A Disturbing Dream

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Bess was running in the forest something or someone was chasing her. She kept running until she bumped into someone. She staggered backwards but the person she bumped into caught her wrist and helped her to her balance. Bess was staring into Harry's dazzling green eyes.

Bess:"Harry I'm so glad to see you" He didn't reply his face showed no emotion she looked behind her and saw Trevor she wanted to yell she wanted to run but she couldn't move she couldn't even speak. He came closer with every step he took Harry took a step backwards bess looked at Harry his face still had no emotion. A tear fell from Bess's eye as he walked away into the darkness.

Bess:"HARRY! don't go please!" when she looked forward she saw him infront of her... Trevor was smiling his blue eyes sparkling she wanted to run she did not want to speak to him.

Trevor:"that's the guy you replaced me with?"

Bess:"he's not the one i replaced you with Trevor" 

Trevor:"Bess i was your first love you could've done so much better than him"

Bess:"Trevor you WERE my first love but you weren't my true love Trevor"

Trevor grabbed Bess's wrist he was leaning in to kiss her but Bess slapped him. Trevor pushed her she fell onto the groud she was strugling to get up but Trevor was stepping on her leg preventing her from moving.

Bess:"Trevor let me go!"

Trevor:"never Bess why won't you understand?"

Bess:"understand what exactly!?"

Trevor:"i love you Bess i've changed!"

Bess:"no you haven't Trevor you're still the same!"

Trevor:"what was i to you before you found out about me and her?"

Bess:"i loved you Trevor! you didn't love me as much as i loved you! You cheated on me and i will never take you back for what you did!"

Trevor was growing angry Bess was not afraid she looked him straight in the eye. Bess was still struggling but he was much stonger than she was. Trevor opened his mouth as if wanting to speak but nothing came out he just stood there staring at Bess when he shed a tear.

Bess:"Trevor please let me go"

Trevor:"i will never let you go Bess i love you!"


Trevor:"Bess you will regret this"

Bess:"i never regret my actions Trevor"

Trevor started walking away from Bess he blended into the darkness as he was a shadow. Bess sat on the damp ground alone she stood up and looked around it was dark there was not a single sound except the whistle of the wind. Bess started walking in the direction she saw Harry walk in she kept walking she heard whispers of sorrows that the wind was carrying away. One of the whispers that crossed her way belonged to her. Bess stopped on her tracks and listened to the wind's whisper. 

Bess:"i've lost everything i have nobody to care for me anymore i've lost Felix and Trevor and now Christian won't talk to me anymore.." she heard the faint pitter patter of the rain she stood there remembering the day her little brother died and the day she left her boyfriend. 

It was a cloudy afternoon Bess was sitting outside her porch crying as it started to rain on her. Her neighbor Harry was looking at her sadly they were only fourteen Bess was crying as she stared at the pouring rain she walked on her driveway and staring at her front garden where Felix's toys were laying down in the mud she picked them up and held it to her chest and whispered:''why did this have to happen to you?" she cried a little more. She looked at her neighbors house and saw a fourteen year old boy and seventeen year old girl staring at her she fell onto her knees and continues crying. Her mom stood at the doorsteps looking sadly at her daughter but didn't even go near her she just looked away and closed the door. Bess whispered to the wind:"I've lost everything I have nobody to care for me anymore.. I've lost Felix and Trevor and now Christian refuses to talk to me..." as she said those words she felt someone touch her shoulders she looked up and saw the girl that lived next door.

Gemma:"Hello dear don't be upset come in with me"

Bess:"w-w-who are you?"

Gemma:"I'm Harry's sister Gemma"

Bess:"I'm Bess the unwanted child in this family" she looked at the door as tears streamed down her face.

Gemma:"come with me Bess" Gemma smiled at Bess and offered her a hand. Bess took it and stood up she walked with Gemma to Gemma's front porch.

Harry was sitting on the hammock that they had on their front porch. Harry's mother came out and said:"Gemma and Harry get in no-" she noticed that Gemma was holding Bess in her arms as Bess cried quietly.

Anne:"oh dear what's wrong honey?"

Bess:"m-my little brother d-d-died"

Anne:"oh my but why are you wet?"

Bess:"i was on my porch crying and i noticed he left his toys on the yard so i picked them up and i cried in the rain"

Anne:"oh you poor thing what did your mom say?"

Bess:"Nothing she closed the door when she saw my on my knees crying in the rain"

Anne:"oh my come in the three of you" Harry got off the hammock and walked in. Gemma and Bess walked in together while bess was sobbing as Gemma tried to comfort her. 

Harry:"you never told me your name"

Bess:"its Bess what's yours?"

Harry:"i'm Harry" Harry was only beinng polite because his sister and mother were present.

Gemma:"Bess please stop crying everything will be alright i promise"

Bess:"i hope so" After those three words escaped her mouth the memory faded Bess was once again in the forest alone she fell onto her knees and screamed her heart out but she didn't notice her surroundings.

Niall ran out of his room as he was the first to hear Bess scream. He saw her asleep on the couch crying and whispering but he couldn't hear exactly what she was saying. He walked over to her and said:"Bess? Bess wake up you're having a nightmare!" Bess woke up she rubbed her eyes and sat up straight.

Bess:"what happened?"

Niall:"you were having a bad dream"

Bess wiped away her tears and said:"yea i guess i was"

Niall:"go back to sleep you look tired"

Bess was laying down and said:"good night Niall" 

He got up and said:"goodnight Bess" he walked back to his room and fell asleep.


Trevor is on the side x

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