C 29

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"Ladies and Gentlemens ! The stylist battle will begin in a couple of minutes from now !. Please find your seats, and maybe bet who'll win or not. As for i, your announcer, have brought you all a special news."

"Today, In this arena, this building, this time, this place, we have received a special guest as our main Judge for the competition. Give it up for, Sir. Ronaldo of the Sonkei House !!!!."

*the audience began to cheer*

"Omg, is it really him?! That Ronaldo ? How handsome !."

"Ikr ?, i heard his latest work for the Queen of Rabbit Kingdom was so good, that the queen made it as a trend statement."

"Really ?, I've also heard from my cousin that got back from working in the cold north, that his mufflers and mittens designs were all over the place !."

"Damn, not only is he handsome, successful,and talented, I've heard he's always guarded by someone because his magic are overpowered and might get taken advantage of !."

"Ugh, I'm so jealous of his wife now !"

"Ikr ? Like, omg please make me your partner so i can dress in your suits everyday."

"Hey, who're those kids behind him ? I've never seen him brought children anywhere."

"Are you kidding ?! They are his kids !. It was said that his son is a prodigy at the magic industry. He had time magic, that one rare magic that's hard to find and can alternate time !."

"Oh my godddd, he's blessed like his father too, I'll bet he'll grow handsome !."

"True, true. But what about the little girl in the back ? Is she his daughter ?."

"Her ?. I guess she is. His daughter is a very mysterious child. I heard that she rarely gets out, and her attitude's pretty cold. So I'm not sure about her."

"Hey, i think I've heard about something wrong with his daughter. From my sister who worked in the magic tester department, she said that's there's a Duke's daughter that got lesser powers. So low, that she can't even try to level up."

"Really ? Who's that girl ?."

"My sister said that the little girl came from the Sonkei House. I couldn't believe it at first, but when my sister complained about how awful it was, i thought it kinda makes sense why she rarely goes out."

"Omg, for reals?? What a pity !."

"Yeah, kinda a turn off there."

"Hey hey, it's just my speculation. Besides, it's not like we can do anything about it. And the battle's gonna start soon, so I'm going to buy some snacks."

"Count me In that too!. "


*The kids covering their ears (especially Amora), until the Ronaldo fans calmed down.*

"They sure are as loud as ever eh... " Amora

"Agreed." Rein-Kun

"Nee-san ? Why did we suddenly ran back there ?." Rein-Kun

"It's alright, I'm just thinking that we're gonna be late. And, to be honest, i don't really like to be watched or suddenly given much attention like that." Amora

"Oh... I see. Sorry for not noticing, i should have shooed them away for you Nee-san... " Rein-Kun

"Hey, why are you apologizing ? You didn't do anything wrong. And it's fine if some people wanted to hear me play, as long as they didn't watch so intently. And...." Amora

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