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It was a sunny day after school and most of the sports teams were getting ready to leave. KC and Charlotte were finishing up their hair before going to the bus as they were going to the opposing team's school for the football game. The JV hockey team prepared to go to their bus, where Coach Orion had just arrived ad explained to their driver where they were going. 

KC was a little upset with the mess she was in because she really liked Charlie, but he was never around, not around his team, the school, his friends, his mother, no one. She thought they really had a connection and after hearing he had quit the team and left school, she decided to just stop thinking about him in general. It tore her apart inside, but she knew she could do better than a stupid hockey jock like Charlie Conway. Meanwhile, Charlotte kept her mind blank for the game as she was ready to perform their ground routine for the second time.

Leaving the school, the cheerleaders followed the football players and band students to their buses, which were parked further down the block from where the JV hockey bus parked. There were a few players laughing and headed for thee JV bus and KC tried to figure out who it was. Charlotte flipped through some papers and was explaining to them to KC, who wasn't listening.

Fulton was headed for his bus when Luis tapped his shoulder and pointed to the two cheerleaders, who walked on their own to a bus. "Look who."

"Charlotte and KC." He told Luis. "So? They've got a game to be at."

"Aren't you two like a 'thing'?" He asked, air quoting 'thing' as they walked. Fulton shook his head, his ears became red and Luis didn't nag him on as he drooled over see Stacey. She walked over to Rick Riley, setting her hand on his chest and placed a kiss to his cheek. Rick did not notice Luis Mendoza staring at them, but Stacey saw Luis and sent him a wink. He melted inside and Fulton grabbed the collar of Luis' shirt, pulling him along and he hobbled behind until he caught up.

"Stop gawking over a girl that's four years older than you."

"Four." Luis laughed. "No, she's a senior."

"Yeah, four years older, Little Buddy. She's eighteen and you're fourteen."

Luis shrugged and wandered off. Fulton headed over to go see Charlotte and KC, who ignored Charlotte as she was reading off the paper they were given by Stacey. KC noticed and took the paper from her brunette friend's hands and shoved Charlotte's paper into her bra quickly, not caring for it as she put on a brave smile. "Hey." Fulton smiled.

"Hi, Fulton." KC smiled.

"Hi, KC. How you doing?"

"Could be better if I didn't have so many boys running after me." She shrugged nonchalantly, wanting to give him the hint that boys were wanting to be with her and she hoped Fulton would see Charlie and give him the word about it. She desperately wanted Charlie and Charlotte attempted not to laugh at KC's lie, which seemed real because she was a smokin' cheerleader with the ass, breasts, curves, looks, smarts, and smile. She had it all.

Fulton nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, that doesn't sound bad." He told her. 

KC sighed dramatically and twirled around with a groan, stomping off towards the bus. He laughed and wondered what her issue was. Charlotte turned back from watching KC walk off to the bus, shoving a girl out of the way and got on before her, causing Stacey to laugh as she had approached the bus. 

"She's upset with how things are between her and Charlie."

"I think all that just explained it." He replied and she nods. "I came to wish you luck."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Fulton. I wish all of you the best of luck. Take 'em down." She said, punching the front of his shoulder lightly.

He could only laugh at that as she brought her hand back. She swayed on her heels and watched the rest of his teammates hop onto the bus. He turned and looked as well, noticing they were getting ready to pack up and leave as well. "I better go. See you around?"

"Sure. Bye, Fulton." She waved.

"Bye, Charlotte." He waved and ran off to his bus. They all wore matching red uniforms and she laughed at that, turning and jogging over to her bus.

When she stepped on the bus, she noticed KC at the back of the bus, fogging up the window and drawing on it. As one of the boys from the football team passed by, she pulled the window down and yelled at them, then brought her arm out, about to flip them off when Charlotte reached over and pulled her friend back. She stuck her head out the window. "Sorry, she's didn't mean it!"

KC pulled Charlotte back. "I did too!"

Both of them sat down in their seats and Charlotte looked over at KC. She behind her shoulder, she could see a familiar boy walking out of the school, jogging in jeans and a flannel long sleeve shirt, he hopped up the steps of the JV hockey bus, but KC did not see and Charlotte looked away. "He'll come around. Maybe Fulton will talk to him." Charlotte told her friend.

"Maybe." KC shrugged. "But who cares, I shouldn't of gotten my hopes up when I thought some jock could like me back. Especially him. Like, gee, he must have every girl after him." KC wined, sinking in her seat.

"KC, there's more boys in the sea than one jock. It's natural, you know?"

"Natural for a cheerleader to fall so head over heels in love with a guy and not get him?" She questioned. "Yeah, sure is natural." She scoffed.

Their bus took off down the road, passing by the JV bus as it followed the first bus filled with football players. The JV bus would not be leaving the school that day as they needed to deal with something far worst than a loss in a hockey game. Charlie Conway came back to the hockey team with a smile and he was prepared to the man he needed to be and he wanted to make things right with hockey and school before he did anything with girls for a little. The JV hockey team were schedule first at the next board meeting all because Varsity was able to convince some board members to revoke JV's scholarships.

𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕟 𝔼𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕣 -Fulton Reed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now