Side Story : grandfather's place

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"Mama, how's grandpa like ?." Amora

"Ah, he's a very hard headed man dear. He may sometimes be really strict, but he's a good man." Aiko

"Is Grandpa good to me in the past ?." Amora

"Hmm, let's say, that this will be the first in a long time meeting you both." Aiko

"But is it gonna be alright ?. What if i forgot something really important from him ?." Amora

"Ara, dear, it's fine. You and your brother haven't met him for a long time. It's fine if you said you forgot a few stuff." Aiko

"Oh.... Alright then." Amora

Fufu~ ah, it's been a long time since the children met their great grandfather. And it's been days since my grandfather has given me any news or jobs. How many years was it ?, i wished he would visit me instead of me visiting him. After all, he's not gonna age for a long time.

Hmm, let's see here, my husband won't come with us cause he's still busy at work. And... Another reason was that my grandfather hates his guts, very much. Maybe another reason was because we'll be staying there for a week ? Well, since it's holiday time for the kids.

Ara ara~ ah nee-chan won't come over too huh. That's a bit disappointing. We haven't met since 3 months during our last work. I wish she would stop being a workaholic like my husband and met me and the kids again.

*looks at the scenery around her*

Ah... Sweet Spisian. It's this Maiden's birth home. Atleast, this is where nee-chan and me were found. Oh ? My nee-chan and me aren't blood related. Neither do we have blood ties with our grandfather. Well.... We don't have pure blood ties with him. But he's the one who took care,taught, and trained us to how we became to be now.

Hmm, if you think about it, my grandfather was a very strange man. He took 2 girls in as his granddaughters and raised them until they could fend off for themselves. 2 girls, that were abandoned and was found half dead near the road to a cemetery. Such a rare and mysterious sight, isn't it ?. We didn't know what made the both of us like that. We lost most of our memories.

I think i was still under 5 years old at the time. Around 3 or 4 maybe ? I remembered nee-chan said that I'm still learning to walk even then. I'm a slow one aren't i ? Even so, i was found with my legs broken. And I'm still in rehabilitation for a couple of years after my grandfather had found me. Hmm, if you thought about it, my regenerating abilities are a bit slow in the past huh ?. Is this why my daughter inherited that kind of trait ?. If it's really genetical and not because of bad luck, then I'm sorry for you sweetie....

No, I meant it. Although i rarely felt sorry or guilty for anyone or anything, after being a mother, i felt I've gained some new emotions. In actuality, I've felt some ever since the moment I've met Ronaldo~

How times have changed now~ who's the tsundere who said that I'm just a pest by his side, and would always deny any kind of relationship with me ?. In the end, I'm the one who proposed to you huh ?. But you were so taken aback that you started to cry, cause you said you don't want to be the maiden in the story. You wanted to be the Prince Charming, but you didn't have the chance to give me that piece of ring that you bought.

Ara ara~ sorry deary, i rather beat you on that one if you want to hide first.

Oh! Look at that. My old house is just right down the street. It's still the same old house isn't it ?. And i bet it's still the same old man who lived in it.

"Dear, go wake up your brother. We're almost there now." Aiko

"Ok. Ooh, is that the house ?." Amora

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