A Fun Time

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Bess:"alright alright i agree to your terms"

Harry:"perfect as from tomorrow you will be my 'girlfriend' now isn't that what you've always wanted?''

Bess:"don't make me throw up" her phone vibrated it was a text from kim 'Bess! he's asking if im dating what do i say? - Kim' 'oh god kim just tell him no but there's someone you have in mind! - Bess' 'thank you Bess! - Kim' over at kim's table.

Sam:"why wont you give me another chance Kim?"

Kim:"because you left me by myself for a year i thought that no guy could replace you i stayed in my room for days alone hiding from the world but Bess woke me up from the nightmare i've been making up i picked myself up and went out to the world stronger and happier"

Sam:''dont tell me i never crossed your mind because im pretty sure i have"

Kim:"*sigh* you have crossed my mind but i have learned to move on.. i cant say i dont love you anymore but the truth is i dont love you like i did before"

Sam:''an who is this guy you've had your eye on?" 

Kim thought 'should i tell him? no i cant tell him he has something up his sleeve' so she said:"you dont know him atleast i think you don't"

Sam:"alright fair enough.. so can we atleast enjoy this meal as friends?" he looked pleadingly at Kim. Kim nodded and smiled.

Sam:"i've missed you Kim and not a day has passed by that i didnt think of you.. i really do love you but  since i kept away for a year i guess your heart as mended alone im sorry"

Kim:"everything happens for a reason Sam .. First Love never leaves but True Love can hide it for a while"

Sam:"you will always e my first love Kim"

Kim:"i wish i could say the same to you"

Sam:"i know you dated harry before me but i dated you before anyone else..''

Kim:"you dated Sydney right?" same nodded.. Kim:"how did it go?"

Sam:"she cheated on me so i let her go"

Kim:"sorry to hear that.."

Sam:"no its alright Sydney came after me apologising but since i had to come back here she said she'd come for me"

Kim:"well its just like you running after me you should chase her she loves you i on the other hand LOVED you"

Sam:"i guess you're right thanks Kim excuse me i need to make a phone call"

Kim:''alright go take your time" she smiled when he was gone she whispered under her breath:"you make me fall to my knees but yet i have to let you go"

Kim looked over at Bess and she found Bess was staring at her. Kim smiled and nodded but she was holding back the tears. The pain the memories all started flooding back to her every moment she spent with Same came flooding back like it all happened yesterday. she got a text:'Kim? you alright? i can see you tearing up - Bess' 'I'm fine Bess everything worked out :) dont worry im fine - Kim x' Bess looked at kim and nodded bess smiled and kim forced a smile. Sam came back and asked the waiter to bring the bill.

Sam:''do you want me to drop you home?"

Kim:"N-no its alright i'll walk home" 

Sam:"alright Kim oh and by the way thanks."

Kim:"no problem Sam" he got up he gave her a hug and walked away. Harry and Bess were watching the little scene.

Harry:"should i invite her to sit with us?"

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