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Knowing all of that information, Amora finally made up her mind to settle things straight with her current situation.

She will train herself to the max and will put much effort in the things that she wants in this life.

She promised. And conveniently, she came to this world where there are still at the time of a school holiday. Which is about 3 months per year.

It's like the school breaks that she once had in her old life. Thinking this made her remember her old school.

In the past at some time, she became a target of bullying for 2-3 years. And she was only in her 4th grade at that time.

But even so, the children there are savages. Many of them have matured too early, leaving the clueless ones as fools that didn't understand anything.

And she was one of those naive ones. At first she was a young and happy child that only sees the best in everyone. But all of that changed when her friends made some gangs that would always stir up trouble.

Dividing the once best friends into enemies.

And while she herself only wanted to stay neutral and be friends with everybody, she didn't know that the friends that she once had, have gone too deep into the dark side.

Everyday they would always bully her, ignore her reasons and calls, blame everything on her, frame her to the teachers, and made her as a punching bag for their satisfaction.

Do you know why they did all of this ?

Simple. They were jealous of how carefree, loveable,and reliable her attitude were. The teachers would love her because she's a good kind girl, and she's always at the top marks.

She's even that polite, to the point of saying heck and insulting someone with names is sinfully wrong. They really hate her for her deeds.

But deep down they knew that she's really just a good kind girl. Sadly, they are twisted. The kids have already been influenced by the horrible environment around them badly.

Sadistic much right ?

Even though she knew that her life felt like hell, she didn't dare tell it to her parents or teachers. The others would always assumed that whenever they got into trouble, she was the one that told on them. But no, she still believed that every one deserves second chances.

But it all changed when she realized that her Best friend , betrayed her. She always thought that her one best friend, stayed by her side because she is very important to them.

But in the truth they just used her as a money source that can be used as a bank anytime. At first she didn't believed what she heard from them. But slowly she started to realize that everything makes sense.

All of her suffering, piggy bank breaking, food giving,homework cheating, she did all of that for her best friend.... yet this was the outcome as she watched her 'bestest friend' entering the bully group with a mocking smile to her.

In just a second her heart sink low, her mind is empty, but she could see everything clearly now. Yet there was something that snapped inside her mind.

She doesn't need to have friends to be happy. She would only need herself. And no one else. Just the support from her family is enough.

And that is the start where her revenge plan begin.

With that she decided to gather all of the informations and secrets about the bullies that tortured her. She grew up shady. Even though she looks like a quiet person outside ,inside, she is actually listening to the conversations of the people around her. From the teachers, students, even the sound of how noisy the clock is ticking, she could hear it all.

Her hearing is really powerful. But there's a catch, she couldn't bear to hear loud noises because of how sensitive her ears. So when people shout nearly close to her, she would feel a stinging pain in her head.

But you know after months of gathering information, she's ready to give this proof to all of the important people in her life.

First she gave it out to her parents so that they would believe what she has been through. And they were outraged and demanded to meet the principal in less than a week of time.

Secondly she gave the proof to one of her most trustable teacher that she already loved as a second father. And told him to spread it out to all of the staff and teachers.

And lastly she gave the proof to her bullies and blackmailed them. Telling them if they don't do what she demands, they will be expelled.

Most of them agreed, but a few of them disagreed and didn't care that much about the matter. Until one guy, the king of all the bullies to be exact, laugh at her mockingly and said that all of her works are useless. He who stand tall above others,not to care for them ,but bully them.

At this point all of them finally left her alone for today. The next day they tried to bully her and some other naive students once more. But as they were in the middle of doing so, their king got called to the principal's office along with the addition of a lawyer and a police officer that also entered the office.

They were shocked and scared at seeing their king entered the room where all decisions happened.

And while their king is inside that room, all of them including Aishi (or Amora now), were gathered in the main hall to seat on the floor. The teachers told them to be quiet and not to stir up trouble. And because the rest of them are slightly confused, they just agreed to the teachers command.

But little did they know, Ai knew what was happening. As she sit down on the furthest back of the floor, she slowly smiled. Thinking that her plan worked perfectly.

And she was right. The boy, the king of her bullies, got expelled and almost imprisoned for his actions. His parents that were already informed of this matter no longer would stand up for him after they have found out what he has been doing in those recent years.

He was humiliated,lectured,scolded by the principal and the police themselves.

He cried and cried all day saying that he was sorry for his wrong doings. He even told them that his friends were also at blame for bullying people. But all of them just defend themselves and put all of the blame to him. Saying that everything that they did was according to his orders. Which is 70% true most of the time.

So they got off with it after many persuasions. But now they actually have some fear and respect towards the girl who they've always bullied. Slowly, some of them one by one, went to her side and made friends with her. While the rest still couldn't believe that she was the one who did all of that herself. Taking the king down off his throne wasn't easy. Some of them who have tried in doing so ended up with failure.

Yet this girl who was always humble and kind suddenly changed her act and made him fall in just a couple of months.

And that was the story of when Amora or Aishi in this case, defeat her bullies. But that was her story in the past. Not the present.

So she calculated her plans of revenge even more steadily for her future.

And one of that was to make her powers improved a bit. Because 1 month is a short time for her.

So when the sun rises up in the next morning, she will start training her magic, physical powers,and sense of fashion in case she needed to compete or duel with someone later.

Her body is almost 10 years old now. But her mind is of a strong headed adult. So if she failed to rise up to her own expectations, she will be ashamed of herself.

And that was the start of her journey.

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