Side Story : Little Brothers (2)

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Ah it's cold. It's really really cold. After all, it was snowing now.

A young boy, sat outside of a building covered in snow. With only a knitted scarf that he had left, hugging an old worn out book, with slightly dirty clothes and bandages covering some of his body parts. He was really at his limit, but he felt that maybe it isn't so bad going down like this. After all, if he died, he won't be this lonely. He will meet the rest of his family again. It's not so bad....

(I finally got my hands on a drawing tablet, and made this

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(I finally got my hands on a drawing tablet, and made this. You likey?? I'm just really happy i finally have one)

He remembered.... Back when everything was just fine. Back when all of his family and servants are still alive. The time where he could still taste his mother's beef stew and listen to the stories of the big servant sisters that would occasionally gossip. He missed all of those.

But somehow, he felt that all of this really was his fault. If only at that time, he didn't.... That tree... He knew it was sacred, but....

They told him that all of this really started because he insisted on going to climb that tree.....

But he didn't remember why he did it though. He really doesn't remember anything.

But back then, it appears a great tragedy happened. It made his father started loosing his mind from grieve, causing his magic to become unstable. So he has to be put on a mental health and magic caring system.

While his mother who took the job of the head of the house and company for a while, was over stressed and tired from all of the responsibilities that she carried. While also grieving for what happened to his father. He thought.

Although she was a very strong woman, she was so tired from managing all the work everyday without anyone helping her. And eventually, a jealous maid who god knows where did she come from, poisoned his mother making her fell into a short coma. His father who heard this, became more mentally unstable, broke out of the health care centre and rushed to where his mother is.

But he was too late, because when he arrived, the doctors and healers who were called to save her already told him that the poison already took her life, because there was really no cure for it.

Hearing the death of his wife, his father could only be more mentally broken and unstable. When he found out about the maid, he even used his magic to lift and choke her up himself.

The boy who saw this didn't do anything. Instead he was kinda happy that his father got to avenge his mother for what this woman had done to her. There's no law regarding attacking or maybe killing ? The person who's guilty of murdering your family, but his father was put on house arrest and can no longer roam outside.

Since then he couldn't control his magic anymore and it made everything chaotic. Because of the horrible work environment, some of the servants resigned. All of the business that his father had, was taken over by some coworker of his, and was never given to him again. He once heard from the news that his father's businesses that was taken away by his coworkers were bought by an upcoming noble family from Rabbit kingdom. That family is always on the news because they're basically trying to control the economy now.

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