Side Story : Ronaldo Vastbesloten Von Sonkei

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Amora's father

Ah yes.... my little girl is full of surprises. My little bundle of cuteness, Amora.

When she was little, she would always make some sweets with her mother for the whole family. At that time, she's always so cheerful and lively, that.... i took her affection for granted.

I was never the perfect father. I can only spend time with my family if i have any free time. My work as a designer and the son of a duke is really tiring you know. Too much time taken away by responsibilities.

I really wish i can have more time with my family. They are one of the few things that made me enjoy my working life.

And Aiko... oh when i first met you, i thought you were just an annoying person that could disturb my tranquility. Out of emotions, i would always insult you without thinking. But... you will only laugh and said that I'm such a 'lovable cute dork'.

No wonder there are so many guys that would chase you. Honestly, you are more of a natural charmer than me. You're the only who can make me feel like a young maiden in love. Which is pretty bad for my mental state every time you wooed me.

Yet when i told you to stay away, you will take a step deeper into my life. And for that, I'm really happy that you chose to do that.

Thank you for bearing my children and made me the happiest man alive.

Even though your grandfather disliked me very much...

And my parents hated my choice to become a designer, and made you my wife...

We still managed to survive into a family. I'm really grateful to you fate.


But... my little happy family changed after that year.

4 years ago, my little daughter, Amora, came back home with a new (never been seen before) expression on her face. Her behaviour slowly changed into distancing herself from everyone. Even from her family. She grew colder and less livelier, and cheerful than she was before.

It was like, the past Amora was never there.

Being some worried parents, Aiko and me would always asked her about what happened. But she would always answer our questions with half assed, unconvincing answers.

We even went to drastic measures and investigate on what made her like this. But to no avail, cause the only thing that we found out was that something unexpected happened.

If you think about it, that day, she's finally getting her magic powers tested. Every 5 year old must attend a magic tester event once they've discovered they have magic.

And my little girl was one of the few that didn't get quite the lucky draw. But even so, we still supported and loved her as a family.

I still don't understand why she would suddenly change like that. Her smiles are even considered as an empty one now. She shouldn't make that kind of smile for her age.

I'm really trying my hard to become more of a father to her, and my little boy. But my work kept bothering me. But I'm relieved that at least, my family understand what I'm doing.

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