Side Story : A Shin's observation diary

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Yo there, Shinzawa Arthur here. It's been a week and a half since my brother and me have been released. What do you know, my father had actually looked for us both everywhere. That's good to hear. And my mother ? Same as usual.

She didn't really said anything after hearing that we're safe. But her coworkers messaged our dad, saying that she had suddenly stopped her work in the middle these past few days. I don't know what about that reaction, i guess she does care a bit for us. I hope so.

Listen, lately me and my brother have been visiting Amora's residence a lot. We didn't have much friends to begin with, so it's our first in a long time playing to a friend's house again. We did become friends didn't we ?. I meant, whenever i came there alone, there's this boy who would always stare at me viciously. It's like he said "Stay away, and don't come back." with his eyes. Amora told me that it's just her little brother.

I didn't know the reason he disliked me, but i guess there's a thing he had for my face and me spending my time with his sister. And my guess was right, cause this little guy might have a sister complex. No wonder Amora kinda looked a bit lonely at her own home if she had a brother like that.

Yes, i noticed that she's a bit lonely. I knew that she had friends of her own, i meant I've met 1 or 2 of them when they came to play. They're not that bad.


Sometimes, she would smile happily and joke about the simplest little things. From a simple thing like crunching leafs, or the sound of flowing river, to the smell of a newly opened book. She really liked all of that.

She had it rough in the past too huh ?.

When we went to the market together, even though this market was the one that's near her house, and she had been here multiple times, she looked very excited at the sight of people selling food, music playing, and some toys being made.


We went on a craft store there, and she's very excited to just simply look around. She would sometimes be very interested In some packages of little buttons, paints, brushes, textiles, and etc. She might become a designer in the future, since she really liked this stuff. She can draw pretty well too in my opinion.

I asked her why didn't she buy anything, she said she didn't really need all of these, and she didn't have some money of her own now. She said she'll wait until she gathered enough to buy one of those little kid's painting and sewing sets.

She came from a rich family in a castle like mansion, are you telling me that she couldn't even afford something like that on her own ?. I've got some questions here.

Yet, even when i questioned her about it, she said it's just money. She only wanted to use the money that she gained herself. Strange, for a little girl, those kind of words are very rare to hear.


Judging from her actions of speaking and handling money, i can conclude that she loves money. But she's not greedy enough to be that petty.

However, if it's about food, she'll be the pettiest god here. Just yesterday, i jokingly teased her about wanting to take her muffins away. I had almost taken a bite out of one, but she quickly reached my hand and ate the muffin herself.

'Really ? Just for a muffin ?. Oh dear me your pettiness.' Shin

'Shut up, these are my favorites, and I'm really hungry. ' Amora

'But you had already eaten lunch. Besides, there're 3 muffins there. You'll get fat if you ate that much. ' Shin

'Hah! A mere 3 muffins ? I can munch more than that.' Amora

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