semi-dark brown hair complimented her brown eyes beautifully, he'd never seen such a cheerleader in his life.

"We can stay out here. Before it rains, of course." He told her.

She nodded and walked with him. The schoolyard was rather large, there were even stables around at the back of the school. The front of the school was small, where there were sidewalks to the school and dorm building and to the back side of the school. They walked to the backside, where trees lined the sidewalks and a few horses could be heard from the stables afar.

"So, how do you know Rick?" He asked her. 

She looked over at him in ponder and he looked away elsewhere. "His girlfriend is the cheer captain. So, he comes around a lot and tells us what we're doing wrong."

"Like what?"

"Well, he'll cheer us on, of course. But he'll tell us to straighten up. Jump higher. Yell louder. Make the descend of the flyers faster. You know," She shrugged. "Stuff like that."

"I don't like him."

She knew that. All of the JV hockey team hated Rick and Cole the most, but they still hated Varsity overall. She heard about the beef between both teams and Varsity did start it and they were going to end it in a few days for the pathetic losers that JV was. "I heard." She laughed. "I just don't see why you guys were pulling pranks. If you would have left them alone, they would have stopped because it wouldn't of been fun. But you guys continued to make it fun for them." She explained.

"Maybe we did, but they gotta learn not to mess with us. Besides, we got the last laugh."

She laughed hysterically. "You did? You and Charlie quit the team and your Coach is mad at all of you. Wow, you won all right." She agreed.

Fulton shook his head. "I meant for pranks."

"Oh." She calmed herself and he now laughed quietly. He stared up at the grey sky. She didn't bother for it and continued to walk. He had stopped to examine the sky better as the black clouds moved rather faster and in clumps. He didn't think it was a good idea to keep walking around outside and that maybe the two should head inside. 

Charlotte headed for the stables, which wasn't much farther ahead and she didn't mind rain, she just knew that she was bound to get a cold afterwards, or sick. Fulton called her name and jogged after her as good as he could considering the attire he wore. "Charlotte! Hey, Charlotte, wait up!" He called.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now