V 2 C 43

386 13 7

"I like you, and i will never change my feelings for you. Be with me.... "

"*Sobs* Lies ! I saw you buying some new clothes for that woman the other day. I saw how you look at her !."

"You must be mistaken my dear, it is not what you think it was. She is not the one who i love, she's only my secretary !."

"*More ugly sobbing* I know you act whenever she's around you ! You don't need to hide it anymore. I already know, I'm dissapointed in you !."

*runs away*

"Wait dear !*holds wrist* I'm sorry. I should've told you. I'm, i, i confess. She's my childhood friend who promised to marry me when i grow up, but i can't loose you too !."

"Oh, so that's how it is huh ?! * slaps face*."

"..... I deserved that."

"But you know what ?. I'm gonna say that I'm sorry too, cause I'm... PREGNANT!. And you're not the father !."

"WHAT NO, how could you ?!."

"I, it's because he's-"

*Tune in Next Time to see how this will continue ,on

Tittle :

My Ex husband's secretary's lover's BASTARD child was my real child that was swapped by my current husband which is my ex brother in law that i cheated with for revenge on my dead family that was also not truly dead

Episode 256 : come again


"So, why are we watching this long ass tittled soap opera again ?." Belle

"I don't know, I'm quite bored, and it's the only interesting thing on tv. Plus, guess we could learn some acting skills in case we need some drama later." Amora

"Yeah, i know you're a theatre kid once, but why are these kind of soap operas tittles so damn long ?. Like, hell, by the time the narrator was done readin it I could probably gobble up a ton of poptarts, have diarrhea, and shït for some hours." Belle

"Ok, now don't tell me about that kind of your life experiences again. I'm still eating this chocolate fudge, i don't want to puke. " Amora

"Ha, suit yourself." Bell

"Btw Ai, why are we still watching tv now ?. Aren't we supposed to talk about some plans/strategies on a meeting ?." Bell

"Well, yeah that's the plan. Until you saw the tv, turn it on, ate my chocolate fudge, then went Netflix and chill with me." Amora

"Hmm, true true. Sorry i guess, the TV in my home is shïtty. Eh, why don't we just talk now. While the TV is still full of ads." Bell

"Sure. So the plan first, you said that the Greedas family have permitted your access to come in and out their mansion ?." Amora

"Yeah, and they did more than that. It's more like they're trying to take custody of me from my dad." Belle

"Oh, your father, how's your daddy doing ?." Amora

"Don't call him like that you lil shît, someone could mistake you for a chronophiliac." Belle

"Come on, you know i just like his look and type. Chill out, we're still kids, i can easily call him daddy without kink shamed. Besides, I don't really wanna be someone's step mother. I want to make a family my own someday." Amora

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