Part 4||Chapter 15

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You spend your whole life trying to protect someone, but when they need your protection the most you're no where around. Elijah was very over protective over the women and people he loved. He's sometimes too protected that it comes off as controlling. He doesn't mean to come off as controlling, he just never wanna loss or see someone he loves hurt, or in any danger. All his life he tried his best to protect Liza. He killed her own father because he hurt her. He don't play when it comes to his.

"I'm tryna lay down" Jada said in a low voice. She tugged on the blanket. Elijah quickly snapped out of his thoughts and quickly stood up allowing her to freely pull it. He was so spaced out that he didn't even notice she came back into the room. He glanced back at her as she got into bed. She looked sad, probably because of the lil argument they got into a few hours ago. Elijah hated how he took his anger out on her. He used to be able to handle his temper but it has been getting worser and worser as the years went by.

"I'm sorry...a lot of shit is going on and I ain't mean to take my frustration out on you" He told her. She leaned against the head board just staring at him. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers before bringing her hand to her face.
"I hate when you treat me like this. It makes me hate you" She cried. He quickly got up and sat closer to her. He pulled her towards his chest and she hugged him. She rested her head on his chest.
"I'm sorry...I just can't handle this shit" he whispered. Jada sucked her teeth and leaned off him. He ooked at her confused.
"It's always I I I...Elijah, we suppose to be in this together. I can't handle this shit either...neither can Liza" Jada said with an attitude. She quickly wiped her eyes and shook her head.

"You treat everybody like shit and I'm sick of it. I had your back through everything...everything" Jada said.
"And I ain't have ya fucking back! Don't go there with me Ja-" Jada cut him off.
"No don't go there with know what fuck this. I'm done" Jada waved her hand and stood up.
"Done? Done with what" he questioned. He stood up and grabbed a hold of Jada waist. She tried to move from his grip but he was stronger.
"I love you...I love y'all, you know this" He said. He looked like he was about to cry because he knew what Jada was hinting. Jada shook her head and looked away.

"Yo why you shaking ya head. Ja, you know I fucking love you" he said.
"Show me you love me instead of telling me" she said as a tear fell from her eye. He let her go and just stared at her. She sat back on the bed.
"Get out, go sleep in the living room or go to Jigz house I don't give a fuck" Jada said. Elijah stared down at her.
"So you don't give a fuck?" Elijah questioned. Jada sighed as she looked up at him.
"You haven't gave a fuck in how long Elijah!... It took for this shit to happen to Liza for you to finally give a fuck" Jada said. Jada instantly regretted those words. She didn't regret what she said, she just regretted how she worded it. She looked up at Elijah who was just staring at her. His face held no emotion.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to say it like that" Jada said. Elijah twisted his mouth to the side and looked off. He was hurt...hurt because it was the truth.
"Elijah..." Jada said as she stood up. She walked towards him but he walked away towards the window. His back was to her. The way he held his head down and the way his shoulders slightly moved she knew he was crying.
"Elijah" Jada said as she touched his lower back. He sniffled. Jada felt bad, but she was tired of holding everything in. She quickly wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back as he cried. They stood in that same position for 5 minutes. Elijah unwrapped Jada's arms from his waist. She wiped her eyes as she watched him go into their closet.
"What you doing?" Jada asked as she watched him go into their safe deposit box.
"Nothing" He said as the green light flashed and the safe deposit box opened. Jada watched as he took out a black gun. It looked like the gun he always had but it was a little bigger.
"What you need that for?" Jada asked. He shook his head not wanting to speak on it.
"You about to leave or something?" Jada asked. He closed the safe deposit box and stood up with the gun in his hand.
"Didn't you tell me to get out" he smartly said. Jada remained quiet.
"You know I ain't mean it...I'm just..." she shook her head. Elijah tried to walk passed her but she blocked him in the closet doorway.
"I love you Elijah...I'm just tired of you hurting me." Jada said. Elijah stared at her for a few seconds before he pulled her closer to her. He kissed her forehead before speaking.
"I love you too...I'm trying Ja. I'm tryna do better by you and the's just, my mind. It' fucked up right now...I-I" he paused.
"What..." Jada looked in his eyes wanting him to continue. He shook his head.
"Just be patient with me...I don't wanna ever push you away, I don't wanna hurt you. That was never my intentions...I..." he shook his head again. He looked spaced out.
"You ok? Come lay down" Jada said as she grabbed his forearm. He nodded as she guided him. He sat down and rubbed his head.
"What's wrong? Why you look so out of it?" Jada asked. He shrugged.
"I'm stressed out..." he said.
"You're scaring me." Jada admitted.
"Don't be scared...I'm ok. I'm bouta go down stairs so I can smoke real quick" he said.
"Just smoke in here. Just open the windows." She said. He nodded as he started to roll up. Jada sat back in bed as she watched him. That first hit of the blunt instantly relieved him. Jada watched him closely.

"Can you fuck me real quick" Jada blurted out. Elijah eyes bulged out and he coughed on the smoke as he looked over at her. She never was so blunt, she always said make love or sex.
"Why you say it like that? Why not make love?" Elijah questioned as he inhaled the smoke. He eyed her.
"Because, I'm mad at you right now" she said. Elijah smirked as he let out a cloud of smoke.
"Iight, I'll fuck you." He said as he stood up. He started to unbuckle his pants but jada stopped him and did it for him. He watched her as he took one last puff. She didn't even have to suck him because he was already hard.

"Let me put this out" he said as he leaned over near the side table. Jada laid back on the bed. She raised her legs so she could remove her shorts and panties. She quickly removed her shirt, followed by her bra. Elijah wasted no time shoving himself in her. Jada whimpered as she felt him go deeper.
"Look at you..." Elijah teased as he kissed all over her neck and chest as he gave her slow deep strokes. Jada playfully rolled her eyes.
"Shut the fuck up" Jada lowly moaned.
"Nah, you shut the fuck up and stop moaning in my damn ear" he chuckled as he slapped her ass.

"Ahh" Jada moaned. Elijah pulled out.
"Turn over." He said. Jada rolled on her stomach and got into position. She let out a loud moan when she felt his tongue slither from her clit to her ass.
"Babyyyy" she moaned. He rubbed between her  wet lips with his thumb before he went back inside her. It didn't take them long to orgasm. They both laid in bed hot and out of breath. Elijah cover his penis and Jada's lower half with the sheet.

"I love and hate you...that's crazy right" Jada said. She didn't actually hate him, she just disliked him some days. Elijah chuckled.
"Yea...that's crazy. I just love hate in my heart towards you" He said looking up at the ceiling. His smiled quickly faded into a frown. Jada noticed it.
"Why you do that? Your mood changed that quick" Jada said.
" did?...My fault. I'm just thinking" he said.
"Thinking about what?" Jada questioned as she rested her head over his heart. She listened to his heart, it was still racing.
"My mom...Liza...JoJo...You...everything" he admitted. Jada stayed quiet.

"I got a lil over $400,000 stashed for know, just in case-" Jada cut him off.
"What...just in case what?" Jada asked as she tried to sit up but he pulled her back on his chest.
"No Elijah in case what! Huh?" She asked as she became emotional.
"Ain't nothing promised in life besides death." He said. Hearing those words brought Jada to tears.
"Why you saying this. Stop" she cried.
"I'm sorry...I just want you to know iight? I'm not in no trouble, I'm just letting you know iight? I don't wanna upset you...let's talk about this another day ok" he said. Jada hugged him tightly.
"I can't live without you" she whispered in his ear.
"Yes you can...your the strongest person I know...I ain't going nowhere no time soon so hush iight" he said as he kissed her lips. Jada nodded, but a part of her didn't believe him.


Sorry for the short chapter, I ran out of ideas...

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