Part 4||Chapter 14

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Elijah sat in his car in silences. The rain made beats as it hit his car. The whole 3 minutes and 2 seconds of the video replayed in his head...over...and over again. His head was spinning, his heart was racing, his hands gripped the steering wheel, he clinched his jaw as he thought about his sister being violated. He blamed himself. He blamed himself for what that nigga did to her. All he did was scream and yell at Liza. He couldn't even remember when they last had a real conversation that didn't involve him yelling or cursing at her. He treated her like shit and didn't really pay her attention unless she was in trouble. He slowly shook his head as as tears fell from his eyes. He wished he could of did a lot of things differently. He wish he could of protected her more. He thought he was protecting her by being hard on her but that seemed to only put her in more danger. His heart ached. He clenched his chest as he felt his chest tightened. His body leant forward and his forehead slowly rested on his steering wheel.


9 o'clock passed....10 o'clock...11...12...and it was now going on 1am and still no sight of Elijah. What happened to Liza and not knowing where Elijah was was stressing Jada out. She kept pacing back and forth with her phone in her hand. She would go back and forth calling his phone and then Liza's phone since he had it...but still no answer. Liza's phone just rung and his went straight to voice mail. Jada sucked her teeth as his phone went to voicemail once again.

"Don't do this to me" Jada mumbled as she rubbed her forehead with her shaky hands. She looked out their window that had a view of the driveway. Her car was the only car there. She sighed as she quickly walked towards their bed and sat down. She bounced her leg as her mind went crazy. She just prayed he was ok. The last time she spoke to him he said he was on his way but that was hours ago. Jada cupped her face as she began to cry once again. After letting all her tears out she sniffled and wiped her eyes. She glanced over at JoJo who was still peacefully sleep.

She felt a vibration and looked down at her phone as it rung on the bed. She quickly grabbed it when she noticed Elijah face.
"Elijah!" She said in a panic. He already knew she was worried.
"I'm ok baby...don't worry" he said. Jada let out a sigh of relief. She was happy but mad at the same time.
"What do you mean don't worry...Elijah, I was fucking worried! You told me you was on your way around 8 it is, 1:20 in the damn morning and you just now calling me" Jada said. She sniffled and wiped her eyes as a few tears fell.
"I'm sorry I had you worried...I should of called...I needed to clear my mind." He said in a low tone. Jada scrunched up her face because he sounded sad and down.
"Come home please...I need to talk to you about something and Liza do." Jada said as she sniffled. The line grew silent.
"I know...I already know..." Elijah mumbled lowly. Tears fell from his eyes. The line grew silent once again.

"What you mean? You already know what?" Jada lowly said. Elijah sniffled but remained silent. Jada just knew that he knew. How, she had no idea. She just sensed he knew. Jada began to cry and so did Elijah. They didn't exchange no words...they just cried. After they had their moment Jada spoke.
"Where are you...please come home...she needs you right now" Jada said.
"I know...I'm in my car still parked in Cams parking lot. I drove to Walmart and got me a charger but came right back. I couldn't drive far at that moment because my mind was going still is. I thought I was having a heart attack earlier." He said.
"What do you mean you thought you was having a heart attack? Elijah, just please come home." Jada said.
"Ok...I'm coming. I love you." He said before they hung up with each other.

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