A Little Fun Then A Mystery...

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When we broke away Max scratched the back of his neck and bit his lower lip.

"dayum he's hot"

i know right?

"date him date him date him!" my mind echoed those two words over and over again but then i snapped out of it.

Max:"I'm sorry i guess it was a bit too sudden"

Bess:"Why are you appologising?" my face showed a sad expression "didn't you feel anything?"

Max bit his lip again. My mind echoed:"OH GOD STOP IT" Max:"i felt something but i'm not sure if you did.." he looked away , I walked closer to him and held his chin in the palm of my hand and he looked at me I didn't even think about it I just kissed him without a care in the world. We broke away both of us gasping for breath.

Max:"so you did feel something?"

I gave him a smirk and said:"hell yeah"

Max smiled and said:"alright lets go they're probably waiting"

I smiled we picked up the food and drinks and he went to get his guitar. I was waiting for Max in the living room scrolling through my phone when i noticed Max walking in.

Max:"are you ready?"

I nodded and we headed off to the park. I didn't know what to expect from Max after the kiss or what to expect from Harry after I told him ... Which brings me to think should I tell him?

Max:"alright we're here I can see a small fire over there I guess that's them"

Bess:"yea I guess so let's get over there" we walked together towards them.

Louis:"well look who joined us! Its about time you too came"

Bess:"well we had to get the stuff" I said lifting up the bag I was carrying and max carried his guitar case

Harry:"well come join us then?" I nodded and max and I took our seats.

Niall:"so can I start making smores?!"

I laughed a bit and passed him a box of chocolate and buscuits and a packet of marshmallows and said:"just don't finish them all"

Harry looked at me for a munutes and said:"can I talk to you?"

I nodded and he said:"alone.."

Bess:"alright come on" I sighed and got up and walked with him into the trees.

Harry:"bess I know you're confused about why I broke up with you but I just need to tell you that I di-" he stopped in his tracks and stared ahead of us. There was a shadowy figure and there was a sound coming form the bushes. Harry whispered:"I'm sorry for everything" the figure was walking in our direction

Bess:"what's going on harry? Do you know who that is?"

He didn't answer me which is what got me worried.

Did he find out? No he couldn't have nobody told him.. He wasn't near the house when it happened so what's buggng him?

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