Hockey Game

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The next week, Fulton and his team had a hockey game against the Blakeview Bears. An average team who had an entirely new team that year, just like the Warriors. The Warriors had finished dressing and were warming up on the ice together as Coach Orion looked around at both his team and the opposing team. Charlie was in a pretty good mood that day and Fulton was too, seeing his friend light on his feet.

Charlotte and KC walked up the steps of the bleachers. Charlotte did not want to attend the hockey game, or any of them games, but because of KC's massive crush on Charlie Conway, she was forced to come so her bets friend wasn't alone. On one of the only days off in her week, Charlotte wanted to be anywhere than a cold rink with loud people in a cramped seat watching kids get tumbled to the ice, thrown into the boards, and walk on knives with sticks in their hands. She really did wanted to be anywhere than the ice rink.

Charlie skated around and gazed into the stands, seeing if he had seen anyone he had knew. When he noticed Charlotte and her friend, eh sent them a wave and smile. KC freaked out, tugging on Charlotte's shoulder as Charlie had noticed her, or so she thought. Charlie looked away with a bigger smile at Charlotte's weird friend. He skated over to center ice with his stick on his upper thighs, stretching his arms.

"Did you see that!?" KC half yelled into Charlotte's ear, who pushed her best friend off of her and nodded.

"Yes, I did. Now, how long are these things?" 

"Like an hour."

Charlotte quieted down as everyone else had as well. KC calmed herself from excited about seeing Charlie Conway and how he had seen her. The game was about to start and both teams came to their benches. The Warriors came together and when their pep talk finished, they all brought their hands in the middle and started to quack together. Coach Orion had cut them short, raising his voice at their shenanigans and they stopped, looking at one another and Charlie rolled his eyes, again, at his Coach. "Go team on three." He spoke. "One. Two. Three." He spoke.

"Go team.." Half the team spoke without much motivation as they did not like their new and unenthusiastic cheer. Charlie turned away with Fulton, shaking his head.

"Go team." Charlie spoke, skating away with Fulton and Averman. "How original." Charlie said sarcastically.

"Just stick with the team, Charlie." Averman told him.

"Let's get him." Fulton smiled, fist bumping Charlie's hand as the two smiled and went to their positions.

Charlotte took in a deep breath and sat back in her seat, rubbing her arms as she grew slightly cold. Charlie gazed back in the stands, waving to both Charlotte and KC again. KC waved back and Charlie skated over to face off as Charlotte had simply smiled. She looked around for Fulton, knowing he was on this team as well. 

As Charlie approached face off, the rest of his teammates approached as well on the outer circle and waited. The ref came and dropped the puck. Charlie skated a step forward and tuned, keeping the puck in front of him and opposing player behind him. He passed the puck out to Fulton who stopped and looked around. Then he proceeded forward with the puck and as Charlie came from behind, Fulton passed the puck back. He skated forward and knocked to players down with his shoulders, allowing Charlie to skate by.

Charlotte grew curious and intrigued with the way the two player, so she sat up and got a better look. She thought that maybe hockey wasn't that bad to watch and maybe she would come to like a new game.

Charlie came up to the boards and cut in towards the middle. Where he brought his arm out and held his stick with one hand. once he got the player away from him, he went to the net and slowed, shooting on the right side and scoring. The ref blew his whistle, indicating a point for the Eden Hall Warriors and together the players joined in a group. With a huddle, they patted one on the shoulder and cheered. KC stood up yelling and cheering, being noticed by everyone in the arena whereas Charlotte clapped quietly in sync with the rest of the crowd.

As Fulton turned on his skated to had back to his position, he could hear someone yelling and screaming, he looked up to see KC, then looked to the left and noticed Charlotte. He smiled and stared at his skates for a moment, but then looked up. She sent him a smile and slight wave, which he had caught before the puck was to drop again. 

Inside, Fulton felt amazing, his team was in the lead and the girl who claimed to hate hockey was sitting in the stands and watching him. He started to have a slight feeling in his chest, one that mad his heart beat faster than ever before and his muscles tensed. He shook off the nervous jitters, as he thought that's what they were and looked back at the puck.

When the game finished, JV tied with Blakeview as Charlie's attitude had gotten fierce and he attempted to make the game a one man show. Fulton was a little upset, but it was better than a lost, not according to Coach Orion. Fulton slammed the locker room door open with his hand and stick, stepping inside first as Charlie and the others followed with groans from the tie, not happy about it.

Charlotte decided to wait outside the locker rooms with KC, who impatiently stared at the door, waiting for Charlie Conway to step. She found it extremely hot how he tried to make it a one man show and she did not care for the tied game, she got to see a hot guy play hockey and score goals, that was enough for her. Charlotte truly did enjoy the game a lot more than she thought she would. She was amazed to see Fulton, and the rest of the team, perform to their abilities on the ice. it was different than the TV screen. She cheered for them for every goal they made. She considered it a thought to continue going to the games, but just for fun since she didn't exactly have a reason to go to the game.

Back in the locker room, the players' gear was half thrown on the floor and half on the ground as they were undressing and sat down. Charlie stood in the middle of the walkway with Fulton. "What're we playin' for anyway?" he asked. All of them upset, some of them blaming others for having a lack of effort and others arguing about other stupid things. Charlie threw his gloves off. "Some stupid school? The alumni? Warriors?" He questioned and threw his jersey off. "The hell are we now?"

"Look man," Russ started and stood up. Charlie turned and looked at him. "We're on scholarship. I'm staying."

Fulton shook his head. "Fine, sellout."

"Now, who you callin' a sellout, Punk?!" Russ called and hit Fulton, he came back pushing him and then Charlie joined, soon everyone joined in. They all tried getting each other to stop but it only escalated. Coach Orion walked in and broke up his players, yelling at them to sit down and quiet down. He walked between the two benches filled with tired players. He was angry. He was upset. It was as if what he had taught his players didn't mean anything as they did everything he told them not. He said defense, and saw a lack of it during the game. 

During the game, Charlie had went to the box for unsportsmanlike conduct and he kept nagging the ref about only calling the whistle now and not any other time during the game. He was furious and threw his helmet inside the box, shaking his head and kicked the boards with his skates as his mother shook her head, wondering what had gotten into him. He was never that sort of boy.

"Hey, who took my clothes?" Guy asked after Orion left and looked at his teammates. 

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now