Part 4||Chapter 13

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**Reread Chapter 12 if you don't remember what happened.



2 days later...
"You still mad at me or something?" Elijah asked as he walked up to Jada who was sitting in the love seat. JoJo laid across her lap taking his nap. She held a book in her hand. She slightly closed it and glanced up at him.
"Ain't nobody worried about you Lijah" Jada simply said as she proceeded to continue reading.
Elijah gently took the book from her.
"So what's up then?" He asked. Jada sighed as she looked down at a sleeping JoJo.
"Nothing...I'm just tired ok. I'm not mad or nothing. Now give me my book." She said.
"You lying...I'm sorry ok" he said. Jada slightly rolled her eyes.
"Ok Elijah." She said. He just stared at her.
"Your too good for this cruel world. You got a good heart" he told her.
"She's my cousin and she needs me"Jada said. He nodded.
"I know. I love you ok" he told her as he kissed her forehead. He than kissed JoJo.
"I love you too Elijah" Jada said. He smiled as he left out their room. Jada didn't bother mentioning how Liza was currently away getting help, and she didn't plan on telling no one. But if Jigz did ask, she would tell him because she knew deep down he still cared.


" Liza?" Jada said as she stepped into Liza's bedroom and closed the door behind her. She heard the shower running.
"Liza?...Liza it's Jada. I just wanted to make sure you are ok" Jada said as she lightly knocked on the bathroom door. No answer once again. Jada felt anxious so she just went in. The bathroom was fogged up. Jada slowly walked in.
"Liza?" Jada lowly said when she heard crying.
Jada saw the shadow of Liza threw the foggy glass shower.
"Liza" Jada called out. Liza couldn't hear her. She didn't even notice she was no longer alone in the bathroom. Jada slowly opened the shower door. Liza stood in the middle of the shower covering her eyes crying as the shower water poured down on her. Jada's eyes instantly went to the bruising on her thigh.
"LIZA!" She shouted. Liza jumped and her eyes popped open. Liza watched as Jada's eyes stared down at her thighs. Liza quickly crouched down in a fetal position covering herself.

"Get out....GET OUT!" Liza screamed. Jada backed away from the shower.
"Liza....Liza what happened" Jada asked.
"NOTHING! Get out!" Liza cried. Jada was confused.
"No! What happened? Liza...Liza did Cam do this?" Jada asked not knowing how else she could of got these bruises.
"WHAT...NO! No he didn't do this. He would never hurt me" Liza quickly said as she cried. Her bottom lip trembled as she rested her forehead on her knees.
"He...I...I tried..." Liza couldn't even finish her sentence because the impact of everything hit her so quick. She started breathing heavy.
" ok? Just breath. Take a deep breath and calm down ok." Jada said as she turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. Jada squatted down next to Liza. Liza tried to control her breathing.

"In and out Liza... You're ok, just breath" Jada coached her as she covered her naked body with a towel. Jada got a closer look at the purplish bruising. Jada ran her hands through Liza's wet curly hair. Jada's felt like something really bad happened to Liza. Something she once experienced. It's not hard to know when someone was a victim of rape when you once was.
"Jada..." Liza sobbed as she hugged Jada. Jada cradled Liza in her arms as if she was a newborn baby. Jada didn't care that she was getting wet from sitting on the shower floor.
"Jadaaaaa" Liza cried out louder as she squeezed Jada tighter. Tears fell from Jada's eyes.
"Shhh. I got you....I promise I do" Jada whispered as she broke down in tears.

Of all crimes committed against a person, rape is the one that leaves a person feeling the most violated. You find yourself blaming yourself. If I would of...if I didn't do find yourself trying to justify what happened. In your mind you know it was wrong, but you start blaming yourself for something you had no control over. You had no idea someone you knew...someone you thought you knew would take advantage of you and commit the unthinkable. Shame on you?...NO, shame on them!

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