A Few Secrets Revealed

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Bess whispered quietly:"Harry.."

Harry whispered back not taking his eyes off of the person staring at them in the distance:"yea bess?"

Bess:"catch me" once she said those words she fainted the figure walked out of the door.

Harry:"errr um Niall help over here?"

Niall turned around and saw Harry try to get bess to stand up straight he rushed over towards them. He put bess's arm around his neck and Harry did the same they walked over to the back door where the manager was standing.

Manager:"excuse me but you cannot leave from this door"

Niall:''um sir our friend here fainted we just need to let her lay down in a quiet place"

Manager:"alright fine but don't ruin anything" the boys nodded the manager opened the door behind him. They walked into a fully lit room they put bess on the couch and they sat on the floor.

Niall:"why did she faint this time?"

Harry:"she saw him.."

Niall:"who's him?"


Niall:"who's he?"

Harry:"bess's ex when I saw him he looked hurt"

Niall:"what did bess do when she saw him?"

Harry:"she stood there she became stiff tears formed in her eyes but they were gone as fast as they were formed"

Niall:"did she clench her fists?"

Harry:"she just tightened the grip on my hand"

Niall:"we really need to get to know her more.."

Harry nodded he heard a faint sound coming from bess. He turned his head to see tears sliding down her face he tapped niall on the shoulder who looked at bess.

Bess:"how could you?" there was no reply she was reliving another memory.

Bess:"I don't care about what actually happened I spoke to her and she told me!"

There was along silence. Bess:"Trevor let go of my hand" Harry whispered to Niall:"the day they broke up I'm guessing?"

Niall:"I'm sure of it now shush she's about to talk"

Bess:"you cheated on me Trevor I'll never forgive you I'll never take you ack now let go of me" Niall looked at Harry wide eyed Harry shook his head and stared at the door.

Bess stopped crying she said softly:"who is it?"

A smile spread across her face then it disappeared she said:"come on in Felix what's wrong?"

She was quiet for a long time when's he finally spoke she said:"would you like me to sing your favourite song?" the boys knew Felix said yes because at once she broke into melody Harry and Niall knew the song it was micheal Jackson man in the mirror. When she was done she smiled and said:"you think I dance funny don't you?" she let out a little laugh then said:"come dance with me" and that's when she woke up.

Harry:"you're up great!" bess smiled and she walked over the whee the boys were sitting and sat down.

Niall:"so bess how are you feeling?"

Bess:"I'm fine sorry for what happened out there."

Harry:"it's alright you couldn't help it" bess blushed.

Niall:"bess? About Trevor why did you two really break up"

Bess sighed and said:"he cheated on me he's been doing it for a couple of weeks I caught him once and when he was gone I walked over to the lady and spoke to her she was pretty and she was nice when she was done talking to me I left to find him.."

Harry:"everything Happens for a reason bess you left him and found me" he have her one of his smiled and she smiled back.

Bess:"I regret nothing he shouldve known that I'd find out sooner or later"

Harry:"he was the one that was staring at us when we kissed right?"

Bess nodded and said:"and most probably the one sending me those texts"

Harry looked confused and said:"what texts?"

Bess took out her phone and gave it to niall. Niall opened the texts and started reading them. Harry:"show me the number" he took the phone from Niall and said:"this isn't his number! He called me a few days back this isn't his number"

Bess took her phone and said:"it doesn't matter I'll find out soon enough"

Niall:"could be a prank" he shrugged.

Bess:"um guys how long have we been in here?"

Niall:"an hour or so"

Harry:"shoot the lads will be worried"

Bess:"Kim is going to kill uss" they ran towards the door once the door was opened the manager turned around and said:"ah I see you have woken up your friends have been asking about you"

Niall:"where are they now?"

Manager:"they left a few minute ago"

Harry:"thank you for letting us in"

Manager:"my pleasure now please do not tell anyone about this room"

Bess:"we won't now if you would excuse us our friends will be worried we'll come again some other day goodbye"

Manager:"Goodbye" Harry Niall and bess had to walk back home which only took half an hour Harry and Niall found out new facts about bess that has been hidden inside for a longtime. When they reached home bess said:"get ready because right now all of hell is about to break loose" Niall and Harry laughed she opened the door.

Harry:"hello?" they heard footsteps coming towards them then they saw a very angry Kim.

Bess:"good time to run?"

Niall:"EVERY MAN FORHIMSELF!" they all ran and Kim was cursing and running behind them.




Niall:"TO THE BEACH!" the four ran out to the beach. Startling Louis in the process.

Louis:"what's going on? Why are you running?"

Niall:"LOOK BEHIND YOU LOU!'' and they kept running towards the beach

Kim:"if you stop running I wont kill you?"


Kim:"I *pant* promise" the three walked towards an exhausted Kim.

Niall:"we're sorry are you okay?"

Kim:"I'm fine did I mention I hate you?"

Bess Niall and Harry:"we love you too kimmy"

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