Part 3||Chapter 11

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1 week later

Jada sat in the doctors office patiently waiting for the nurse to call them. Today's was JoJo's 4 month check up. Jada checked her phone for the 3rd time in 10 minutes. It read 1:37pm. She would of thought Elijah would of been here earlier but she guess not, he seemed very forgetful when it came to remember important dates that involved their son. She don't see how he forgot since he came to get JoJo a few days ago and she had Liah remind him. Liah was currently playing middle man since Jada didn't want to even be in the same room as him. But that's typical Elijah. It was as if Josiah wasn't important to him.
Jada's phone rung. She rolled her eyes hard as she got into the drivers seat buckling her seatbelt.
"What!" Jada yelled into the phone. She quickly looked in her rear view mirror at a sleeping JoJo.
"Yo who the fuck you yelling at?" Elijah said.
"You nigga! You wasn't here AGAIN! I'm sick of your shit! " she said growing angry. Silence took over the phone. Elijah sighed.
"Shit, I'm sorry Jada. I swear I forgot" he said sounding upset but Jada wasn't buying it. She was tired of his inconsistent in their sons life.
"How you forget? He's your fucking son. I don't care if it's a simple doctors appointment . You said you'll be there but never show up. Don't say your gonna do something and don't. You're allowed to forget shit but I can't!" Jada yelled into the phone.
"Yo I said I fucking forgot!" He yelled becoming angry.

"Fuck you! You forget anything that involved him! You begged for him for years." Jada paused as she let out a cry. She shook her head as she let out a heavy breath. She hated how he always broke her down.
"You-you begged for him but now that he's here you act like you don't want shit to do with him. I fucking hate you" she cried. The line was silent for a few seconds. Elijah was upset that she would ever think, yet say that shit to him.
"You twisting my words. I ain't never said I ain't want him...WHY YOU TWISTING MY FUCKING WORDS!" Elijah said becoming angrier.

"You don't have to say shit Elijah! Actions speak louder than words! You forget simple doctors appointment but you never forget a drug delivery or pickup." She said. The line was silent. She was waiting for him to say something...anything, but he never did. Elijah held the phone to his ear feeling low, because she was right.
"Get your priorities straight...I-I have to go" she said before hanging up.
1 week later
I sat on the edge of the bed. Looking down at my hand as I squeezed the tip of the cigarette. It tasted nasty but it was one of the many things that calmed me. It felt like everything in my life was slowly going down hill. Me and Jada relationship was over, I'm trying to be a father but don't know how to. I know you learn as you go and I applaud Jada but I can't seem to get the hang of it. I want to be in my sons life, but it seems like I'm no good. I'd rather keep my distance for a little while. My phone rung. I was thinking it was Jada but it was my mom. I quickly answered.
"Hey ok?" I asked as I stood up stretching.

"Hey, yes I'm ok. Just tired and in a little pain. Nothing I can't handle." she said a little out of breath. I was silent because I could hear the pain in her voice. I haven't told anyone this besides Jigz, but my mom has Brain Cancer. She found out a month after my son was born. As soon as she told me I was on the next plane to Texas. She found out because she kept having bad headaches and went to the doctors thinking it was nothing and found out she had a tumor the size of a golf ball. That shit really fucked up my head and I damn near lost it.

When you think cancer you think death and that shit had me spazzing. I didn't even want to even think about losing my mother. Just the thought of that made me want to do some reckless shit. The shit been eating at me for awhile. But she tries to always assured me she is fine because she knows how I get but deep down I know she's not ok. Last months, I went to Texas to visit her and damn near lost her it when I saw here. All her hair was gone because she was going through Chemo. She still looked the same but I could see the small changes. All her hair was gone and she was a little thinner. I was upset that she was keeping some shit from me, but she said she didn't want to worry me.

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