Part 3||Chapter 1

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6 months later...
I've felt hurt before, but this was a different type of hurt. I was scared, felt guilty, sick to my stomach that something so precious, so innocent was going to be taking from me in a blink of an eye. I've always wondered if there really was a God because every time I needed him he was never there. Every time I begged him to help me he never did. It felt like I was being punished. Punished for others wrong doings, as if it was somehow my fault. But that day God finally listened to me and that's the day I finally realized, that there is a God.
Jada (7 Months Pregnant)

******They stayed in Texas for 2 month before coming back to New York

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They stayed in Texas for 2 month before coming back to New York. They was suppose to stay longer but shit took a turn for the worst. Liza is pregnant. Well was pregnant. One day Elijah was looking in her room for a charger and found some papers from Planned Parenthood. She had an abortion.

This nigga went ballistic. Turning over tables, punching holes in walls. Jada has never seen him act so crazy. He slapped and yoked up Liza, Jada felt bad for her and tried to stop him but she deserved it. She was playing with fire and got burnt. He wanted to know who the nigga was who got her pregnant and who took her to get a abortion because she's underage, so someone over age had to sign for her. He thought it was his mother at first but she was just as shock as him.

Jada told him about Tray but when Elijah went looking for him he found out the nigga got arrested on a gun charge. But Elijah wasn't gonna let that nigga slide. As for his and Liza relationship, right now it's non existent. He's more disappointed than upset. He wanted better for his lil sister but she was just like the rest of these young wanna be grown hoes.


Jada laid on her back uncomfortably as she looked up at the ceiling. She couldn't lay on her side because when she did the baby would be kicking her like crazy. She huffed as she rolled on her side and pushed herself up so she was sitting up. She held her lower back as she stood up. These past few months has been hard but also a moment to remember. Pregnancy was such a beautiful thing but also scary.

She was only in a bra and panties so she grabbed her silk robe off the love seat in the corner of the bedroom and put in on.
"Lijah" Jada called out as she made her way out the room and towards the stairs. She heard Elijah cough and then heard foot steps coming up the stairs at a quick pace.

"You ok? What you doing up? Come on, you know I don't like you going up and down these stairs by yourself. You might fall." He said grabbing her hand and holding a tight grip on her waist as he guided her down the stairs. She sucked her teeth but knew he was right. A few weeks ago she almost fell down the stairs, but thank God Liah was in front of her and caught her just in time.

"I can't sleep, I'm too uncomfortable" she groaned as she rubbed her lower belly. She took a seat on the couch beside Elijah. Elijah put out the lit blunt that was in the ashtray and fanned away the smoke. He put on the ceiling fan to try to air out the living room. He sat down next to her placing his hand on her stomach.

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