First Meet

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Today is my first day study at Gyeonddong high school. I was so happy because I heard that I was the same school with EXO. I can't stop thinking of them, and suddenly someone calls me.

Chanyeol : Excuse me, can I sit here, sweetie girl?

Me : Oh, sure, sure....

Suho : Let's sit around here together!


The class was crowded as soon as they enter. Of course, they are sitting together because they always said "We Are One". I never thought that I can sit so near to my idols, for just a status as fangirl. All of sudden, when I'm going out from classroom, a group of girls come in. I was being pushed and ended up fell down.

D.O : Are you okay? (reach his hands out)

Me : I.... I'm okay. Thanks (stands up)

D.O : Be sure to becareful next time. (pats your shoulder)

Me : I will.


At break time, I was lonely with myself cause' I was too shy to meet new friends. I decided to sit in the classroom by myself.

Baekhyun : Why don't you go out and meet some new friends, huh?

Me : I.... I'm too shy. (blushed)

Suho : Hahaha, don't need to be shy. Just take us as your friends.

Me : Yeah, okay.

D.O : We have talk very much so, but I haven't know one thing, what's your name? I'm D.O, just call me Kyungsoo.

Me : I'm Soojin.

Sehun : What a good name! You're beautiful, with such a beautiful name too! I'm Sehun.

Baekhyun : I'm Baekhyun. Just call me Baek (winks at me

Me : Aniya. Don't praise me like that, Sehun. (Looks down shyly)


The first day with EXO is going to end soon. The bell rings sign to go home. I decided to go home by myself. I passed a basketball court & see some boys playing basketball, it was EXO. But It was late already, so I don't intend to watch them play, keep going straight just like ignoring them. Suddenly, someone block my way.



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