C 16

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Day 26 :


I've made a huge mistake. Like, i messed up real bad.

Today at lunch, i was eating my food like usual without hesitation. But on midway eating, my brain decided to sing Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Really loud.

I thought no one was near me since I'm eating alone in my room.

But whooooopppsss, it turns out Lyra,Rein-kun,and the stalker morse guy heard me sang it. And i didn't notice them until they went in and hug me (who was still holding some food) while saying something along the lines of


However I'm grateful that Johnny boy here didn't hug me but gave me a "You've suffered much." Look.

But you know, thank god i didn't sang the heavy swear words.

Or else Rein-kun will be tainted by my swearing and his mouth would mature early.

By the following day, both Lyra and Rein-kun won't stop pestering me about who made me 'think' like that. Or who's kneecaps they should steal.

Whenever i told them that it was just a song, they will go on a rant thinking that I must've been really hurt and depressed (which is true for the depressed part) because something in my life is very wrong. But i won't told them, because 'i didn't want to make any of them worry.' Hah.

Uhh, no. In truth, we all know that i kept it a secret because i want to do the revenge thing alone and didn't want them to mess up something or get in the way. It's frustrating if y'all kept thinking that I'm worried about your opinions. Like, i take advices, but no opinions. The internet taught me that.

If you let out your opinion so carelessly, you could also be beaten the same way as your care. So that's why i thought it's better to use stealth methods for revenge.

After all of that happened, the climax was when i was busy at the evening reading some history books. A couple of servants were talking to each other gleefully without noticing me 2 racks away from them.(note: I'm in the library. Where else ?)

I heard something interestingly fun. Cause you know, after the first maid left the other one alone, she silently monologues about having my pops all to herself along with the entire household under her command.

I just stared at her silently and grinned for how stupid she was to blurt all of that on her own. But hey, she didn't notice me. Understandable. It's cause my ears are still the same as they were in the past. Sensitive to sounds farther than what it was supposed to hear.

And do you know what the maid brought out from her pocket ? A bottle of cyanide. How did i know ?, she literally called its name out and there was also a big cyanide text printed on the bottle's label.

I'm not in the right place to judge others, but that was just plain stupid. Like at least give it some name like "my meds" or maybe just don't said the name out loud like a good serial killer.

You know what's even more funny ? She monologues her entire plan like a regular 80's cartoon villain.

I really wanted to facepalm, but then she would hear me. So i kept my silence.

And to be honest, if i were her, i would mix the cyanide with water then turned it into ice. Then proceeds to mix it out with a very sweet drink that could evaporate quickly. Like tea for example, which is one of the drinks that my mama would drink to relax.

Maybe add some liquid nitrogen, and make it seem like the person who drink the tea was dead by an allergic reaction to liquid nitrogen.(idk if someone could be allergic to nitrogen tho)

Plus, i would do all of that by wearing gloves and dispose of the evidence by making them simply gone from existence. With all sorts of methods.

While the body.... meh. Where's the fun in keeping them in the same spot, when you can make everything seemed like an accident ?.

I swear I'm not a serial killer. I just like these kind of dark stuff. It was a habit.

But really, i think i should be very serious on this. I meant, she probably wanted to poison one of us except my pops. Yeah, I'll wait until tomorrow and knock her out.

I think it will be really great to make her recall her deepest darkest secret fear.

Cause that will be juicy."

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