A New Secret Rises ...

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i could tell Niall was tired of all the secrets going around he looked like he was about to lose it, I took him out and left Harry alone in the room.

Liam:"Niall i know you're tired of all the secrets , mysteries everything but remember what people hide from us its either for our own good or they're scared of how we re-act so give them all a break alright?"

Niall:"its like everyone's keeping something not from all of us but just from me"

Liam:"why do feel like that?"

Niall:"ever since that incident with Bess its as if nobody trusts me anymore.."

Liam:"you know that's all in your head"

Niall:"i hope it is"

Liam:"now lets go back inside"

We went back inside to find Harry sitting next to Bess with his head in his hands. He was whispering:"this is all my fault" over and over again

Niall:"hey Harry look srop blaming yourself for something that had nothing to do with any of us but fate "

Harry:"thanks Niall but if I didn't say the things I did this wouldn't have happened..."

Liam:"look harry we all say things we know we will regret later on but what happened happened its too late to do anything Harry"

Harry:" but I took it too far .."

Niall:"we won't lie to you but yes you took it too far but what happened after that was not your fault"

Harry:"thanks guys"

Liam:"hey what are pals for?"

Bess again started whispering after an hour or so but this time she wasn't calling harry this time she was having a conversation...

Bess:"but why?"

There was silence for a few minutes.

Bess:"there's nothing you can do to stop this?"

Another pause but this was a bit longer

Bess:"I'll miss you rory I didn't want this to end"

A tear slid down her bandage and onto the corner of her mouth.

Bess stayed quiet after that and so did Harry. Harry walked over to the door and said:"I better go tell the others how she's doing"

But before harry could leave bess said:"I can't tell anyone but Kim? But that isn't fair what am I supposed to tell the others? They're going to ask me loads of questions"

Harry turned around and noticed that there were dried tears on her cheeks he shook his head and left the room. Before he left I heard him say:"all these secrets and mysteries and we're not even close to solving them"

Niall:"what's she talking about?"

Liam:"I think that's the thing harry wanted to find out from her the day of the accident"

Niall:"we have to start a reality show .."

Liam:"I agree with that our lives have more secrets than pretty little liars"

Niall:"yup anyway I'm hungry I'll go check out the cafeteria do you want anything?"

Liam:"no its alright"

Niall:"alright suite yourself"

Niall left the room and I was sitting here fighting with my conscience about whether or not to tell the others about it... I finally deicded that I'll not tell them until later on ... Oh and if you're thinking about what bess said no I'm talking about something completely different ...

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