Late For Practice

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 As the end of the day came, students rushed around the halls as they wanted to make as much of their night as they could. Charlotte headed for her dorm room, carrying her books with her as she needed to get ready for cheer practice in the gym with the other girls. They needed to be ready for the upcoming game in a few weeks. The cheerleaders wanted everything to be right and perfect for the football game.

Currently, Varsity was practicing and the JV team was about to gather in their locker room to get dressed into their hockey gear. Charlotte got to her dorm, which surprisingly she did not share with anyone as the second bed had not been claimed yet. She set her books down on her desk and walked over to her armor, opening the large doors and searching for her red and white cheer uniform. 

Grabbing the hanger, she pulled the skirt off and set it on her bed. Then the top and looked at it as she changed quickly. She could just imagine the practice and the girls she would meet and become friends with. She would attend every football game and see all the hot JV and Varsity boys. She was looking forward to that a lot. She would travel with the girls to every away football game and cheer on the boys of her school's team.

Finishing up, she stepped over to her mirror and pulled back the hair from the top of her head, pulling it into a high ponytail as the rest of her hair remained curled and down. She touched up her makeup a little bit and wiped away the lipstick from her lips. Walking over to the door, she pulled on some running shoes and laced them up tightly, then left with her small gym bag, heading downstairs and then to the other side of the school where the gym was.

Getting downstairs, she had so much on her mind and thought about everything and anything. Charlotte could only wonder what the girls would be like, were they going to be mean or welcoming? As Charlotte rounded the corner, she was not paying attention as she was in a hurry so she would not be late, she ran into someone. She head hit the person's chest quite hard and fell back from the impact. They remained on their feet and she had gotten the worst end and fell on the floor. 

Gazing up, she noticed a boy who stood above her. He scratched the back of his arm and looked around, no one else was there but the girl who sat on the floor. Charlotte wiped her skirt off and the boy extended his arm, feeling terrible for what had happened, but it was not his fault. Charlotte was too caught up in her own world. "Let me help you up." He told her. 

She looked up at the tall broad shouldered boy with longer brown hair. She could tell he was a hockey player, or had to be. He did not have short hair, it was longer and almost touched his shoulders. He wore a bandanna around his head, keeping his hair back and wore a leather glove on his left hand.

She shook her head, getting out of her trance and brought her hand to his, where he tightened his grip on her small hand, pulling her to her feet. "Pass me your other hand." She did as told, giving him her other hand, where she placed it in his leather gloved hand. His hands were a little rough, like he used them often and worked. She liked the feel of his hand on hers because her hand fit nicely in his hand, because it was smaller. 

When she got to her feet, she took a step back, pulling her hands back. She fluffed her skirt a little and dusted herself off. The boy, embarrassed, decided to apologize. "I apologize for what happened." He told her.

He stood taller than she did, but if she wore heels, she would come at the same height just about. "It was my fault. I was in a rush to get to practice and didn't see you. I'm sorry." She returned.

He nods. "Okay."

A small smile grew from her lips as she laughed quietly as his shyness and embarrassment. "I saw you today in class." She told him. She recalls seeing him on TV when he played at the Junior Goodwill Games, but she could not remember his name. She had two names in mind, but couldn't remember which name went with which face, as it was hard to see with the helmets and full on gear. "Um, Dean Portman, right?" She guessed.

He shook his head. "No."

"No?" She questioned. She brought a hand to her face, embarrassed as she flushed a deep red and he smiled to her. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Fulton Reed?" She questioned with uncertainty.

He nods. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Saw you on TV." She shrugged. "That's how you're here now, right? Gold medal winners, you must be stressed about keeping your title here." She told him.

He half nodded, not really understanding what she meant, but he went along with it anyhow. "Gold medals winners we are, but um, I won't be a medal winner if I don't get to practice."

"Oh right," She spoke. "Duh, I have to get to practice, too." He nods, swaying on his feet as he didn't know what to do. Should he leave or wait until she does? "I should be going. I'll see you in class tomorrow." She nods and walks around him, heading to her practice at the gym.

He turned on his feet and watched her jog off. She licked his bottom lip in thought. She knew his name but he did not know hers. He was upset as he should have asked what her name was. A beautiful girl like her must've had a beautiful name to go with it. He took in a deep breath and exhaled, walking to the rink where he was running late and where the girl he'd just met was no longer in sight. She was running late, but she wouldn't be given heck for it.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now